
Tuesday 24 September 2024

Tragically, so

thistermorn, the last here...
Every last item aired and prepared
all that really matters


Only because an actual thoughtful generationalist feels some kind of 'responsibility' to understand the (always a 'bought boho''s stolen word, zeitgeist - displayed as a cool cowboy hat and mirror shades of a word..  only to make them look good when theyve hardly read any Russians or Frogs.. they mention of course the really not very good MAster and Margarita as it sounds like a bad reggae house party they nearly went to..." i know a fancy word" word.. for NOW) all of it .. the now of now is hard

And even harder when the supposed  'commentariat' go and rebrand themselves 'heterodox' or even 'public intellectuals' or as it was 'IDW'..  in other words they used to manage to get a comment piece in a newspaper, or a genuinely wistful book, contracted - meaning the one i had the only book i have read and forget what  it was... 

By someone 'current' -  phhhwww.. maybe ...  ugghhh an author kind of a bit TS Elliotish from the 50s will come back [into my decidely non holey head] one day.. his NOT famous book of 600 essays just smatterations of a paragraph or two a truly magnificent insightful un preened book.. just musings..

 People with maybe better minds, or some confidence, should splurge even if much needs editing a decade on for egomania of the zeitgeist and what is more universal..

Anyway i have a few years meandered the so called 'better' minds.. who nowadays  - my generation really do need to accept one thing:  even Meghan goes Youtube.. and all of them from dawkins to the tragic Taibbi dream of a popular substack so they can charge a few bucks a week...and also stick a lot of themselves for free on the Tube when they discover few pay the subs and all of us get pissed off at the emails you get from especially HAnnif despite 'unsubscribing'..i mean one a day

Which is ok but i bet longterm it wont work as there is so much rubbish for free...

And there are NONE except Eric Weinstein Sarah Haider and .. Meghan's sardonic quips... 3ho have ANYthing non-bimbo to say

A full pack, oops none of the 3.5 ish % in that as Douglas Murray USED to be my go-to for brave say-it-all.. except since Oct 7 he seems to only be able to say "revenge" but in some awfully camouflaged  poncespeak.. for "i am a very very unhappy viscious little prick whom wants as much blood as possible flowing ... and now own 'free speech' to say so.."

Anyway for a year nearly what is the 'media'? .. every single one poised on the edge of their seat for, this last !!! ....they have what they NEED to get more clicks - all they really want..the magic words theyve been preying for behind the mask of their so called consciousness... " 500 bombed to bits in Lebland.." 

And what is extraordinary is that except the above named three, oks... NONE - not one, especially Douglas Murray and sam harris can ever say "fourty.. sixty.. whatever showoff interpretation a bloody lifetime of this.. if we can spend a trillion (and  a half i believe? ) on Ukraine and move many away on extended holiday.. and if the world didnt say naughty Israel you are committing snactionable warcrimes on Oct 9..and thus its over  poor find a way of saving life at ANY cost..(as stated this channel about Oct 9th.. the cost of housing most of PAlestine in at least 3 star campsites would be less than the cost of a few days of Murray's and Harris's bloodlust..)

And 'jihadists' - poor sam's fave word,  just like British concentration camp inventors -  commandants in S Africa in Zulu or Boer times..DO grow up and get civilised sometimes..often, indeed... Harris et al seem entirely incapable of remembering from history.

According to Harris  basically the innate doll smashing behaviour which seems suspiciously self harming and certainly genocidal behaviour  of the original BArbie tribes 

is innate, permanent, in their DNA and sunglass brand forever...  and cannot be educated ( a sane parent knows INCLUDES bribery) out of...

And at last they all have just what they want.. the next dose of every morning turning on their horrid devices and.. " wait for it... is it here yet the REAL big boys war ?

for us to  performatively fret over even more.."  

which also is justification for all those lovely chopper and killer fastjet training camps provided on the qt to Israeli pilots in Shropshire, and PAstylandshire i am quite sure, too.. they sweetly call 'logistics'... 

that keep many British pubs in business...

No one talks of, and the so called 'intellectuals' cannot even manage to do a few sums  Gaza average wage = x, cost of a ferry out + humble b+b for a few years = less than all the dynamite in their  kryptonite tampon pouches and penis extension kits,  put together..

cheaper and certainly more humane..

blahh blahh... but it is astonishing, i have not heard ONE 'commentariat' even try and suggest silly ideas for peace now.. real peace.. real life saving... thinking outside of the box..

such as as in fact DOES happen around the edge of wars " chuck your guns and grenades in this box set up every few km around the borders..and we will pay off your Pally-pornsite  credit card debts  with a wodge of maybe a few thousand bucks per gun or stick of dynamite handed i am sure you Pallies are 'human' too..and have normal needs"  basically the whole commentariat is racist and assumes all Pallies are wailing ragheads only able to think of  Sam Harris's jihad fetishism rather than become Dubai, too... 

My considerable experience of once, or born' 'muslim' is that many of them -  even saudis grew out of it decades ago and laughed at much too.. especially when they develop a Johnnie Walker habit or some other fine 'Western' vice..

like shopping.

or the ubiquitous, just consuming (still TO DEFINE  - a big poem is needed for that i have written loads i think are ok)

.. what is crystal clear though sadly in the last 5 or 6 years  is in fact yes a sort of addiction to that first thing in the morning  - by their measure, 7 or 8... " is it today Armageddon..?"  many are genuinely stuck in  - it is a self harming high and low..... though few will admit it.

And at last they have their real bigboy drug after a near year of gateway high via the poor Pallies.. one gateway lead to the Full Monty gateway; and now the only one that really gets em hard..

what will the Ayatollah's do...?

Now They do have a propper excuse to maybe go all the way..