
Monday, 2 September 2024


 The amount of never-follow-throughists, which one could term 


performing all the 'right' words, that make you appear so perfect a soul... ( the true pandemic in even places like the rural fringe...for years) ....

who have said to me, over 5 ish years " simplify".

Fifteen actually.

And i know not one ever did.

And to artistically be undermining, neigh, even by gaslight..... 

It being,  you can lead a horse to water,but as for drinking ?!

Is in fact why one needs to ultra simplify.

And the other place revs up now into the full movie. With suporting actors. None of whom have McDormand's dull, self pitying eyes.

Even if some will be not what they say..

I know what compromise, is. 

As i have been very part-time running a masterclass in it all summer.

All foreigners, i have gropmed a bit.. or meant my compliments ... ( not that i use that word, even the British ' royals' were by law, German ' blood' until 100 years ago, only allowed to marry cousins from back home, and i bet there are plenty of knocked up servants who spread loads of wonderful mongrel blood all around their castles )

should join in  ( with a vanwoman friend who gets it) in at least  trying to work on more nuanced simple English as 

lingua ... grownup.... 

Not any dictatorship, merely a thought expetiment in how to fix the shipwreck which is modern English,  no class or generation, even slightly apart by years and cost of van, can communicate any more ..   even ( with two younger English pirate types, m and f " sold out" - my whole generation taking part, explaining to them why their whole existence is wonky and sick,  they tjought was only in reference to selling their local homes to fat incomers to pose from with the latest cowboy hat or ' adventurer' equipment from a pricey catalogue ..

I GOT it last  it is 'Nailed' ( other place)  the right words as to how to describe this theme park of playground adventurers...

not that i care except living ( aleays 5km from so as to remain "human" and a proper nature lover,and worker in it even if due all the fakes faking they love that lifestyle..too, t'was always alone)  Hay,  Kington Presteigne Knighton Clun....

I didnt understand, how the few who acted the playground hooray Henry or just as likely Hooray Henrietta... so cliched

whicker baskets, actual desert style sunhats the LATEST thing..i see all around.....

Not able to go outdoors without fadhion advice ( she,the gif, not named after a my fashion advice, mum agreeing.... because she knew she was "subversive"... when i identified that in her  to her eyes, my god her eyes lit up even wider!

indeed  a pure 


The greatest i have EVER met.

assuming their usage of that word incorporates a 70s and 80s  usage which meand because Thomas Bernhard ' loved' his Austrian  people ... he pissed in their comfortable nest, from the rim...with his greatest subtle, and poetical  satire, ever in Extinction, to  try and make things better... piss on the problems he saw ( bourgeois lost stupid  Lords of bigcastles! one was his dad... academe ..)... or even pisd in his home nest to put stupid fires of vanity and  stupid tweets from fat ugly birds... 

so... the nest also can be sterilised by the amonia... so new healthy birdy eggs can be laid....

as she was ... just over 20 years ago.. .

a perfect one.

Ok, next door,  but   they dont have countries in Europe any more.... merely great thinkers im some regions ..

but they do need a bit of help with lethally subversive English...a guide   

If they one day are to outdo her hero who never impressed me much...  and as for Lady Macbeth....

There are ethical ways of getting what equality you deserve...

and that way 'victory' is also pure and not phyrric   ... and lasts.

A whole land of false alegations for 25+ years, almost by default...( we called telling tales in school, except they were often true) ..i dont call likely to fo any, good... or cause any peace...

so, yes.... some of the richer performers ( of fake nature love, and fake being relaxed working in it, and working in dirt and shit andsweat days on end) colonising my previous region..i did not understand ... 

who are they? ... drip drip drip

( thsts a double meaning fact, and pun in one..or three) 

2020 more started to arrive..

i thought they were irrelevent...

until i giscovered they are, everyone...

in Stepford wedged onto Bath, with useless fake glue

i knew Bath was a junky ridden fake  ... pretenderplace decades ago....

but didnt know that all their cousins from Kew,  Hampstead ..nowadays Hackney too... entirely took over all ..all.... thats  is  it's South Western flank.. the whole peninsula...

i had no idea

So now i understand... inderstanding key to a mindswaying alwaysmindful of quiet mind .. balanced at its ' entredness'




about what no one could ever" change"