Tuesday 22 October 2024


 ... i need to ungender it..

They are so obsessed with that fey  agenda there's no hope....

( ... cut to my films of the Welsh axebabes at the Norton show  in my chronicles

two years ago

muvvafucker better with their axes than me

and the Old ex alcoholic man of Eywood

born with an axe between his reeth

 he thought i woz a wimp

til one day three years ago me runnin' out if wood i asked him to stand aside

from the  knotted stumps he couldn't chop and eas rejecting as unchoppable

" you think i am one if these yuppy losers, too... well...  i was born with onetoo  ... Ralph's ... "

and his jaw droped


but until i get there

oh my ohh my two orgasms in one morning  before a hearty bowl of porridge

( " women have around 90% of the potential 'strength' of blokes ... " problem is they gave up doin' real landwork OR recycling rotten wood... even harder landwork that is  THEenvironmentalism... not the made up one of The Gren 'party people'...  just show off at shows and thus... the land became taken over by Morgan Stanley or whatever  fiscalating institution cos only small cooperative .. thats woman and  man togetherish farms could protect the environment better...which is mainly about strength that in fact slowly develops over decades of using the body... interestingly it carries on developing in older 'humans' too. indeed does so well into 60s still..... if you use it...

..  all i care about, telling tales on..)

But theres no point as

( google "EU personalised numberplates" .. most EU countries block them... or restrict... 

all this fetid swamp, is Mamon= a society the only one in Europe - that has for all my dull adult life a meggamarket...where people - about 5-10% of The Marches..about  10% of the SW fringe regions of loonly Londoners..  where for status people spend enough money to feed a small farm with for a year, on their showoff numberplates...  )



... Misseys ... on her Odd Essay....

Thing is i aint started yet....


I mean ... well apart from the Mate man ( doesn't even desrve a moment of my time getting his e acute off some lying webpage)...

so a year ago running up to their fey Christ...mass 

monsterim festival of consumerism

there she was... 


pontificatin' rather well on its all gone nuts...

But when push came to shove a month or so later...

" these lasses... so as to  train them out of their default position as you say they will false Allegator any man comes to your small herd farm.... i can come and we can work on it..them... i bulletproof..and know how... village to raise a child or even 18 year olds still stuck being child..... we could even teach them tough love a lesson... cos i even had my protection on around you i dont trust a word out of your 'farmers' ' market gob ...  let them make up lies ... we have..we contrive... evidence they lie.... and then confront gently ...as you know full well tragically theyre off to gaol soon if this doesnt get fixed.."

nope not able to converse despite long converses..

 thing is the  one thing you cannot say 

" ehhh.. you have this whole act you are humble sheepfarmer ...  except this supercharged  mushroom or whatever gojjiberry nonsense coffee packs you are selling.. .. errata the special word.. is it capsule....errata self employed franchiseeing....  its eighteen quid for about 12 cups..... Mammon.... ohh you haven't noticed ..i did ...Gabor Mate is in the instagram feed of your franchisater  .. smiley marketing it for you at some lovely cool people London function..    probably here too tjis cocaine fuelled fetid swamp of Porthleven... acfually smells like a bogtoo so much pollution running in.."

which sounds sour ....

i couldnt give a shit if some middle aged  ex many year nurse bimbo is a con artist... 

but i do....

 when ALL his poison has seeped in everywhere.  .

nope its NOT about 'trauma'..  everyone has a bit of that, and many a big blob of it..

because there is a solution....

( do something NOT you...first... to be cont  later)

but also if long toughtimes...pretend

ohh " therapy"... 

that you are in a story....

but a good one that is a realish one rather than some angel comes and grabs your hand and... even i still cry at...

pretend....that indeed it is just ...The Odyssey... dull years of it

There's no money in that for Mate coffee deal spons.... or bad youtube self pity vids....

the ' club' their ultimate club of we got hooked... so blame something unarguably bad... like her grand getting shot point blank in the bonce by the Nazis.. 'trauma'....

problem is... none of it works.

and anyway life is just an endless stream of morons come even closer with their pistol as you get older... especially if you do not show any hurt outside or inside

like me... i am bulletproof ... 

I am quite sure a 'survivor' like Mister Mate knows deep down...his crap doesnt work......

but it keeps on bringing him custom....

and dopanine highs from the clicks

i dont get any as i never look and anyway just assume she put the feds on Mister "Groundhog", too...

problem is only one wise woman said " i dont believe in institution" or words to that effect on her Fakebook wall a few years ago...

but even that one, is not well enough self-educated  in her non muvvatongue or any ...to have encountered line two of rhat cheery fine factoid: the PURPOSE of any....' institution' eg Mister Mate...should be to put themselves out if bizzness .. job done! the issue..or need for the institution, fixed...

.... and compulsion can be....

all the way..

such that you can go back and have a pint.  or snort if you must...

by one REAL thing...and it sure aint god hes a conartist,  wanting a codependent world...too...

to be cont

but be clear Ayn Rand was problematical.... 

she didnt have any answer either tho blesser for trying .