
Friday, 6 September 2024

The " shitshow" pt 1 of many.

 So, 'oldschool' times there certainly was a code of 'honour' especially among the original van type "community"

i have film and pictures taking my daughter to meet a local one in the Black Mountains, on our doorstep 10 'safe space' km out of Luvvie London-Hay

Dale and Lola... real old gypsy waggon... several nippers mucking around in the dirt...

( we had noticed over a few weeks)

thoughtbubble, and bodylanguage,too 

" whats my mad bad dad doin' takin' me to see some tramps scroffulatin' in the woods... ohhh woe is me.. ohh well he has TOLD me we must go say hello to our nearest neighbours 2km away down yonder, the cunt... i will

 get himtoo done for manipulation and day"

5 minutes later her gob-jaw is umhinged. .. .. at the perfect children who made tea for her at their gypsy fyre....  actual ' community'  and perfectly reared children i had the pleasure of rencountering as young adults ... the most mature 19ish year olds i had ever met....

hard to tear lass away from these wonderful new friends...their play perfectly balanced and kindly blahh blahhh

( even if so sadly the female one ended up in the fake 'communities' preaching "community".... even Dale couldnt handle that....  as he knew her new one rather infested with rugrats. .)

oldschool knew that for example many misyreated the land or waters but you cannot SAY anything about Hilary the Globe owner doin so.... to his Wye tributaries, 2008.... snd trying to hire me to fo his unlawful bidding ( bet he has had Monbiot at his How The Light ... gets inverted into his pocket money)...

 i have the film..... i cannot be sued, but i could have bern smashed up if Dale and zlola had not done as i asked  " thats reality of even up here, tjis stream...but dont say a word...its us and them sadly...and if they hear i even know he was doing illegal water pollution ... i will be beaten up [ by his local man 'community' slave crumb eater] or lose my work or... etc"

there is no oldschool any more  as one cannot say a word to even the educated

 incommer 'comunity' they arent efucated say by The Russians.    (literature) ... Syalin is never far away, there are only two sides, with him or against him  even having fireside private chats about him... . so one needs to be a bit cryptic

Here its ( Londonitis meaning inability tp be no one abd only focus on what is real, in your inner region..the real verdion.... such as truly terrible drugs or othersuch)..of course even worse than 25 years, there...  which doesn't bother me as i schismd... there....

here is merely  treading water

until a few months ago some glorious new real people were found.... none from here, most not even this  tragic little Aisle ( many conversations last few months sticking up for the GREAT cinema, drama and radio 4 plays we had  - much better than a lot of i European stuff in the 80s into 90s....i know as i mainly  lived my REAL life there much in the 80s and 90s and partly 00s... obvious exception french arthouse or even mainstream eg Three Colours...)

And as for family ( crucial) childrearing psychologies... ( the recording i made monday of a 30ish year old woman  screaming using the f word  im yhe most viscious her 8ish year old.... even i cannot face again, yet....

why you will have dozens of ( even if it was a miscariage and shes innocent)  Letbies,  in the making, or i guess ' "shipman" is safer....

or  tragic Venablrs and Thompsons...ohh errata thats already started ...  some years ago.

Clearly some resettled to Penzance to keep the good old virtuous circle going.....

but when i saw them  arriving even in Knighton a few years ago...i have zero interest im the SW..

or uk

 these tragic  dangerous, unfixable  people...even by the worst ' influence' ever Gabor.... are  pretty much unknown  in most of the EU.... like, 99% of it...i know, i almost entirely only speak with Europeans.... in three months of saudade paradise   on the Eurotrack.....

not the polite fake version of speaking, but any reader knew 40 years ago from gteat books,  best i have written by a farmer woman in the Dales about 70 years ago " visitorism always corrupts everyone... she described her real community being ruined by it "

old news

real news " walkers still have a brain... usually.... dont just take when touristing..give too... a real gift!.... equalise it... so please  tell me of your real daily life back home with children  or animals and in 'community'.. the real version...not the prostitutional Rosamund  Pilcherisation ( aww her... their ..faces, the wonderful Germans when i threw in that so called author's name hahhh Mona Lisa perfection]  version thats still alive and well... especially here...... " .

And then the....i only just married things together fully, as i know full well the ... utter acedia amongthe so called 'good burghers' is laughable...and rather pathetic

And as my bookshop 27 years ago was called Acedia  in Hay-on-Stepforditis,  as a part ' leg pull'  .... but, as always, with English wit, with a  grain of....or in that case big ROCK of truth ... crunching below the fancy walking boots....

I amconstant ( in that case my Europeancustomrs wanted SNY old tatty copy of some rare book...ALL English...well at least 95%  nerded a' collectable' edition such as Biggles  ...for£10k...

And thus...i named my shop after the  populidt majority

( only one academic ever  even pondered why.... )

As with the petfect Queen " i was born seeing through all of their cant and vanity... or bullshit.." 

But you cannot just Nest bess mutt...  you also have to dedicate most of your time to sollutions or just good REAL conversations about reality or you get nowhere but ... your own acidic  little utopia.... 

( not my words that last phrase, a local mum's ..of 6.... really well home educated kids.....i merely chronicle, reality...cos someone gottoo... collect so much material over 20 years there are 200 amazing operas or radio plays...none of which are based on made up myth for tourists... in just in half of it.

i  only ever met one 'Welsh' person who knew the word ' hiraeth'..

 whereas many Portuguese know ' saudade'....

.... anyway one of the hardest tjings, about 27 years explaining to the Former Soviets that unlike all Soviet places... ( recent second superb young Ruskie long bookswapping sessions) ... the thoughtful peeps...many poets riters  filmpeeps... the last in UK about Bruces Killing Fields i guess....  generally spend most of their life in the countryside places.... not real-rural...  they cannot handle that.... many km from a trendy cafe or pub.... nowhere...  where nobody is anybody, ever...

.. and thus all are simple " human"  and most still stuck in the stone age and one has to learn not to be oneself and shut up as not being dangerous....

 ... though the only true truma i know is years of deluding others one is  them and not onesself.... just on the environment never mind attitides to children or other modernity issues.. like sugar was clasdified by Seeds of Change 30 plus years ago.... cant you read....  nope...


anyway... as the luvvies or just suburbanites  invaded decades ago... you learn, no one will " watch your back" or even just remain constant,  i realised they cannot... ( the few sane parents left  " basically  all this angst they pass pn to all their kids  when it is never necessary theres always a way  i just called it years ago Eastendersitis..." all agree)

But no one will ever remaim simply constant... " he wrote a polite note to even Ms Hurn year 7 year olds suggesting rewarding schoolkids with a sweet per sum is not very healthy... so shut  the fuck up with your  nasty bitchin' about him and anyway his kid everyone knows one of the most child out popular kids in school... and got to be supreme ferret babe too"

( ohh yes ... "Frettchen" i got to, too... but never the time tp efucate " because they are the ome animal that teaches all children to enjoy, svcream with laughter at their games.... but also respect and treat  with equal respect....  we had many,but the fuzzies above all were the learning animal....  how to be the best of " human"...every suburbanite incomer woman i ever knew.. 100s..

 merely spoke of their  " ewwww bit they...smell.."..there are, sadly, only two cultures..

and hers[pl],.

 that parfum... or other chemical reeking... makes me feel quite ill.... i lnow, i have lived both....  a good natjral  saltlick is best of all..most would be 'disgusted' at the mere  thought...never mind Rememberance of Things Past

I bet Tolsty had хорек ... ss...loads of em....  he even MADE his kids sleep splendid gun hot waterbottles  and learning devices  whem nomadvanning ...around.... to get aeay from.those who couldnt learn: " using London as every other word whem you dont live there... is so so passeee... as you lived thete in the past... so try and live here, now... 

30 years ago a  local hoodlum ( even if fake, some slum, into the SAS..

 lots of Hay is SAS...and retired out yo live there, gone war aleays majes everyone the duperb Deerhunter so fabulously efucated us nastily said that to me ...violently...just muttering the L word to a friend in his pub .. andafter a frw weeks being traumatised seeimg him ambling up the small shopping street... i lrmearned,  yes he is completely right...

for my own sake AND respecting dysfunctional.  interbred stoneagers....  shut the fuck up never evem think of that horrid silly place. .. anyone li i g ybete 30 years ago knew... was lost to the worldwide corrupt moneylaunderes and cartels ...

and where the money is made, 

ALWAYS  eventually twists your face into a face as lined as the rusty corrugated  iron on their southern lucre bought,  outbuildings... they couldnt be bothered to fix... themselves... 

as anyone can

which, alone, was the one being


sadly  all o e ever met from many years ago.... exvpt one or two very rare few   

i filmed one 2 years ago ... her smile real...age she belted around her mountains herding her sheep.....

and i have a few other ROLE MODELS... in my realfilm can of real people.. .


even if The Giraffe  maybe is best of all..... bit of course cannot listen


....its always the same,even in Tobleroneistan ....

To be cont

( 1000s of rather good pictures but like peterja .. chimed a year ago.... his  fabulous paintings often need a few lines of poetry with them... cos the 'inspiration' may be sp so much more onterested than artless pictures of " nature' all pissed on anyway... its the people, and WHY they  ever fo anything, that is real art....

quite extraordinary hpw one can have that conversation 100s of times... and be hissed at....

no one tp watch ypur back or just say shut the fuck up go back to dchool hes right even the ancjent greeks tried to tellsome reality in their art....  its not just all cartoons....

but mindfullness ...

is using their  acedia scented 

bathsalts  of fuckwittery.... 

as energy.. 

that makes new possibility

i learned years ago in fact it is ...

to it all

the key

me nerd np keys just to have timeand energu toshow lots of lovely carefree days roaming  the ladt month, and even good conversation....
