
Thursday, 19 September 2024

THE ..end

 shit happens, for some...

hmm... i dont get it... in that having  merely   few bars of a tune playing on a radio in the background it sends you violation messages  and 'restricts'.. until you waste time digging down into their control freak bossy terminology that at first look is quite scary in tone,  you find its only ' blocked' in " some territories" which means poor Russia, only, when you look up which territories...

And now it doesnt even bother ... 

' demonetising' your video if a bit of someone elses stuff in....

not that ive made a penny ever from any digital....

 and never planned to... 

even if my 'reflections' or Montaignian mutterings,  i know are  often good, rather  unusually frank ..intended at serious pondering  for helpful readons, the quagmire the 'preciousesses' are stuck in... especially here......( and a fair few whom i give quick potted versions of my millionish words to, face to face, on the track agree with me...) and always free...

Even when soon a lot more will soon be 

data dumped

merely for posterity.

About actual 'reality'

... i now wish no more ' moments' to ... ?? distract... from a quite extraordinary  period, that needs writing up at some level... bit it's not abput 'here' merely universal... 

indeed every single word, of what the 'problem' is.... we already knew in 1978....

at that big 'Picnic' 

That yes, proved THEN,  there was racism  as no one recorded...

until the next year

his equal.....  

that day i near touched the hand of the real goddess

who wouldnt have said " let me be...

 i only hold hands with you if youre a girlie..." 

cos she kept her private lezzie  love and affection to herself exactly where it belonged

irrelevent to anyone else

and never even wrote a song about it...or maybe all of them were

up to you.. to think what you will

genious says nothing, that isnt only ever universal

" human" 

sadly her successors  couldnt listen to and went and tried to neurotically fiddle... with nothin that was broke