Monday 7 October 2024

But, the 'joke'?

 ... the 

( at the one nearly perfect atchin tan, who cares about silly

 ego filled humanity

and note to self, a random Siouxsi 'short'

She will have to go, too)

cosmic leg puller

Right ranty, witchy one

Endless revenge

For what exactly

What did we do?

There I am

 Last visit to the bench

Of his awful chemical stench

Thister June 

or was it july.

One doesn't like to make 'personal' comment.

About anyone.

Commenting upon those taking public cash

For ' community' or whatever boulder...dash

To make them look good  

doing nothing utilitarian

 for anyone else, much

Except as always in these Gwerkian type places 



And of course they hate any gossip or chat they don't control.

That may take from their public image.

And even hinting at some place or personhood

Even for useful memoir or preferredword, reflections.

I know i was made ok

by words put down by a few sane ones some long gone  rainy day

Especially the farmer woman, must'v been 20s or 30s, 

who memoir-wrote of how richfolktowny   'visitorism' or even tourism, had "corrupted the soul and destabilised the backbone of my once balanced community"

A universal.

Can't reverse time. Only a fool think like that.

Anyway in short, one woman in the last place one may expect.

There we were.

As the last  warmth was leaving the warmest cove.

Due the backstage backdrop 

of dark photon hoarding darkstone

( though i was surprised she didn't know of it always being 5 degrees above all the surrounding ambience)

Half an hour later: 

" thank you...i so needed to hear that... you have changed my nowlife, and tomorrow... i knew deep down, sadly, being schoolteacher now,  is over.. it is only anguish and daily exhaustion... furrowed brow and daily dysfunction.. [ to slightly sharpen her words into exact shortform meaning, of what her tired eyes also said]......  i believe your stories of how the Europeans in my role  as you say...your summer of them...dont feel that its all over and no hope.... and English counterparts all as fucked as me.."

Wonderful,  at last, just one honest open communicant.

Not wanting to fight. 

Jab stab  ego scream

The default setting of almost every other one of 'em as soon as you open your many years of  thought on any point shared, gob...

For purpose... 

communication being to cause trust

And even DOing... the next.

I hope she does for her sake.


Not because she is teacher.

Nor, at last, an open totally 100% honest no hiding no coyness  woman....

And we know why - our shared teenage moments, of knowing the very last remnants of

( and that's the line... there is one... the absurdity of tiktok - the only clip i have ever looked at on that ruining film platform by cutting the sides off, apparently has sad, mad, unparented young Israeli men tiktokin' their angsty  little compulsion [ their word, "addiction"],  of blowin' up raghead homes....  and other warcrimes, yet... 

THE greatest piece of cinema ever, on blowing out of the water American and  moronic 'islam' body neurosis, [ you dont find in subsaharan Africa, South America at all ever,  or much of the Far East, where when its hot and sweaty  the "birds" get their hot pants on, by default] ...

.... the woman getting on the back of his motorbike

 her fabulous  natural bigjugs bouncin'  along for the ride...NO ONE EVEN  LOOKS, never mind stares.. that is what is filmed by Roeg.....   its her business to do what she wants with herjugs..

.add in....the old lezzie grannies prancin' around in poshpicnic attire... the hilarious couple arguing over the raggety umberella .. ..and no one would accuse him of mamsplaining his gaslightism or coercion...   cos he won the handle 

the vandals took the fabric....

 they ... absurd bigtech even chinkytech...go and black out the bits of the actual truth of actual real sane evolution....)

 we were both there.

Not there there both younger than there there 1971

But it remained...

into the late 70s..

And we both lived it just enough.

The real true good ' hippie' change

Where a womans jugs are her business... 

And Terry and Linda the perfect match

And who cares if the gorgeous ( only online "bird" ive ever been addicted to.. first seein' the Terry and knowin' first equal greatest soul singer ever ) one with the spliff at the start is Churchill's daughter....

But all that is our perfectly shared 

Perfect past.

Before chemicals ( and selling out)  came along and ruined it all....

When unlike  at the Hollybush Hay-on-wye  from mid 00s when the fake ' hippies' moved in who had no notion of 

( as i said to her " that lot the first real wave i was lucky enough to know a few of... always were aware of everyone around them and would never dream of having a generator on later on at night or making a noise by the sleeping area if some other 'human' obviously needed their rest... real 'community'... [ and anyone overdoing the mild pot-  all there was... as REPLACEMENT for mother's ruin.. we eschewed...would be looked after and a word had with.... and no mushrooms were a bit of a silly thing one believed in... ever... having magical shamanic bullshit death trap claptrap  crap ' properties'......  just for occasional  pot+ buzz..] ".. )

But to meet your exact type .... never  before refound.. is all very well... no big deal....

But ... 

go out on a higher high note!

. ....that her 31 year old daughter, is the only "human" i ever even heard of whom..  from very spotty youthfulness barked

" mum... i not using this horrid plastic  chemical   filled stuff  called toothpaste... cos even little  bits of even plastic globule toothpaste...into the watercourses... has a negative effect.. on the tree of life...

[..mum i will be ASCETIC - correct usage no fuckin sky fairy nonsense, just SIMPLE]

and thoughtful about mother earth" 

Is what i never heard, ever, all mine.

I would know.

As thats exactly what i too was

 45 years ago

And no one really guided me much... except old man Ralph.

" lad ... one smallest change we make to naycherrr  there.... whatever we put in water bottom of tree of life..... and it may  effect a bit o' it there over there .. that we can't  even see..."