
Tuesday, 17 September 2024

So, that's funny, ironic

 All merely ironic.

The only one I ever liked, i awoke wondering ... was she a real German, or did the pixies infect her with the affliction the poor dears get and needs some kind of label..or name or.. simple shared lexicon (The superb Gren we homedin upon merely that which

A rather well written thing.. but he doesnt even say which book

‘In 1987 the first quasi-religious workshops appeared at the Lieu. Christianity was excluded, of course, but a sufficiently nebulous mysticism – for these people were spiritually impoverished – dovetailed neatly with the cult of the body beautiful which, against all sense, they continued to promote. There were still workshops on sensual massage, and the liberation of the orgone, but interest in the esoteric – astrology , Egyptian tarot, working with chakras – boomed. There were Encounters with the Angel and courses on crystal healing. Siberian shamanism made a remarkable debut when in 1991, during the long initiation in a sweat lodge fired by sacred coals, an initiate died of heart failure. Tantric Zen, which combined vanity, mysticism and frottage, flourished. In a matter of years the Lieu – like many centres throughout France and Western Europe – became a New Age institution, while maintaining a reputation as a hedonist’s paradise, which became its unique selling point.’

was  it Possibility of an island?

When Ceccaldi abandoned him to his grandparents as a baby so she could go travelling across Africa with her husband, the rejection shaped his whole oeuvre. In his international bestseller Les Particules élémentaires - translated as Atomised -

She calls her son an "evil, stupid little bastard" adding that "this individual, who alas came from my womb, is a liar, an imposter, a parasite and above all - above all - a petit arriviste ready to do absolutely anything for money and fame."

The groovy spat above,  may seem ancient history,  and this (may not work yet until i fiddle with settings)

but a few pages here


As did the mind of the wonderful Frenchie...

(BUT - i spent half my days in the 90s in France- ALL over, and many other European spots... Croatia fave! best commie equal society beaches...... and this new Age death  cultification was extremely  rare in France or anywhere else in Europe... whereas one could see it arise in Fulham  - posh "bird" end of the high street.. and other pockets of UK ... but it is as if .. i often wonder if they manage to sprinkle Sam HArris's magic mushrooms or other psychedelics in my coffee every morn - black strong 10 cups by lunchtime...always all of life... as except for a few minor references - Poliakoffs not brutal  enough 'The Tribe' ..Ed Reardon's dodgy daughter...  what i saw become 25% of the conversation and gradually 'entrepreneurial' business.. selling plastic Buddhas to fake spiritualistas... all over the formerly saneish rural small towns... doesnt exist is a hallucination only  as no one ever really talks about it never  mind makes good drama or write good books about it..or speak of the many legal or other cases where children are so harmed by ma and pa's mumbo jumbo smiley vudu lifestyle which gets in the way of being parents.. or "human"....clever worked, the perfect tie die full body armour complete with invisibility cloak  under which to hide their avaricious little Gollumite cravings for precious magpie style nest lining material... no matter what harm they do to others or 'community'... i have a huge chronicle... over years... almost all whom also claim, especially the last 10ish years...' well i was an abused child so i am exempt from planning permission lores or  paying rent... if they are pretty enough to be jolly good friends with some trustifarianish bloke who owns a paddock or maybe his wife's inherited land he lets 'friends' camp on  ... where you will never find actual rural bornish bredish displaced gentrified out once local 'community' worker chappies... of course, as.. dot dot dot ...but theres no ART or even literature never mind poetry  about this major change i have sat and observed and bridged into for child socialisation mistaken intent...for near twenty years ...and its everywhere! in this aisle still very limited in sane i hope SHE finds... back in germany.... [ "oh but its not US.. never US... even as we become near majority.. our children arent part of the almost majority who self harm.. etc etc .. no thats some other children in some other universe we dont quite have the same vibrational frequency to  be 'aware' of so they dont exist......" - in audio yesterday.]...... on the anniversary of Lord of The came true, years ago... except their camouflage is perfect and no one could see it.. even in Zoe's  public advertorial pages as 'healer'...    ) 

" your Houellebecq probably the first novelist in Atomised or Possibility of an library and i are separated and i cannot remember which or was it both.. the problem is we don't even have words really as no sharable  cultural lexicon has to my knowledge fully covered what is at least a quarter maybe even half of the people who move out and down places like this region or my last region... i saw every one come in and then saw the really sick way they recreated themselves as divine translators of the same old back of the fag packet hocus pocus ...  but the problem is that all the previously slightly rational down to earth peeps  found it a simple soma too... 

google search of Huxley's soma

And 2020.. even the so called Labour liaison for the whole region (N radnorshire) would smugly smiley wander the streets in his 50 quid cowboy hat and when he engaged with me outside JAsmin's shop...  " they voted for more soma.. simple as that" he didnt even know despite his 65 year old bohemian  literatti style costume... what THAT useful shared word meant...

" no hope if LAbour  - even their leader who goes to see local bad bands makes out he is educated hip...are so thick it is tragic....and why of course they dont see the so many dangerous fraudsters within their ranks... so many of whom below the skirts of their hippy chic fancy dress jumped on this whole 'spiritual' bandwagon to hide the fact that theyr'e conning the dole [ updated into working tax credit and child TC] even form far off lands... 

" but when the clamp down began and their little self employed entrepreneurial 'enterprises' had to show some real income..  my my how they went into warp drive...  and it worked.. or at least..partly so,  almost everyone bought their  face cream - smiley, brighteyed...  and completely unable EVER to even provide references such as [ 2008ish '' ' aww too... oooh a new business gosh.. [ his money run out?]... you're just as you yourself say an office lass from Hemel Hempstead.. this 20 quid a vial colour therapy it looks SO interesting... is there some research i can read so that when i buy some i can share it with my actual rational people.. who used to live round here until you all drifted in and... ohh yes the kids ... well, could you please not have a great big cauldron of sweeties left to feed them in their  yurt...fulfilling your divine  wish theyll find THEIR own way.. blahh blahh... i dont really want mine fulfilled spiritually... on a toxic sugar high all night ... [ as hers for years every night poor lambs].."

To be continued

But at least the only one i liked.... a new recruit to these 'tribes' that took over the Western MArches... 

Are 'devon'..

Own most of Eastern PAstylandshire i never knew...

.i see she escaped. ..back home to the Motherland to be a mother there instead...