
Monday, 23 September 2024

"stories" vs Scarlet and Black

 (kindof proving that the way English writers fail to play with their full range being Frogs only have 'rouge' whereas this loony language  has nuancical scarlet...  that may be saying ten other thingstoo...) 

The problem with so many writers is they don't just cheat and Thomas god of it, in his second greatest, merely report the moment

" Ehh up Mrs B .. look at this article in the newspaper i will just sort of semi reporatge it into a  'story'.. saves a bit of time for the big one..."

A few one couldnt make up...of 100s.. the eco art installation that manages to find some way of smelting tons of metal energy free

or even worse...ohhh my my poor chap...
the poor 'Greens'.. the loneliest man in the world, piling up topsoil to make friends... 
my friend..ish.

Better wait until he's popped his clogs as its astounding how they think they know slander lores when they're in the spotlight 
of wasted mollecules to move it out
into the latest would-be-girlfriend's solo car boot
even if quite quite namelessly

But the saddest memory of a few .. 

Now i have at last a splendid aide...

and could transcribe verbatim into TB V.I. vol 2..

But its so  sad to even remeber  her... utter  fiddlin around on her dating site merely givin' one a fright with her " im collapsing into a whirlwind of  lonely Eastendersitis... behind my dying screen..." ratherthan come for the cuppa 


which would make for a perfect short

upon our times

the real ones behind their devices now used to promote her recovery into

a fiddler not even one bit part as the only famous person still alive i would just like one day to say face to face something, like:

" no idea luv how i got there.... but first up that day,  Joan .. a lifechangin real artsiste.. and then fuck me i was stood next to him with his mic.... thank the lord capturing in such clearest high fidelity..

for time travel orgasmatronning right back aside you...posterity

and i have been so busy with the frauds a last four years 

one particular not particularly rhythmical SW fiddler

 likely only reason the algorithms brought me here eventually..

via the nanaboatee

 i didknee even know...

they put it up

as there is pretty simple objective truth about who really is an actually GREAT artiste and fiddle player...

at 2hrs  16 minutes and 6 seconds in...

with just a couple of days of this glorious summer left... i was back there sat close to the one and only, great fiddle player, once more... exactly the same feeling... no other fiddler except maybe Ivry but classical's so old fancy hat....could ever come close to inspiring

The real...good fun version of ....theres only one Sublime...  very very few get there... all the way....but for sure..youtoo"

(better for sure than the heavy metal version Cardiff Arena my lass...  though that was good too)