
Sunday, 22 September 2024

Not one more word as summer ceases

 At was it the best for many a year.... because.

backwards now

folder '21 sept' loadsaaudios to come

but plenty need to be turned into collage....

or ... popsong


bee sting

300.m4a in there,  and down below in a yesterpost

299 time to go all the way

Only as one has to start really at the beginning

With a rather aptly plaxed little squiggle

As, sorry, anyone who cared just a bit about use less, especially detergent and energy, retired ALL their white or light clothing, as i did 25 years ago...


No exceptions, even if one 'looks good' in white


The mermaids may have come 'in' to seek lotuses to sell, however...

The first wave, was...

I mean,  classic ' born London' 

But it is the way i thought women - the original 'sorted' ones of the same first wave....were for  telling these tragic hippocrites to be real...

Making them....

Actually practice what from the earlyish 90s they moved out of London, to preach

an easier gig, than being a cleaning lady...

My first hippo study soon.... let loose 2020 to chronicle what really environmentalism...... ohh i forgot 

These frauds who started in my last region 'eco art'  .... really sjit stuff using lots of mother earth's materials ...and ( as the gorgeous farmbirn Sugarmummy agreed... a fuckin scandalous rip off for really crap art) ...

their art can be bought with faery dust that doesnt have an environmental footpring in gatherin' trunks if buy really shit intallations of it...

 .. we could only go and visit  2022 as it took them two years to recover from the shock of a bit of nature...

 funny that i thought spiritual naturalism or whatever guff they conned the grant supplying organs with ( they being limited in rural hinterlands, this matters and is why there are hardly any yoof clubs.... so all the 18 year old f's  of that region - villages nearby, speak of on the 'street' is " save 3 grand, get a bigger set and head off...these creeps dyole all the oxygen, cannot 'breathe' here")

gave you zen.. . 

this is a great sacrafice... now autumn here the STARERS appear
almost everyman...

I have never known a more stary place....
nothing better to stare at even here at supercliffside  super moody place ...
rhan some chap sat in his motor minding his own business.. 
Which says a heck of a lot if you are a nomad...
and now the behaviours here there and everywhere and...

how its usually a sign of an unquiet, very bored mind.... who doesnt know how to spell the simple rules of being 'human'... they dont teachdown South - any of it. .

( yuck i never again wish to see another of rhese ugly things....

 and that includes the almost ubiquitous 'status dog'... Sugarmum farmerbabe, knew too.... they only fuck up... ) 

Right i havent even started with art installation time....


i guess it depends on is the piglass ...dependable

And can read: " i am not in the slightest bit interested in this lost peninsula of London-on-sea....  except i like a bit if peaceful land to hide away in being useful to REAL farmers.... and anyway at exactly summer-endin' time thisterlunchtime... 

nothing more to even think as enough for a lifetime is in the can .  that needs working on

And if ifont just stop all new thought i woukd be an utter fraud

as i do believe ' if there is something' the clues suggest get to be an old goat, or Ibex in the case if the gorgeous giraffe...  then our rile is to be elders and oass on not campfire fantasies, but some actually useful stories. 

tis what so called ' civilisation USED to be based upon...

And i no nihilist...

In fact the saddest thing of all the  truest beaut ...

didnt seem to yet get

her so lovely twinflame lass

we mustnt think  that we must just give in...  as a " species" ...

A moment of true poignant 'empath' ( their latest con) ...  ehhh nothin new

time immemorial...

you just gotta do the WORK...

I have, and remarkably do know a few... even if self selecting, 5%, but only peraps 0.1 of the whole awful lot of em... as i never talk to the fashionista majority ... realise they actually do have to " change"... and be in lead charriottoo...

which takes us back....

in fact ask me the rot set in when 1978... 

more than great

...est  new real 'energy' you could experience ...

Being a new man only one man between you and three new men 1m away....

but the next year the actual red light goes on and they decide to get more girls to go all Reggie...

and ruin it.

Especially if,  as i did mid 80s,  livin' on the once pristine ST Kitts, one of the poorest West Indies... 

Windward side alredy a metre deep in plastic crap no one could be bothered to clean off the beach...

One got to understand over time, why.. 

Popping over as paid Island hopper
in the little BN2a
to Antigua, where any successful 'rasta'man worth his salt would emmograte ..

And already then knowing the 'beautiful people'  mainly yachties, of English Harbour and  around were so insipdly venal and vapidly dull..nothing to ever say...

One would wander down and shoot the breeze with the rastas showin' off all aloe shampoe picked from the trees ( " that really draws em in like honeysssss to a pot.. then i get em pn the pot") 

"Hey mon its all just an act really.. but it works...dont tell em yjough.....  we all addicted to  the white girls..all of em... flock here and only want one thing and we happy to oblige... " why of course they never had time to look after or even till a bit 
of their "natural born presence" their whole magnificently successful con
just a job... 

 great revenge tactic, fully  succeded in decades ago...

most happy fatcats by far i ever met. . 

But to think that  the man who ruined his own once great muzac with compulsory not very good  Reggie,  the very next year, then set himself us as world eco saviour.....
thats worse than the Rasta fraud
as we're not allowed to suggest
by the nuveau woke racist pricks
 theyre canny enough to take the piss
or should be....
Only victims....i knew loads of their victims .. mascara leaking down their tearful cheeks at the cheek of him to have a girl...
 every day monday, through Girl Friday..and a couple of extras  at the weekend too... 

Anyway musicians are never interesting,  unless possibly a flortist...

As all they do is follow some origanal conman..
with their ( you had to be there, and film it) druids meet Ghandi act    ... making out their 'willow' ceremonial spaces are ... actual hard work working the land...

As did the real worst scoundrel of them all.... 
The women... well the ones he can get to fake it for his recent  youtube videos..  
appear still to lap him up

I do hope i saved as i tried... yet another from becoming his  many a thousandth victim .... even if she was extremely rude to me... and the only reason i found a temporary paradise..... .

...  and so so false allegatory tragedy on two legs   

...cos their mindfulness doesnt, work....

she to try and get one up on..him...

But he...

 ... tjing is what i dont understabd and it is BIG business in much of The Marches... here too Devon i saw ut slread like a  case of thrush  at a lesbian orgy...... i am sure their incommer big showoff status  moggies  eat loads of too... and dethrush their new wastelands...

What i dont understand ( i MUST find the great book by a woman whistleblower on the trabscendental con took London by storm late 70s and still  brings in supertankers of bacon for em) 

is thecon... of the original  'mind body and soul' conNEN.. most were .. as tvey went on to 'healing' soundbowls using loadsaraw materials to do nothing....

was so easy to critique at least ..

never mind call out as against trade descriptions act ir more usuay coercian and control...of the wills or assets of the ' followers' they con into becoming ' supporters'...  ( even more a wordwude ibdustry nowadays than ever before especally if we include loadsa duff  Trump supporting [ sic] 'evangelical' churches also colonised The Marches .. bigtime

ALL 100% Miss Oh Jennyical,  the REAL version as only men are allowed to sign the cheques for the building... or the tampon machine the JWs probably dont allow as its not quite as their 'god'  thought humans should be....progressing that is. ( so many megga JW spots all over the once cheap real estate of Thise Marches...and so many easy prey to sell cruches to, if recovering junkies  cannot afford the fayre back to the Priory... )

But why... from TomPaul-the-1st- on-Wye..... just up the road hidi g in the foothills... 

such a provable con, quite obviously...never mind cleverly ' 'volunteering to  have" community" punishment oeeps on site so he can use them to chop wood that he sold for at least 30 quid per weekend [ amortised, ican, its amazing how few ever do]  to the workshopees ..  a seriously illegal form of illegal slavery as court ordered  ' community payback' must be to benefit  the' co.munity'..not a private commervial  landlord,  delling trips to his Dysneyworld,    on the big con... as well

But why do the women never ever hold them to account.. ?  these first wave of 'nature' cure ir whatever  other con, conmen...i never understood.. 

The old school ones... sorted real .iral ones even around still in the 99s.. always did...

ohh i know... they kicked em out and imported ... 

Southerners only...

now i know why she too had been brainwashed by the wash from passing boats  and likeky drug fumes, too  .and  to find " moral" such a problematical word... 

 nothing to do with me...

except those who live only fantasy

i am l'm pretty sure ive always seen

die younger

 unless they are king kong of the fantasy 

top of the tree faery...

slaves and sycophants

( extraordinary uk ' civil service studies' ).. no one knows why.... 

get iller

 and earlier, die

meanwhile proof

good old Christian values keep you alive... a long time


whereas ...

post show  1981 ...

actually there 

"  freak me... that was so mesmerisingly new messiah...  a  presence.... quite winded ...." 

but all that .. "natural mystic" doesnt stop you becoming a cancer riddled  dead parrot just a few months later

right,  now... not that i care one bit, there is utterly no point as i know .. when i didn't before..

how the "we"men ( thatll take a month  or two to get to, believe me it's thrilling)   at the top of the con tree have their  slaves so well trained and fattened up with soma..

And the soma munchers .. ( their free fayre,  displayed in patented bags, papertoo) .. now, are unable to ever think theytoo may be part if yhe 'problem'... 

And they are not only in the majority, indeed the 99.9% all there is... unless Hull  woman has a sister stranded here unable to afford the diesel home to safety....

. the 0.1 or in fact 0.001% ... 

 one not only cannot say anything to rick tbeir utopian biat, if one does to an extremely select few... they actually do try and run you out of town...

i go when i am

As the few last two in fact, only,  'great white hopes' cannot follow through either

or remember what passionately discussed me wasting more of my precious time  ..i adore every second of..

Anyway.... pethaos i couldnt 18 months ago, simplify it...

the definitiom of' consumerism' as theres no hope for doing anything unless the problem CAN be defined in a word..

But thats the thing no fuckwit Green like Ellie Chowns living in a gated ( de facto) rich persons " community" could never share with you as none of them know

" reduce.... reuse your trousers til there are holes appearing in the crotch ..... just stop almost all but the very barest essentials.... simplify... only 100% enhances all your life and gives you even better [ not her fake ] ..'energy'. and really does make you really 'happy' ...despite them." 

and pissing on your own last nowleft doorstep  is the key to happiness too....

cos someone has to provide some natural amonia  cleaning agent so the next gen can  at least begin the real clean up...