In Pastylandshire not poisoned by stodgy pastry and ...(that was so interesting hearing the brown man speak on yesterveryearly world service about how the boat owners treat him as scum on a pond to be stirred and spittlated, for their kicks... the boat 'community' i know won, but not telling the true story of how backwards and from another pre Enlightenment age they bad for 'mental health'..)
Though a city-man...
When the refuse starts to burn... many indeed carry into the wildlands when they run away, with their pots of gold...
He got it " currency..I am the poor fool... utterly broke as i will not use it.. their confected pain hurt and vulnerability... and woe is me the one with the sexiest boots in the world i met a little earlier her first default word 'trauma'..."
THE 'equation'.
How actually interesting to live at a time of maybe the real choice
And i have to make it.
Occam's Razor scraping at his cheekburned "bum" i think at the end of the day decides...