
Friday, 20 September 2024

' secure ' ..

 probably the hardest word in performative English muvva tonguing, to define.

Because you have to be in her aura and have her whoremoans ticklin' your nasal receptors, too.. 

( as likely, as yet to be understoof they do... 

dogs can so why not ustoo)

And the POOR ( no skit) Former Soviet incomers 

dont have a chance

even finest mind,  so called writers who can dance

( against them - the newer age Shamanosaurus Rex eating the heads of every flower on sight.. engorged with dopamine clicks and fake love )

English Litrature, ( and some French....) interestinlgly NOT Russian as perhaps it wasnt so much an 'issue' .. securer families? ... up until around twenty years ago would at times wedge in opinion, true...

In fact mainly the babes, fron George Elliot to Wendy Perriam...maybe a bit of the ( best this century)  mongo-Cusk...

even Thomas Hardy was accurate on this ( 'generalised,  yes .. 20 yrs ago they would begin to ban that word from around campfires when attempting good oldschool speak) ... averaged out fairly good "data point" their absurd new gangled showoff term:

 young women with good healthy relationships with a present father, were...   secure.

Less likely to be Bathsheba Everdine - the version of her  before a REAL man, of the hills, and sheep and burning hayricks,  took her on.... and fixed her..   or just tollerated her nonsense with a wink and a smile.... for  honourable mutual benefit

Wendy i am sure would smatter her stories with such terrible 

" generalising" " judgement" 

the  somewhat tragically self harming bonkers ones....often didnt have good daughter ( unalcoholic) dad,  basic  healthy harmonious dance steps  learned in yoof....

i do not recall any Perriam solid rock women, being of no solid rock dad....

indeed most of her splendid fiction parasitisng those, not so solid....  but honestly explaining, WHY

Amazing how  it seems to me all post around  unreadable Zadie Smith  times... this several hundred year known little issue was bravely trottted out  by great womwn writers  for centuries, as ... 

maybe the first commandment of being " human"

is ommitted...

and of course the boy dad or boy mum relationship ( or in my case luckily yokel rock of an oldish  man) is equally important but perhaps the false culture ( mainly proponented by the likes of Mr  Guatemalan Indidgeonosity ) that males had a more warring role, or hunterly, when in fact 90% ... bet nearer 99% of human calories/proteins  since humanity began...were scavenged...especially the meat...far far far easier to ' hunt' for dead fish on the rivers edge expired when their time was up, and still just as 'natural' y causing fine nutrition if bbqd ..  or just limpets 

This is curious 

And is proof that woke publishing, inc.... is in league only with nast old establishment male  child rapists Mr St Aubyn and his ilk.... or the ilk that guzzle up nurses costumes or even schoolgirls' by the whorehpuse load... only way they cam shoot their vile 'load' ..watching...  some mixed up onsecure young woman prance around in ..costume ( my official early 912ish s research marooned in Bayswater between kid duties,  confirmed this " what you want straight sex, only....dont be daft .. that went out decades ago"

and i am serious.

so.. the new fool class have been saying for decades " the internet became feminised" ... kind of ditto, "culture   ..."

utter clap trap as it fails to show ( i have at least 10 first hand reporters of this  all fine sane middle aged women) for example the absolute pandemic of a definately feminised modern trait, even if boys are catching up: telling tales that arent true, to prophet, or just hurt someone else...or get them locked up... often but not always male. .

that is a real violence, longer lasting than even a really bad bruise.. as all suffeters do say

but one reason we have this is so few genuinely ' secure' women to tell them .. their sisterhoods, cos they do know...that they let the whole side down and just fuel even more disdain and  ever tightening unvirtuous circles of the horrid warzone.

Maybe modern british literature should be called " homoised" ..  but that would be silly if only 3.6% reported  same sex attraction in the 21 census.. 

they would be doing themselves out of sales...  so indeed suicidality more apt... once the dull  lg big hirls blouse fad has died down...

but back to complicity... with the likes of,  say,  James Golsmith... i suggest as archetype as he was very filmed.. 

publishers and many female gatekeepers are at the revolting tit of Goldsmith and co...even moreso!

scene 1:

Hockenjos and Pelling ...( Estelle you were there 2006 after our courtday fun... )

the latter the only   honourable and pure old  Etonian..heroic many years  justice activist plodding the RCJ hallways underfed and with holes in his shoeleather   ... i beat him tho .he told me 2004 i was mad to think their gagging  injunction could be challenged - his specialist subject, too....all the greats of lore he could recite....and started to blank me and get rude  ..!!  

the former a fun semi genius from Germany v famous court precedent in equality

the four of us best of friends even Pelling,  that day 2006..all grinnin' like cheshire cats   in the pub later on

" let me simplify it for you 

Estiannddad....  in the 60s the oldgits of the establishment ... figured something.....  as they had insider info.....  all their  after work whores .. most  were alcies or druggies too.... often in and out of trouble... .. and  hence their cheap and easy entertainment, especially if  needing a vial  in barter, of Harley St novacaine...  available free via old boys network 

to get their 'entertainment' through the night.. being theirs

but then, late 60s.. early 70s, their GREAT  idea: 

( as income from industry PLC is waning)

so lets eat two roast " birds" with one stone, or bbq ...

a. make sure they stay as de-dadded as can be....  so theyre available as new meat for whorehouse or even personal little sex slave or more likely kinky s+m trainee.. 

the more divorce and  postdivorce unequal mess we have the better ... change precedents ..[ as they did] so that only dad must make all the money to pay off her Harvey Knickers


storecard bill....  

no time or cash left to see his daughter... especially.. 

bingo,  loads o' fucked up new meat

because it so often is..  for many years.. we know,  we can ..tell at Madam Kink's... 

and adk them tbeir stories

for extra kicks

[ i can tell: age 30... 40... 50...almost immediately " wow you are bulletproof ...brighteyed and so unflappably fun and back up straight...impossible to shoot you off your perch with even my most poisonous  satirical legpullin quippy as i know we already are REAL friends, . tell me about your relationship with your dad as a girl growing up.. even if .....i already know..." i always did]

but wasnt enough just to increase the supply of whorehouse meat....

theres the simple question of affording 

endless supplies...


gradually Thatcherise all the services... :

THEMIX.. bodily ... their

 minds and bodies, 

the gold


 the little fucked up ones  cost so so much more to the exchequer!

thsn the securitised

doctor visits,  pills for this and that, gaoltime,  loony bin stays, no secure relationships so they need solo housing always...more rates to the council per person if dingle ( my what a vlever ruse ....solo cars,solo insurance policies [ at least 25% more expensive than if married] ... its ENDLESS... if we could cash in on that too!!! ...maybe via consultancies or share profit....

we could afford even 5 grand a day supermodel fucks  or deviancy

by the whole day .. 

how may we do that??.... ahh we....... already have....  

started to change all those things so that the  other oldboys, not ' public servants' like us judges.... are getting a wedge already... private nicks, privatised NHS by stealth.....  loadsa drug dealing old Etonians too like Josh or ... others who could be named. .  to name bit a few

of Maggie's magnificent whorecash factory


how on earth would a Former Soviet understand that is where the poor" bird" came....

as they ...

wouldnt dream of being that evil ..longterm..lifetime...

even in lil' old  Srebrenica.  

and generally do still value family..

The real history of 


but the shabbiest greed of all ...

And a ' culture' so thick they were all drawn in, too.. .

But all i care about is how to drscribe that glorious bodily feeling when just getting a smile or exchanging a joke with a ' secure' woman

not allowed to appear in literature or film for several decades

but i know it, when i

 live it..


and that, 25% them, and 75% my thinking it through fully... observing, speaking with the 'secure, reading...has been only  in my mental notepad 18 years


now, if anyone can prove me wrong i would love to hear about it, but only if they are a secure person who doesnt make stuff up to be in denial of what they all know deep down

they dont have to 

fuck you up youre mum and dad

quite a few dads did a great job....on their lasses

.. sad thing is tbey all of course also remained married

and loyal

( and i know the widow of a year ago was in fact more a miner... she nearly had me fooled too....until i daw her so so carefree on the beach ... Mounts Bay where no one has any moral memory... with  his expensive she is free to gaily gambol with it all alone .....  

but a brilliantest actress ive ever known...

and clevertoo... the really smart ones like dead Debbie if Presteigne... the High Court disagreed with her right to...sell

as every single local knew...

that pot of gold... duplicitously snout in troughed  all 300k...on his deathbed... marry a not so well copper, far less likely to see through the ruse...or be able to do anything about it, if so... thats genius... that generally does come back to lethally bite, in her case via the pancreas... no question cancer often finds a warm snug home in the sour confused inner meltingpot... of those, herself  forged in the fires of no good daddy time, either..   .) 

The End

it was decades