
Monday, 23 September 2024

The Kushner Principle

Now, there is a part one from a month record keeping is superb but just to get to clearing the desk is ... the first job.

Pure acetic.

simplicity (do they still Miss Translate it as having some 'spiritual' content like they do everything else..for attention?  well get back on the nana  boat, or at least use the good bits of metafizzics like drink too much and you may just go to hell... UK was splendidly sceptically 'secularly'  no one knows.. in the 80s.)

 cleaned up desktop

 the last but first little group to work on

Thing is i do believe her _  The Booker deservee...(for the FIRST one  - denied as they are just too pathetically cowardly every single gatekeeper here)

As i have found the same myself,  though in my own case  there was for years  a bittersweetness... rather more sour than sweet.

The cult of self.. and nothing else, who took over actually stewarding the environment to a polluted seam of golddust strewn around to make a prophet from their clicks and nothing else..

were kindof my 'people' .. sad to have to even think of what a disaster they were.... but meeting so many fine Europeans it means i can give them up, as far less preferable people...

And yes its FUN - really great fun having them in my head these real life characters you dont have to make up... pondering how to write them or just copy it all out.... i often a mentally dance a little with them and never get my toes stepped on..

but only in non summertime

Bceuase he, Ralph the first,  never even stood on a fly without tellin' me " ... ehhh lad every single little thing we do in nature has a  knock on effect  somewhere down the line...many of em' we will never understand never mind see" and thus the only teacher i ever needed as most perfect gentle giant role model, ever...turns out he was right...

Fifty years ago. Him and i day in and out building our fences...him recycling every splinter as useful for something... often being teased by the few local spivs he would let anywhere near  our woodshed perfectly built with care so it would keep the wood dry for years, always

Anyway he would despair as in fact he had exactly the same 'spirtuality' as me .. "there must be some..thing... all this beauty and  astonishing complecity.. but eckerslike we'll never know what it is.. "

And would laugh at the endless new industry of trying to make something of that which no one can know anything of...for money and the usual slavegirls to his honey pot...

so many all over the place over the years as previously mentioned.. i havent even starte don performance art related material about


The Bleddfa Centre in the Mid Wales Marches is a place to explore creativity through a programme of exhibitions, workshops, meditations, talks and retreats, using the visual arts, music and philosophy.

why has it taken in this horrid font??!!

no time to fix...yet

just for fun - you wouldnt get me wasting one second in ANY fancy hotel ive lived in the best in the world..none can spray themselves with chemicals that recreate.. the priceless eau de freshly aired bedding

He and i started 'rewilding' decades ago..

BUT ... it is the actual comedy of errors that goes on in the background - to .. protect every inch you can, that at last i have woven into something worthy of even the stage..a proper one.

later, one day, maybe
as it bores me as solo operator too much

i want others to hear the actual script, too...

i may be repeating myself this is about autumnal planting, everything now and clearing out my greenhouse by next spring