
Monday, 16 September 2024

the grooming operation

 supermodelyummybeauts tickbox

as only a fool thinks us ordinary lot are taken notice of by the bimbo generation  ...

but wait til the  distillatiom of hundreds of hours such fun work, is ready...

as we GOT there... they loved "The Fuller Monty..."


to do.... soon

And moviestars need hooks...of course they only really value as equal their own type....

And just like Hay Way...all the shabbies whom couldnt cut the custard in the vig citt gradually turned up to overlord evertone else...

small fishies... 

well until the sharks head up North, too . .

thats not very good too predictive text..... i now need a fuller team of actual committerated...

( Sean McPhilemy so many years on must be smiling.... Finnucan,  too gets his day per his great book.....  bearing witness, it being borne.... as those Crets discovered aeons ago, the key to Earthly justice....... dont matter if youre dead.... truth outs, eventually....)