Wednesday 25 September 2024

THE artist

 (not me i am a dead husk of a nobody, ever)

Hello [The Queen of art],

So briefly… ‘twill be a waste of time acknowledging the most enjoyable chat with you yesterday (I do NOT do charm, ever), but I shall leave this with you on file.

I wasn’t going to but I awake at 5.30 every day tabula rasa and ponder anything really useful from the previous. You felt quite uniquely esteemed – and thus worth retaining in my thick head.

In short I have been ‘full time’ for a decade as wandering waffly sage  - though only 1/3 of the time – purpose to find alliance in my several causes – eco being foremost. (not wandering too far from my previous centre of operations in the Wye region 10% pop density of Cornwallshire) I moved 18 mths ago to attempt linkage with one GREAT artists here who seemed to have a true warrior spirit but Cornwall had in fact squashed it out of her …

So 1/3 time seeking via Socratic random dialogs the maybe useful and the rest of time working on protecting the environment AND natural resources – recycling old timber etc on small holdings (we can never get female help any more a story in itself that makes real rural – the environment a bleak place socially). And  then all I wish to dedicate myself to  coming up with (NON pious earnest) writing into some or other art form which may genuinely inspire the next generation. Film  and writing. I can’t paint to save myself from a rampaging herd of gorgeous same sex ‘Amazonian’ cannibals…


Anyway so 15 years ago I started to think continually about ‘art’ to highlight AND make people think about the benefits of REALLY simplifying..


I have about five ‘boxes’ – metaphorical filing cabinet regions…


One has been from 2014ish 100 or more recorded chats with artists of my previous region. A sort of duel purpose chronicle but also (as I said I feel art should have purpose of sorts) this was during the period of wandering many hundred miles especially after Brexit chatting with artists in many open studios… (Herefordshire HAyonWye Powys region has many incomer artists who set up and annually there are several open studio phases)


Some known.. so from 20214 then especially from 2016

“ so what are we going to do about ecosystem disaster .. / Brexit..  a POSSIBLE revisiting of the referendum seemingly possible from 2017 ish..”


 Confluence of 4 swing constituencies – politicking meaning just making signs and leaflets and arranging gatherings..   (UKIP made many signs; remain, over 100 sq miles, only ONE)

More than 100 artists long chats with over several years – all recorded for efficiency and as a chronicle  “ ohh….woe is us..  it is a disaster…we so so so care..” “ ok lets try and get a few of us to set up informal coffee meets to think how we take part..”  “ wow wow yes.. count me in “


And not one EVER ever followed up or even answered follow up emails or texts or handwritten letters.


I have several artist encounters who admitted “ us artists utter selfish disaster …”

(I can and do go into the artist writerly or poetic zone most mornings a few hours and LOVE it.. but come out to return to doing stuff in the real world to)


Worst of the lot from 2020 I knew  briefly various artists (visiting or based in my past very environmentally once great) region and I was on overdrive trying to highlights a range of awful eco crimes from 2019… I was nature steward there – alone.. and meeting and asking for some help from artists just painting paintings of terrible eco crimes ..  artists actually making money from that realm “ ohh wow disaster but yes i agree lets try and make some art at least..”  then never even reply to follow up nice polite email..


All.. I 100% accept and laugh at BUT it IS the ‘problem’ – performative concern.. utterly devastated the real environmental protection causes I was central to for almost 20 years in previous region..



THIS – not the ‘polluters’ is the reason for no holding polluters to account.. a fair few agree with me (personal encounters in this region the last year)


Anyway if I sowed any seed inside your head ..  I do think it is ‘time’ to attempt brutal REAl art  - which may be various formats… but it must not be the sterile pious version – I have a few grown ups similarly concerned and art experts they know I am right..


I have a range of almost fully immersive thoughts how to highlight things – the MAIN one is that protecting raw materials – stuff – must be a collaborative matter at a local personal level I do NOT mean the local fake eco saviours (they always are and always deathly precious)  I mean for example people who don’t like each other working to salavage stuff being wasted  - household or small landholding (SO SO much waste of materials happens on small landholdings due interpersonal dysfunction!!!) ..i have many years of somewhat photo realism photos of that…  I have yet to sit down and attempt to do something with


Anyway I NEVER bother linking anyone on my daily bonkers waffle site but you got a word I so enjoyed you

and cannot even recall if this was put here as it went first ..for efficiency, to the only artist i do like the great brown hope, Yasmin



 [ SUPERB ART referred to =  ]

a year ago I began a series of totally random talks with peter  - about 5 hours all audio recorded as he is UNIQUELY good on art I learned so much go and eat him up!!