
Thursday, 5 September 2024

" now "

 meanderloping along the Track... yestermorn

I had a mentally ill, gandiose, 'Asp Burgers... impossible, idea...

(and can write a FIRST DRAFT  - full of typos due no time to even think about typo checkin'  - limited electricity, in use for far far more important 'causes'....and disastrous keyboards...essay like the last post without even a pause...or stop....  or aforethought... just be 'awake' at 0400 due the lightening and... oh well get on with it even if it will never even be curated into anything performable... [ but i did love watchin' her yoga moves above the gathered flock].....all is handed down so perfectly every day by the goddesses of The Odyssey  despite themselves trying every trick in their rather dull book, to trip me up.... 

And i am no one

other than i notice, all MAY indeed be for a reason... they are far far too much smarter than me to let any of us a have a clue as to what is their cunning plan or plot...

I just 'let go'...

But what's the point when even the cruelly tyranised social worker doesnt even know " your poet... he took his name from and then wrote 'whhen you aint got nuthin' you got nothin' Toulouse... my first choice of shopping town once a month if i can get to the High Mountains of Portugal ..ok the last part was ok of that one - all is absurdist and they must just be tollerated..

Or back to Those Pyrennees...  EVERY tragic Englishman ive known for a decade get their 'Europe' from the web when i get bearhugged by real Europeans... that Kraut the other night was simply magnificent...

Didnt even recall my " we won...shut up...  i am in charge" and within ...only for five minutes... all three had their luggage back, their lost lamb  reunited and a bed for the night...  she acted only in the actual "NOW" .. give im a hug...  


 Try telling some Pyrenean mountain "bird" to peck at MAcrons skinny poster of some techocratic utopia and they'll break their levees and aim them at the encroaching forward party...  and not Miss a real target... 

  " we got the maountains and the hydro power to flood you off back where you should have fucked back to years ago... in fact you never got here anyway..  we are independent..of spirit and mind.. " Europe being many still sane smaller republics... I am sure they have a few in the Motherland.. her mum's large back garden with their three chickens, i know is one....

So, thing is... having discovered 95% of Krauts are still wonderfully "human"  and actually READ the great culture..(that isnt Rosie polluting as i saw the whole Mounts Bay full of dead fish just spring gone by... chucked out to rot and poison... ) and also even believe they must...

And so many like it here...

" Angela bless err... truly important attempt " cmon you millions, runnin' from YAnkee bombs and lapdog SAS destabilising as usual..... open door here.."  which any actual good mind who has known many brown boaties.. ehh is a bit more complex.. never mind that to assist any society with demcracy you need to assist the goodies   to camp as close to back home as possible... because the 'enlightened' are needed to plot  the overthrow one day of any baddie.. Assad to  ... get Zalensky to shut the fuck up and stop acting...  out, Boris's absurd fantasy....and humans live when you sack for peace..on about day 3...

Only the 'locals' can actually deal with their own local we have seen recent war after war....

Yugoslavia perhaps the one recent exception but we did have the ONLY answer, ever, neutralish United Nations being brave and bluehelmet


 bonkers, Missled*,  Serbs  in their boney arses

 to get em to behave... even if Croatia started it..


 (if one reads the history of them - i did 18 months ago, because....well i guess she has Stockholm Syndrome too...

cos suckin up to those Natural Store bags for scraps off their bougie stolen table tops... in finest  raw material, no laminate for them..

..  is understandable - i just needed to understand.. which is the only 'freedom' there ever is

 it seems for centuries  that people, known as the actual PEACE brokers of that whole region) i had this stupid mad eureka...

Once, a lifetime ago... it could be argued at least they had a clearcut issue ..

The West .. saved Germany from itself...

Well, no one should ever give 'assistance' without a decent payback - otherwise you create an infantalised people or race or tribe or 'human'...

And as ALL the world seems to be cottoning onto.. there is one  peep ..tribe.. that needs saving from itself...

And they seem to be falling for their own - though universal,  fallacy of not bothering to remember that fabulous Franz... wasn't just writing about back home..back then...

But i cannot even pretend to have an idea

never mind act it out

without a wise almost perfect bilingual one...

Even if... nuance

Is so so so hard to translate ...

Percy and his

( TO BE CONT...NOW... i half write and post/ chapter of a really dull odyssey ... except the last few weeks...too much to get to then come back and carry on....sometimes..)