
Sunday, 22 September 2024

"two cultures"

 Mister Snow, CP

POETRY mode..over and out.

Even if what fun it has been.

No not here... on The Track with the Queens

Of the outdoors, the MOVEMENT and all that

I conclude after one year it merely is the momentum

(not their tragic litte girl 'energy' - yet another vat of snake oil

:- )  : - ) and if he can get his vat registration then bingo i can claim the 20% back from my next ten latest hitech yoga mats necessary to protect his knesstrapped knees in house renovation)

we dont talk about in this con catty nation

 yes.. loping.. meanderlope with direction to nowhere except what randomly come sup..merely plodding on with slightly quickish marh..momentum)

But what gets them...has many many a time 'got' them..

Is being able to Socratically spin a plate - two in fact.. above our sadly not often enough " it is not until we have been speaking an hour we begin a conversation" to be all Pablo Nerudan..

no point saying that to them (i learned) as it is the second most certain line to get you hissed at and they cattily runoff to put another Dryrobe in the washer so as to add to sludgy ubiquitous runoff

(as my River Exe informant  - boss of their data, at last admitted!!! what bliss.... i may have to nuke her off her perch and kidnap her despite him having the button by their bed)

How to shoo away any "bird" in any land taken over by the FAkebookerese and general dont-want-to-be-a-cleaning-ladysmiths...

1. " i get up at first ;light, always..its lovely.. GREAT for health in every way.. and the environment as it means one isnt wasting the midnight oil...not even ultra fake Wwendel berry can manage to recall where his off switch is at dusk as he is the greatest hippo of day we will take him down..i have the ammo five years drying in my pouch..

But sadly yes its a red flag a red line ...  meaning it may show up like Homers bloodied dawn finger is pointed at themtoo.. maybe youtoo need to get up in the actual morning... too..

No i wouldnt dream of saying that to any prospectivebut they all know exactly what getting up always means... 

not metoo

And then number two the Neruda...

Anyway poetry..

I often disturb - REALLY ..whats the word in lore " fuck off"? many a trackway communicant..

'pivoting' - amazing how quickly that 2020 word went out of fashion like lets hope their ugly 75 quid cowboy hats dotoo..

From dry scientific diatribes

on Dryrobes and the whole REAL human ecosytystem - The MArches as a result of the shoddiest shitpipe building ever..i mean yours that pokes out of the yuppybarn.. one of those "poor poor" locals CHOSE to flog off for a fortune so s/he can keep up with the incoming Joneses and have the ltest unnecessary 75 g pickuptoo...

And real science i can spin over in one sentence midway into poetical live action rapsong extemporisation and be pretty poeticaltoo

(only cos she said she wanted to know one... even if they all forget what they want before theyve even said it the butterflyitis so geniously  PROTO or bigger than anything real and quantum fact yes new syndrome neuron of their brains that side of the universe...doesnt talk to the one the other side even if quantum theory says it MUST!.have 'second sight' automatically and kniow EVERYTHING instantaneously... .  and thus they have no mind as they are immune to even quantum particulate nudges in the ribs.." you ..oi...other side of the universe...we agreed on that / said that... have you forgotten even if the speed of light hasnt even caught up with your lack of memory instantaneous despite Einstinian fizzics!...fuck theres no hope ever .. you clever  post Einsteinian genius...or are YOU the Dark Matter they still cannot thinks a Nobel may be at hand if that got out bless yer.." ) 

Anyway yes i do both. .. instantaneously... and let go entirely on my track-meets..

Fact and poetry in one

as much as anything can be fact

(i did a riff yesteraft about her 'hologram' may Bee.. theyre all so trendily into now..a wonderful excuse even better than Buddhism for doing nothing, ever.. that film, soon...)

But dspite all this, good for me

live action spontaneous poetry

i couldnt really do before

Having absolutely nothing left.

Life was worth living merely just for one  - mzybe the best of all encounters.

A hat like a sergeant majors daughter from Surrey and i am quite sure a bridge habit to boot.

But i know one thing.

That kind of mum has solidarity

with her "cleaning lady" daughter

In harmony, the two of them

Truest beauty...

" nope.. you cannot say anything any more to .. The English.. under about 50 maybe 55.. most of the resttoo...  without getting your eyes clawed out by a cat sick of her superfood gojii flavoured home made snake oil, wants some real 'natural' stuff and to FIGHT for it...but cannot as the Discovery payments are so high.... so her anger turns outward too as well as self-harming, inward... 

or are a man, without fearing you say..our younger men live in mortal fear of daily...." (minor adjustment to last sentence but they will realise soon its the truth)

Ok Hull woman number 1.. but (in my shortcut nickname minds eye) Surrey battleaxe a REAL Boadicea.. almost first equal.

The end..

of the summer. Best ive had for 15 years....

Which wa simpossible.