
Sunday, 8 September 2024

"now" quote the dreadful  fake German.

A summer if so many rather fantastic ' real' ones...

Even him yesteraft, in always such a good mood, but some you don't bother tussling with...

" my god..

.so so predictable... every single book in here from the bought boho, playbook..."

But ... a man also of ' science' he taught it five years .... 

" we are cousins at least, we marry like King Eric... the three  cultures, real top elite latest nuclear fizzics... but metoo i know best real biology... and THEMIX of  quantum entanglement in the mere ' human' mind.... and know no one can ever understand it 

especially the absurd snakeoilers who 

pander it

for a price... hahh hahhh metoo...

bring back Stalin and thought control as even thinkin,' mindfulness ' .... especially if they have professors of the ultimate icy gulag

that fails, to nourish any ' real' 

'human'.. ever...i have the evidential data points.... stuck on my back hahh hahhh....

...and we vare about.... the lies pandeted by the metaphysicians and even poets, 

and   others of the other - CPs second,


we have pondered...  

especially the recent [ last 100 year] writers...

And our third, we  have naval gazed into  an outside of any box, creating our own  ' real' culture based on .... no i am never cynical...  

..... anyway, no ...not yet.... i have so many  genuinely interesting insights to  collate in pure neutral Orwell-at-his best in ' Paris and London.... non judgemwntal reportage of just the way it is.... the ' real' version and not the theme park utopian soma-muncher nonsense .... that all you ever here, all if here...especially  at soma-central... Shitcreek.... 

"oh.... allies... .. for the sake of our daughters...a bit if truth rolled out

.....i agree...  as its all i ever have as my pedigree

Bee .... authentic to what is reality"

And with a gunpoweder plot afoot

Being loyal to even weirdo viewers who cannot know

 the undertow

or splendid daily upflow...

as i cannot edit it into one long  wholesome meanderlope around and through many  metaphorical swamps ...

a smateration will have to do

for now

As there is the greatest ever mutual aid plot... underway


but i have run out of data

so, much more later

( including bridging sections that may just make sense

now i really do have real evidence)