
Sunday, 15 September 2024

so, 2020 was perfect enough...

 Sat by the river writing, at last

 " The Sublime....  is ..

[ waterblotmark, on My Landscape.. as the 4 year old is carried off in the current, and i have to prove i can still be Lee, Majors " i have him!!" the chubbie sat at the bank, still... still still] ... here to make us know ... there js more so be not afraid.... of im with 'is scythe.


" the wars i must live 

within .

twenty years....just to  keep it tp a bit of scything  rather than their Apocolyptic machinery ..."

La Grandest Belle...of The Agency

...( " theyre a load of twats but i can't say

so") did indeed get... 

But the very best line

As if, after all dodgy self obsessed, fraudulent friend- fellow,  Babb, Fellow of Oxford, could see the future of every day with his " i STILL don't know what it is and how to  finish the last chapter of mine lifetime's great work  but it.... The Sublime...recreates itself annew ...every day..."

Comes true even with Les Grandes...

Whom needed to be u derstood.

As i now do..

The mind-changer got it so perfectly 

in line one.

. whether boy or babe

"...only the very  beautiful..".dot dot dot 
'ts extraordinary indeed to see 
" beauty" so....  divided, by  Shitty little Creekside, of the suburbs .. and the other places... not on the beauty map.... such as ordinary Joe towns, inland...  and... the, my walkers.... most of whom are ... above mere looks as they werent born with them...

Funny world where such an apartheid 
is totally denied

So be...

Its just all ...  perfect when over
 a  bleeding child
there is only community....

But, there have to be laughs, and good lines:
" well you have your official Sanctuary that side...  i offer sanctuary myside....  from that side
" aww bless you are on a break from thatside...and dont want to be surrounded by those you  need a break from... myside... the most QUIET place for many a dozen km....
" THING IS... to keep this side your santuary.... you may have to compromise 
and kidnap a few  over to thisside 
or you'll be stuck yourside..."

There has been no better real performance arty, and fartin on...  the other side by nod and nuanced...
performance. Of....   in my garden.

But all agree.... there's cash in knots . 
Tiein' 'em.....

Or we do not keep sanctuary, alive to make more Northern stroppy bags ... Social Worker or teacher....all screaming ' no more" ..looking ten years younger 
after one week at my cliff... 

But you"d have to be as tough as the barefoot  Fantastique ...   for whom it was real pleasure to find a sticking plastique....

To face the forces here as on a bad day, nature would have a louder say when it comes to" I DO..." 
come to think abput it  a most propitious
excuse... for not meaning what these Southerners say...
" well ... did you actually hear me vow  it then.. that fuckin gale,  as you were too cheapskate to hire a hall or jetset me to Mauritius....!... I will not only eat our children to spite your, bought boho,  face, but bbq them using the rotten wood you never got to fix from the hull of your dinky little banana boat! stillstuck Creekside decades on... " 

Just a little  fantasy opera in mind
But ... they  were real...

As was the 

... touch...

at the foot of the hurt child.... 

The problem with these Belles is they really dont have the lowdown belief of the  awkward non dancers, too ugly to Bee

like me....

" its all us hill men know.....  drag her down to that cove there and make a good woman of her.... and then you really  will own this place twenty thirty ..years hence .. and all ypu have is memory...unless you believe IT ... bites my  balls as your mate's mutt actually just did and we both laughed... as it fitted in with my proposition to her as ifit were listening for its stage direction ferkin cue

..' only the true beauts like you may just have the' 

... out Greta, Greta...  and make the world like you, too "