
Tuesday, 3 September 2024

There are no keys, even

 rusty ones

Long ago i knew. 

Which is the actual basis of 'mindfulness' ( an interesting study of it send myselfto sleep: just how many really big long new words Harris and the professor of 'it' use...)

Which is not living in the 'now', but spending "10,000 hours" ( they love ..indeed need, to have showoff numbers, all Yanx)

being kneed in the balls by some failed Bonjales,  without protective knee bracing...

And learning to tolerate all, by understanding a fair bit...

The 'real' version though,  as even Bulgarkov managed to play with.

( The Anglo-sized-former Russkie... even she wanted to fight....  on ' a real man, Ivan....  half caste mongrel...... to survive 1950s  Moscow as a  young brown man....

 then turkeyshoot yanks over 'Nam...

 ..then loose a leg in the Kabul Pass ..

Dad boss of Lubijanka 

And mate of Stalin, whose knee he sat on age four 

having been one of the five top Russian families, pre '17, chop chop time

And survived  that...

to compromise

"he  left us that day ... us kidnapping him.... him a journalist in The Kremlin and heretoo... even if living Ludlow... me telling her ' relish every second.... you are sat in the presence next to his wheelchair you saw me move aside without even asking this  obviously dangerous  Bear...  how we crossed the barrier of one real human to another... as it was causing a barrier in the passageway in front of the stupid CND  cant say thatists.... she.. chief fake peacewoman, tiedyed... picked the wrong man to say THAT to...him.hecklin' her from his wheelie bin  of a lowdown,  throne 

... he was there.... 

' sweetpea ... he was there... as a four year old on Stalin's knee.... at almost all 20th century


we are so lucky'

" anyway...i asked him at the end of a 5 hour stasi interrogation, of him... and we even got the  moneylaundering immo to pay for the coffees.... ' as clearly the only man of peace i have ever met...whom also understands that word.... even if you still wish your Elaine daughter  executed for buying her Yankee visa with grandad's briefcase... full of llubjanka  lubrication... you WILL forgive her one day...please let me help...  anyway you havent quite found real peace yet but as the only former or current Soviet person i trust 100% ...who also has edicated himself fully on the 'West'..  what is your one  Indian takeaeay ...  from ypur whole long REAL life?

' that in fact there is better equality between sexes than Western places....' .... "

nope, they still cannot stop.


even when given most important commement of them all... ref the motherland....

And take a compliment.

Ten years, here turns everyone, mad....) 

( no longer even a 'thing' hearing today teenagers  up in the dock for murdering   a very young  teenagers... poor little Bulger, was  dehumanted ......for nothing... and Mister OFSTEDboss... 4chan this morn... can ot even manage basic simple grammar, English any more.. i play with mine,  as poetical lament.....

 even 4 chan 30 years ago,  i recall the exact day, i was sat in my old banger outside Nottinh Hill station.... managed " my my we are dumbing down" ..  just down the road grom the new shop on some bijou row.... selling second hand toys.. toy cars ...   etc... for rediculous prices to Ruperts and Cammies and all the other absurd kiddults living in Nottin' Ill.... then....  a shop not selling  slightly quaint collectableish to kids,  but very specifically to adults, for adults to play with...... a beautiful allegory for everything, since that very day) 

right ...MANY bits of recent happy joyful  .. outdoor in the sun, long long healthy upload, any moment

' now'

i think quotatiom marks and brackets went wonky there but summer, and some sun left is to be OUT in...