
Friday, 13 September 2024

"so why do they need to do that?"



't occurred in my often four am ish Socratic state...
thoughbub: " hang on a minute... how interesting is that if you look at it that way...
(allinspired subcutaneously by a true cutey at the cliff... " so does the fog horn work i wonder.." / " what an interesting question, now i come to think of it... i would hear it in this glorious only QUIET place for many a km... but i haven't")

So, even if i hope she calls up and we have a date...  up there in her Muvvavillage up the coaster...
As we ruffed... " i have simply no idea why it has stayed in my head since the lad from there a ginger i seem to recall.. was in my very very working class comprehensive on the borderlands between so called England and so called Wales - the rel border,  around Denbigh mental where the ... Two 'Cultures'*... clashed and i brideged them by takin' up with 'their' cutest one Nan... and all of so called Wales  wanted me dead, and indeed attempted to punch my nose so i may be...over some years of bullyin'.... 
" maybe your aunty or uncle will remember him.... or maybe he was merely an apparition sat next to me some years... so that one day in good newfashioned mythology for tourists or mainly bluehaired space cadets doing fake degrees in it all....  the Mermaids of Zennor really do exist and have set the whole thing up over fourty five years to bring you to me "

Or maybe.

this needs bracketing as it is so intellectually devolved into the slag heaps that seperate her from me...
( "your childhood here interesting surely - wild, close to 'nature' .. going home to ma and dad drunk with it on your bum and trying to hide the mud from ma or da... as they would know what youve been up to.... and  then, rejected, Heathcliffe wandering the lonely hills mine... was yours too.. so write about THAT reality not tourist 'wild' work bullshit...i wanna know fist gave yourself the finger, and then  in which mine,shafted...first... i never forget the hedge nan and i were under when we were 'experimenting' .. but mainly for  me it was about hayricks ..." " [turning to her yank fat friends]   get her to.. no man can speak or have a voice in YUK due your Don, and delightful Wayne  pulling out his copper badge and letting the side down rather ..all or much on cctv .." / ..." yes huge explosion in violence and beating up black and navy blu.." / " emm... hang on a minute the data says babes catching up too, but also if you look at it in the round .. well at least 50% of middle class quite saneish women i have investigated one on one over long chats the last 10 years state that they have some kind of truly awful false allegations affecting their husbands or THEM.. even a well liked Christian church elder up Knighton way she said really serious ones affected her whole family... i know myself from an experiment on myself being i havre always [pure zen and no upset and let all wash over me in time.. but time does in fact leave a rather more painful deep scar from terrible [never kiddie fiddlin' but just as sad] false allegations...and many others also report this its kindof worse in the medium term than say level 2 out of five physical violence..  anyway most underclasss arent stupid they know that some argy bargy happens and we must get over it but somehow..if someone puts their hand on a bible and makes up porkie pies on the stand [ technically up to  8 years gaol - perjury or perverting the course of justice - even one small porkie..., same as for child abduction - or that was the case 20 years ago no idea what now]... for some interesting reason i cannot fathom... one of those stabbing lies.. they actually echo years, decades on... when we forget a slap, or a lunge for a kitchen knife in theatrical argy bargy rage... in the 'moment'...or  a 'push' - everyone these days accuses everyone of a push...when you are breezing past them busy ignoring them and some smallest human touch occurs... so i really dont think you can say men are beating everyone up continually.. especially if we factor in, and i know the men have begun to catch up.. but the violence of false allegation is pretty violent, too...  anyway if i were a feminist which i am i would like my 'victory' to be based on FAIR means, that way it holds forever as it should... fould means, never ever holds...sooner or later some Russian will get a bigger bomb than poor little LApdog Ukraines borrowed bombs ... and fuck you back up the Italian porn is 100% always defaulting, to..  " / there is nothing slightly more fun than seeing a sweety one squirm just a tad .. when her whole career model has been bombed into the water.../ ok then but... it is only because of 'POWER' imbalance they..we..resort to such admittedly terrible behaviour... so its justified isnt it?" / thoughbubble: ehh..  i think you need to read some Greeks.. the ferkin ancient ones..some Bible maybe...some all pof law since about the time the sky fairies were drowned in the needy sea as a waste of space.... THE Enlighhtenment... all 'humans' are equal and if you read George Elliot the greatestooman of em all she quite rightly paints many men as cunts, in the war was over...  me i only started my readin' age about 25 after seein' carnage and madness in ... well five years later over her lands... the Yugo Wars... i just read one HArdy age about 25 and then ALL the rest ..all of him... every word.. then picked up a Georgie maybe six months later and.. discovered she was much wiser and better...  far far more nuanced cos thats what bein' 'ooman' is.. clearly not in your  refugee place .. down there in sunny penzance funny i keep meeting exactly the same mental spaz from there thankfuully a long way from me... / " funny thing is luv..its gone BACKwards...  when Siouxsi was on TOTP one night.. i dunno .. i am sure history has been rewritten on that one too

 almost immediately we respected as absolute equal but in fact superior talent than the Rotter and his Vicious crew... sorry luv..i was raised, by myself, no guidance in VERY wild heathen pagan places..  and guess my ordinary comp the GIRL were in charge 100% ..our morality police.. and they ruled with horseriding whips made of purest ultra 'kink'...  decency...  always right.. no need to be righteous.. they trained us blokes 100% ... and then the eighties.. me a mix of classes .. genuinely so -  but mainly i would gravitate to the lower middle class background, ok whitey... but 'caring ' professions .. even Jacko at Goldsmiths doin her arty whatever degree was headed to be what then was Joan of Arc 'ocupational therapist'.. and all her friends mine by default were all from humble backgrounds at lesser universities..or a few at the top ones burt we ALL knew that institutional education was crap and a bit fascist so beware...  but i return to this business - your career.. in the wonderful 80s i will tell you a few facts...  1. no one EVER..i mean never...any class, ever, any state of drunkedness or whacked out on mild weediness... ..used the word 'bitch'.. it was almost the ultimate swear word...      fact 2.. [ thistermorn] is maybe more interesting... ALL of us every single one hated one bitch above all but no one would ever stoop so low to call her one.. Maggie.. we all hated her and many of us went on demonstrations against her policies... i did a a few... this wasnt privileged student politics it was a broad brush as were the truly heroic babes of Greenham Common..i knew a few and they were so ridiculously envied for their true sexy mud.. and integrity.. but here is THE thing... the women actually hated MAggie..MORE....  maybe by then., already, women were smart and second sight enough to admit that a wonky one of them... is the maddest baddest of them all.... 
or maybe because they HAD a justified 'hate' figure...  it made the feminism or equality or politics or COMMUNITY of the 80s so so so so much more balanced and zen and NO bitchiness or false allegations ever!



my film

the only oscar deserving moviestar

ok Bettetoo