Friday 4 October 2024

book 1

 even if all books, are spoiled by one rather silly man: ( i bought and read  his first two big fatties) ... the greatest grooming fraudster, ever, of the awful BBC and...and .... ( silly Cityfolk) into ...academe

Because we are talking top boundary layer scum on the pond of bad science, and thus he was listened to.

" look at sexy smiley me... ...[ uhhh ohhhh... cant he think!? if 'road rage' emerges from almost nowhere  and becomes a real thing, he peddles many other svientific  data driven actual real proofs such as the rate of extreme vs routine violence seen inbound  into a city AandE ... ballooned the last decade]..

" humanity is getting so so much nicer and peaceable and 'community'... Fakebook proves it !!  [ smiley emojii... he cannot wipe off his face, be it labelled Pinkerstein or Pinkerhouse at birth...]..."

Ten years ago i just sighed " you stupid man...and rvil BBC pandering his propoganda   .... data, and unmeasurable data: LATENT  violence...if theshit hits the fan, OBVIOUSLY means the real bubblin' below rage...road, or ragrage [ when they discover even  Wimmin's hr don't have the MANNERS to autorespond a quick ' thanks for your exyremwly important to the future of humanity,  reflection

 by email, on this occasion

 we dont have time to add into the program to get balance...maybe next time...have a nice day'....  will bubble up...bigtime

 'when the levee breaks' 

as a few great songwriters managed to get into great wordpictures

"Now, several months ago at last i heard at least one break rank out of that supercult... of smiley Pinkeresque dangerous fantasy

( and hahh hahh its just come back to memory even if my notepads also are near perfect)

Rory and Al a few months ago

 " last decade most bloodthirsty and dangerous  since ww2..."

But it occurred lastereve dozing off, that came back too:

" small scale  landuse.... oldschool farms, real ones,   the best as sometimes  super eco aware

.... SO so collaborative....  borrow a combine from Alun up the road... lend him your haywaggon in return.... one may even pay him back, honouring a pure quid-pro-quo,  by baby....

...sitting his 'Rosie' on your lap ....when she reaches legal age....  under a real oldsvhool hayrick repurposing it for what it was in fact designed for .... 

" but hang on, eureka, surely!!  if one thinks about the  amount of different breeds of 'domesticated'  beasts,  and of course dogs ...and  even her pet Bees....

" humans....Martin's great book The Sickening Mind: [ yet to even have the words back then at time of writing]  ' well bugger me.... researching the death rates around SaddamScudding  time... generally friday evening teatime...

you would expect those under the flightpath   or om target zone  to die MORE often of their latent ... stroke/ heart attack.. but the very simple non fiddlable data  is clear... fewer die..almost as if they 'will' themselves  to stay alive a bit longer to see if their many year intollerant  stroppy neighbour gets a scud up the bum or will it be their turn...'

...... the human mind and possibly other  ' high level systems' to quote latest  science....  may have equal-to-genes unknowable effect in human evolution...  [ tube "  dawkins  was wrong" iai channel excellent talk, cut dhort by meanie creep Hilary]

"  beasts  possibly probably it is more about the 'breeding' . 

" but think of ALL the different  beasts  edible, or edible but not eaten unless   there is famine, so used as hunting beasts until that point.... and plants  

" hundreds  of  different  potentially' harvestable'  genes in any region ( including doggie stew  'wo/man's best friend'

" no one small farm.... in 5000 bc ...  or i should put BCE as i think theres a truth issue there ...or in   King Herod's  (of the  Serbs,  really, bbqing babies-  they know not to waste good meat) time... 500 years ago...200 even.... vould conceivably have enough ferret cages ... fuzz cages a BIG investment in time and resources home a few maybe more than a few would need to properly ' selectively breed' ... 

 moocow, fuzzie...  chiwowa... all take a lot of genetics....many failed couplings of course.

" there is only one way  humanity across the globe could gave done all that...a really MASSIVE job over 100s of years

and that is if most humans were in fact  as a norm extremely collaborative  ... quid pro quoing their ferret with the pink paw mutation with another the next valley so as to capture the gay ferret buyer market, collaboratively .. 

BUT ..

if you think about it  . 

really too big a job to move a few moos over to the next valley where a matey mooman has a similar breed  just to go and compare characteristics to try and breed ' for'  any intended ' enhancement'...

too much effort by far!!

as a huge amount of breeding required to get from a St Bernard, to said Chiwowa....

And thus, tnough anthropologists can rarely 'prove' ANYthing  and spin a HELL of a lot...

by reasoning it must gave been the case that humans COMMUNICATED .... at length, pleasanrly, accurately....about any cariants they had in their farmyard looking for matches in the  next valley oerhaps...

retain in their minds what they need 

and then communicate this to many beighbours over gime asking sho may gave some distant enough bloodline but similar ' variant'

in fact one could surmise that major far and wide great communication and then real neighbourly smiley REAL  collaboration was virtually default...

my my.... how unevolved we have become .... Houellebec Atomised,  maybe should be book 1 of the new human era... because surely it is the greatest of all   ' changes'

ooos that isnt book 1 just a note to self.... all mine are iriginal unless stated clearly otherwisd...the very occasional songline repurposed but its assumed as only very good ones that are well known, my reader will know them.before thinking

 "i shall ave im forthat shopliftin"
