Thursday, 31 October 2024

At last, one... grown up


In Pastylandshire not poisoned by stodgy pastry and ...(that was so interesting hearing the brown man speak on yesterveryearly world service about how the boat owners treat him as scum on a pond to be stirred and spittlated, for their kicks... the boat 'community' i know won, but not telling the true story of how backwards and from another pre Enlightenment age they bad for 'mental health'..)

Though a city-man...

When the refuse starts to burn... many indeed carry into the wildlands when they run away, with their pots of gold...

He got it " currency..I am the poor fool... utterly broke as i will not use it.. their confected pain hurt and vulnerability... and woe is me the one with the sexiest boots in the world i met a little earlier her first default word 'trauma'..." 

" i do it with panache.." really IS the enemy of " human" kind.... when that word  - 'kind' became the last one of a kind... the complete and utter powerhungry sop to end all sops.... 
Or to put it in old fashioned finest language ever, just wolves in sheeps' rags... cos you can only afford the latest version of a nice natural fibres warm woolen jumper if you have hungry wolved down all the attention, Fakebook clicks or someone else's inherited dosh... or sold something no one actually needs, which is every book written here for several the sales seem to confirm

But i have heard, from one horses actual change is afoot...
To becont
For 'now'..

THE 'equation'.   

How actually interesting to live at a time of maybe the real choice

And i have to make it. 

Occam's Razor scraping at his cheekburned "bum" i think at the end of the day decides...