
Friday, 25 October 2024

ferkits a Woolhall....

 the great scribe and "thief" thank god....

But even the Woolly man with the latest bootleggin' kit.... couldn't capture a decade later.... 

the vibration and BODILY resonnance of ' energy' .....

equal to the combined force of a dozen  Israeli babe toggled afterburners,  gettin' their heads back on straight....and runnin' away .... 

at full thrust a  certain person experienced the best loud concert ive ever been to.....  and shetoo, as no way could those Johnny come lately,  Guns ... be all the way.... and know what poetry ..and genius nuance for.. plus soundtrack from the heavens..

'second sight' ... into nothing can change it seems...what a dull life.

( the so called intellectuals making one mistake, their death cult Adam Curtiss silly boy version of so called history:.... a trajectory began in the 60s could have carried on ...  indeed was doing quite well.. scheduled to reach better  high and level plateaus of egalitarianism and universal human rightsism.... and still could have.. . . 

...the yoof of today need to hear that.... the slide back relative to where we should have ...could have....been by now and i aint no utopian numbty....

... is RELATIVELY that target point aimed for and doing ok.........rather bad.... 

and no one cares much about The Levant except for their oils....  it's the rhetoric and communication ...and understandin' over ear thats fallen right back into an abyss of the dark ages...

( audio made yest soon to ear)

relative to where it should have been

and i blame only Russell Brand... and those whom.... dotdot dot...

to be cont