Sunday 29 September 2024

"it is a saudade"

 ... but sadly

The English, even here ( under 64 years of age)  in the 'wild' place, no longer value any words outside their  so so conformist paintbox of dull pitypiece words. And don't know HOW to stage a life affirming battle axe of a happy ending... 

(or miss out the ratio of women who do dastardly murderous deedstoo...and there are many ways of snuffing out a soul - which don't have to be only about shooting the heroine

To the smiley torchbearer "  well she* did say to me i could wander along my pathway and come and join the crowd without bothering to pay... so as i have walked this way three times a week, 8km round trip to get my groceries since the spring and it's my last night in this wild QUIET place..i better come and listen to what all the fuss is about...sometimes you are carried on the wind to me at bedtime..i never go out at night all the dangerous boozers and likely druggies too..haven't for years...  but let me tell you something, and i wander this site often i usually stop for a smoke here on one of the massive slag heaps..or maybe by the deep pool there alongside the track...  quite a good place to sit and watch the lowering sun... but i noticed something and what we do NOT see is often so much more interesting... despite all these considerable trippy uppy obstacles everywhere.. loose shingly slag heaps...  bits of old wire fence left unfixed and not tidied away... i am thrilled to not see anywhere NY signage saying ' danger of death if you dip your toe in this pool or misstep along this track between your 4 stages... its like thrilling and gorgeous...and it occurred to me seeing you wander with us with in your case your non regulation sized mini torch you naufghty girl... NO... not ONE..  bit of neon...anywhere... its depressing enough to listen and i can say this raised in a very basic comprehensive in N wales and none of my teachers prostituted themselves on the 'myth' nonsense.. no one knows if Arthur exists or why Offa built his long ditch -maybe he had just discovered like Sam Harris magic mushrooms are the key to everything and that was his great insight.. as i have said many times on the Dyke at Herrock hill ' maybe he saw Trump coming in a second sight dream and decided to barricade them all in against that orangeyness they found one knows'...    all myth prostituted from about the mid 80s by fat English incomers to get jobs grants and bullshit tourists and incomers...  anyway i wrote in and congratulated them on a REAL 'saudade' as a single parent a decade taking my lass to all arts events as the incomers took over Hay  - every one, starting in HAy Wholefoods where twice a week estianddad would buy their rye and fennel loaf..until in about 2008 just as the tsunami intensified they raised the price from about £1,40 to over 2 quid  - all...every single one of the SOuthern invaders from Home Counties or the city itself i see every one do it as they invade even sick scumhole Kington {cos they cannot afford  the HAy [prices.] ... community.... prostituting themselves on the 'community' word.... basically how theyre gonna sell their mindfulness vudu and other unnecessary trinkets except it never works except to their dull little circle who cannot sleep, and need prozac to get through the day... i see is everywhere here too... all that 'we bring community' poison .. half the community couldnt afford their daily or bi weekly bread any more as soon as the fake hippy brigade bought all of Hay...all the prices crept up especially the theatrical events and the quality certainly did not match fact Pentabus started all this confected vulnerability and pitypiece crap.. 

" so when i saw tickets a fiver i wrote in to them  six weeks ago - me a very local 'community' member - in fact maybe their nearest neighbour,  all be it transientishmaybe... and said WELL DONE YOU... single parents and ordinary bottom third stopped being able to afford the standard 18 or more quid, years ago.. you are a 'saudade'...'.... the luvvies run these things too arrogant , bad mannered, and likely drug added to even bother a kindly word back... actually BEing 'communal''

" but... had i seen ONE neon jacket.. of course excepting dozens due the health and safety extreme cliffedginess of this place fair dinkum..i would have about turned back out...

" do you know you have taken us.. you too you same ageish as when times were still beautiful and innocent !! its a perfect pure saudade... 

" how DID you do it...and it is the best performance i have ever attended for years... the true aesthetic beauty of NO neon...not one gillet jaune in sight...  and just a few rather pokey torches guiding us sheep around....  you have recreated a time warp back to [perfect beauty unlike her silly time travel machine on stage...  i would rather see something REAl abourt REAL Pastylandshire not the endless PR pieces for lesbianity or other general discontinuity..of being 'human'...

" remebr what you is important.."

At least one perfect heekychild my age smile from under her boilersuit seemed vaguely real...

I did NOT write my note after seeing this!

I can see the future even if my words about mud were far far more Shakesperian..

to be cont

* now... was it? i still do not MUST be.. must have been... and why i cannot tell, still... is what makes it truly interesting and the ultimate piece of art about..

being environmental as the beauties all chorused me this month " every single molecule we do NOT need to sustain life.. trickling into the watercourses via the badly built shitpipes.. is WHY the ecosystems here ..and back in The MArches...are as dead as the plotline in dull local art... " .. every mollecule, especially Extinction Rebellion's magical non chemical hair dye and 7" of makeup.. ..every man on the Track's absurd overdose of bo spray on chemicals..... at least i found a few English women over the year, who like me find it sickening when one passes it...

But heres the truly interesting thing as one but more to come ..interviews with fabulous older women from 55+ over the past year (even if i noticed this on dead fake Polly Higgens 15 years ago, in person... we had  a mutual closeish friend)...many a time we chime.. i was first informed near a year ago on The Track by junkie filled Porthleven.. " and my skin ages in HARMONY with the silvering,....that sir is why, as you say i look SO much younger...and sexier... as my he comes.. knows to his credit....i just pity my ageing sisterhood whom dont have the confidence to the body and nature... yes as you recant the woman who told you of her and her best friend.. yes the over 55ishs who do the really makes them look quite quite weird and often ugly... " is SO interesting i cannot decide if... i was licensed to not waste a fiver by Mary Moviestar in person... most intimately... one on one..

And in fact is scene one in my own real life psychodrama of no drama just poignant reflections on...

LA Vinaigrette has copyright on her wonderful real life story of subversion...


(and i sadly am never off duty - yesterday four beauties..  peg leg first.. to be cont... then the "subversive submariner"..  the extraordinary  artiste.. the only one i encountered all day in a day with an evening crammed full of the fake versions...

And then Mrs or maybe Ms.. NHS... she knows, too.. just walk... and as lithe, fit, unadorned by ABSURD equipment they all are addicted to just for a Sunday jaunt,  and sexy as me !! just her hotpanted svelte body... and thus i told her of my site just on that... being bodily bouncing through...all of them.. for 15 works.

Only very rare spirits are invited in there...