
Saturday, 14 September 2024

No ' guru'

 And imperialist homoerotic.. distrustful ( of the faeries)  crap is defined by

off Oggle

"...What is the Socratic Method? Developed by the Greek philosopher, Socrates, the Socratic Method is a dialogue between teacher and students, instigated by the continual probing questions of the teacher, in a concerted effort to explore the underlying beliefs that shape the students views and opinions."

'probing' her...La Galloise

A true probee fights back....

" your data... data.. but think for YOUR self ....  La France is far more integrated with, and happy lapdog of a lived experience  way... The Ceciles' De Galles.  may spit at it but know it probably shouldnt be [ probed]  or Vladimir'd out of existemce... Britain however you say men hold tons more loot here, but what IS ' Britain'?

"unlike the stone age  continent  which isnt petfect,  inellectuals and poets ( even Wordsworth a true newmind) and writers and Surrey bankers  and even false allegators living in London... making a big packet of dough.... move OUT to the fresher air..unless liars like sadly Katarina the first...... it .. the ' cpuntrydide' is their status the expensive showoff boat or even houseboat.... it is their pathetic little playground ... for their toys

 but NOT in the city...

unlike all of Former Sov placrs and much of Europe...

But even that, aside...

London, what IS it?

Long ago we knew every drugdealer cartel owner oligarch arms trader could set up 10,000 fully legal shell companies in a rotting  houseboat on the Thames...

The centre of wordwide dodgy dosh....

And international  legit money flocks there, too... as the dodgy dosh gets coparented into the same pension funds so basically all of UK ... even the sweetretirees to the coast on NHS pension pots... is an arms dealin' dope pusher...

dealer in death

good summary within:

long ago ..1991...any sane person knew .

" blessem these poor refugees from wartorn Yugoslavian lands.

.i...tried to warn our inhouse refugee one  half croat the other Serb... we loved ... ' you know not where you come...  Poles think Pretty Woman is a documentary... [ confirmed by the fabulous first equal great mind she laughed and nodded her head  .. at my telling her  her muvvalands ..recent... Polish banker biker babe May 2023 en route here] ' ...and Dynasty too...  i now hear...

Forget them all... now...even the saltlick just sadly a passing lost cause

Only La Galloise showed trurst socratic jousting...

" your data...  look, what IS ' britain'? ... think...  London really is its own weird wonky universe... built on  more or less only corrupt practices ... all the outflowers to places like here live in denial their property prices inflated by mass murdering oligarchs and cartels... buying their castoffs as they downshift, here...

 and buy up the Natural Store to rebrand themselves not living off dodgy dosh or overinflating  " bought boho" vw vans the must have accessory

( pr black golfs to maych his dodgy knee accessory)

just coke a  coke addicted city boy commodity

they only know the price of everything ( even if in Gwerk never areal life penny  is mentioned  as if all  5 grand campers worth only 2 due real rust rather tham spray on, just 'manifested' themselves there for free.)

but value if nothin'

.. usually on  'his'  citycash ...or mummy's...

If you looked at the data this way, no one will ever provide you with, so guesstimate... Vlad takes out just London   which has little to do with the real rest ofBritain...

So the land... all around... i know for a fact the last 20 or 30 years a lot...i would say majority...of the rural lands .. have gradually transferred into female hands... some, perhaps many, by false allegations in courts, others because fact: women live longer so have longer to ponder who to pass on to.... and be ' lobbied' by...

( anf fact all the babe journos i knew  in the 00s said they know far more babes lie... hand on the bible... than blpkes.. but of course thats just hearsay from the most respected her sayers in the land who ran ' society,' journalism... even legal ed of Times,  Fran....)

Even if entirely  innocently...( though blokes could rarely care less when 60ish plus ....but the older nag brigade  my my ...god they backstab and ultra bitch to retaim pony land my whole 2020 and 1 was caught up in their horrible  painted on smile, duplicity... 

to one another (f)... absolutelly couldnt give a toss about my children using illicitgirlspadocks for free.

.nope one snuck in  under my radar....even i was pulled in  by her at first....who smiley smiley would sell hers for just one acre... of my borrowed 5 acres only for the girls....

.  i observed many more  female landholders...  especially in The Marches...

so.... before you say the ultra data says blokes still have loads and dosh

think for yourself...

me i couldnt give a shit who owns it... but the way that every single one of the 90%  female landowners i have done some of their landwork for.

. them too precious to scratch their fingernails... just to save from the weather their reusable wood.... so busy pozsting i heart nature on Fakebook at 3am cant sleep as they dream...about who they really are and it hurts poor the....

 their business, but the way they shaft you even on agreed WAGES.. for work DONE( my recorded conversations sadly self protectorate  necessary to begineth over 10 years ago).. no man would  ever do that....

But even that's just a Fuller Monty documentary Monty Python would piss in his smakey  litter  


It is how, having pissed off every honest day labourer for miles... or rather they KNOW they will get found out...

Almost every single one,  i would see ..espesh after their big Faragiste ...white  flight year 2016...  hires in towny men in white vans..... from many miles away...

hire in likely ex cons really nasty ones or litter  window chuckers ( every white van in The Marches for years left its lunch packaging by the its mot part of the ' community' just a thug from the inner city in overalls....)  ... hire....ANYone but some bloke offering to use his chainsaw to  saw up the fallen tree...

 from the same ' community'... 

But Wye? 

As a three year old knows


at being found out to be

Not quite what your smile says



Nor your endless Fakebookery all night about ' community'

The arrogance to think no one

( or maybe just one or two left 

immune to starvation and angstyitis their thievery spreads) would kinda see... obvious patterns..

Anyway that is Britain

I couldnt care less, knew a decade ago no hope 

.but"  La Gal.... .. data... amortise it ...lovely Frog  word arbitrage it...for where, say, the bookreading middle classes live or dream of.... being 

I think you will find  female landholding in the Noncity places.... has massively equalised... 

the only thing unequal, is  most are too thick to understand  ... where their really dodgy loot came from..or how they likely got more than their fair share....and how there is ALWSYS a price... god eben stoneage blokes writing bibles cigured that unjversal " human" mattrer aeons ago..."

definition: Hay...  from around 2005...many photos and names spom one day...

..... now .. this Socratic stuff... on action face to face

the above never even occurred to me ..until in full superbest full on  flow with 

proving? you need a  debating chamber,  tension? or  a cruel and sadistic tribe of fairies allowing each step up evolution 

as such bosoms true torture where tje mond only a pleasure

( a Frencie ignores ..the  compliment )

it proves you gotta trust...


i guess, 

an equal.... 

un  plus une 

equals trois (  no a gender,  certainly no 'femenine'.. just positions, finding their true level... )

in good conversation,  no agenda, merely the truth.... 

perhaps one foes get 'help' frpm..

above, below, 

not one knows
