
Monday, 16 September 2024

Sarah Haider for president ( and education)

on MERIT as greatest modern communicator and thinker 

substack audio

Sarah Haider for president. audio with post at link below

( but you'll have have context - dozens of hours of their waffle over several years, before me)

Now... the problem is this is ' episode' about 100, of about 100 made the last 2 years ( my first ten are called 'I should be dead' made spring 2022)  NOT a moan at all.... my only moan is i forgot where i put them.... life TOO full of weird turnups

I create... only cos everyone else went nuts.... no one sane to speak with, except Europeans passin' through...

but   episodes about  50 - 100 i have made the last 6 months, arent ready yet cos i have listen to my own dull tones to  ... find them.. and figure if any bleeping needed... i know PURE journalistic ethics 

Among  which are many of my " discussions" with quite a few wise women( the European ones) , on The Track, the last six  wonderful months

All prove UK went Affluenza ( ie adopted  American social mores) sick, most of EU children still go through childood and young adulthood, healthily

this unplanned audio inspired by listening to the ONLY goodish minds i can find in the ' new' media i put on  under my pillow at night

Sam Harris if i really DO need to sleep as its impossible to stay 'awake' longer than 5 min listening to his faux intellectuality ... major critique ready, soon...

Sarah and sexy Meg:

ugly hashtags :  


is not Dawkinsian

is more waffly,  Stephen Jay Gouldian...

how to THINK .. Sarah may one day

i am for brownie points - quotas but they must be longterm, Meghan ( i,  like all her audience, as she knows - thats a fine womanly woman! fancy,  and 75% respect) still dominates,  even her genuine companera... 

Tony Judt's wink...

 " dont dare THINK

 i wanna be snuffed out..yet... til my memoirs are finished"

ADD in... film and photos of Fifi the ferret  2019ish ..( the story of a REAL female....that story many times Socratically told face to face on streetcorners ever since... she demanded to live...made me feel small, and guilty for not killing her... even with stage ten throat cancer....)

 hashtag all my millions of words memoirs, ' reflections ' over 15 years, lots still to load ... no paywall ever... ...though always constant and  philosophically ' happy'  100s of days since  jan 2010 utterly skewered upon a Serbian bbq no hope of ever having joy or life again  no happiness no beauty no nothing and everyone i ever meet a twat... and i no longer have a pssport to run away to sanctuary in saner Europe ..  or apply for asylum i really think any sane person should.. 


hashtag there is only one super sweet  zenned lovely smiley extremely beautiful  born bred  woman in all Pastyland... and no way would i encounter her again...  ever...

so, yet another reasom to have Meghan administer  a fatal dose.. 

until yesteraft the duelling alley... that narrow escape......

"  ehhh.... i noticed its just you and i... in almost this whole shithole...... the only ones for miles not allergic to the sunshine..." 

And two hours later  a whole life ...changes... i knew! was over

 her astonishing story.... she needed to tell

And be LISTENED to...

even if its  maybe nuts... thats not the point

" dont ever think you are not academic... sadly places like these oppress subtly...  as they opress the  genius Serb..... its a Wasteland of dodgy dinosauritis ....  you are the most fabulous UK born  communicator i have heard for years     ... do not believe your own bs you are lesser... i know you CAN think...  and evwn throughout these years of pain your eyes are still truly gorgeously...bright....." 

actual real ... earned... verbatim...compliment

hashtag it is astonishing ( not only does his for sale  ' buddhism'  not guide him to think  PEACE whatever it costs is preferable to revenge for oct 7th.... and that 'jihaddis' can and DO  change... evolve ...) that Harris  resorts to the last bastion of the scoundrel: the " iq determined by genes"  tests... long ago determined as philosophically dubious...  by the few of us could think and read and think,  thirty fucking years ago... all of twitter should ' pile on' him in real life.... smother him .... even if i wouldnt wish Trump a bad cold, or a third time lucky... at least pay him to shut up and go and live in a zen monastry  cell forever  on his immoral false mindfulness the harm Harris does is almost immeasurable...

( everyone even Meg wrongly sucking his  so wonky knob... as they did Brit,  Fuller..... even worse.... 

so dont for a second allow this Williams to take over .. he really is the devil incarnate......i studied him...and can  essay as to just why...)

really important big hasgtag: how neurotic ' healing', body vudu, mindful monkeybusiness ... all for money,  even if " by donatiom" flutter of the eyelashes, really did fuck England up its shitpipe .. and is a lethal fundamentalism ..... Wales caught up around 5 or 6 years agotoo.... i have wonderful chronicle of it all especially this summer of a load of REAL minds meandering the pathway ( Meghan would have us down, to Liverpool [  pathway  = snuffing out peeps, defacto allowedish here...])  with me as we audio riff on this whole towny neurosis of the body etc etc ... lifecoaching " DM me for change" coaching is easier than being a cleaning lady, like me,  as  the beauties of Gwerk have seen me smilingly

 at work at....

real work.... all of it... us sweaty Europeans on The Track riff upon.... just how they all made themselves mad and ill...  cos they dont, like me, and even the certificated  gorgeous fruitloop......   just walk on... day after day despite them .   

which makes her Fruitiness ( " i will watch One Flew Over the Cuckoos nest tonight after meeting you no one has made me think like you have ..ever.. ." as i said our eyes so totally  and utterly  burning each others brain like ECT .. on   max,   burning stare into each others, setting... " as i really am not sure whom is 'mad' any more.. as we knew from GREAT 80s culture and debate    ... i do know all The South is.... by any sane definition of them pissing into their own watersources.... via unnecessary cowboy  hats and my my the latest must have fashion item the pukka Arabian white supremacist sunhat thingy....   but you who prophesise .. with your eyes.... we alone know walking and UV ... a lot....  blahh blahh..."    .)

the only sane one....

And such a truly astounding speaker...

" love ehhh... your story... even if fantasised... i have genius radar for the  real BPD ...[ Meghan's duscussion on that  with a psychh expert ... clickbaited on polygammy but otherwise superb....a yearish ago i think is important  but sexist they said its a woman thing,  Borderline PD ... nope i am expert at court liars.. did give extraordinary access from inside...15 years of the ..   so called ' victims' of injustice...

the blokes started to catch up a decade  ago... BPD i would say 50/50 nowadays...  defo BPD is not mainly  a girly thing...

its a UK USA thing.... but nothing to do with ... sex

except both nations are real repressed hung up about it, obviously...still... relative to Europe...] your eyes and gob... state you totally know your story is true..... .i sense no kink in your auora or vibration.... 

i accept you 100% as the you, you, are....  bonkers or not, as the rest really are verifiably bonkers....and dont get through my  subconscious bullshit  detector... fadcism being they dont know its  in"human" ultimately dangerous, bs....sadly ."


( i only skit on HTs seeing a year ago the only good mind i knew, so so hashtaggy..... but they really are a cheap way to say sadly nothing to more... no yank knows ' less is more' ....i have real socratic dialog on just that from years ago. )

this is the LAST post recording of many made even yesterday..... 

that contextualise... my words

as i did with Dawkins, then ' al'..

 ( 'et al' as they say) 

i did a LOT of work over some years... to learn how to learn

and thus my  output i know is work.... but if you want to learn how to learn...i is a good teacher.

i really was a partially most  self aware,  subtly self assured  partially conceited cunt in the universe in my 20s....and master of it.. .and taught myself... 

how to be .. different...and learn, the real way... and there aint no manual.
