
Sunday, 22 September 2024

I can just hear the thoughbubbles:

 There hasn't been any point discoursing with ANY English man since about i gave up after 5 hard years of them ending around 2017ish... in reality.

A few footnotes became poetical proof day after day...of all lost to thinking some internet reality on (Europe, the environment) is real rather than them doin' something or even te odd Eurobabe to actually discover what Europe really is... 

And i only wish female readership ... as if one has  a mind should be obvious as you "challenge...only those you think just MAy have an itzy bitzy hope of ...changing or doing what they sometimes do say.. "

( but the thoughtbubb;les " ohh bleat bleat we had to sell snake oil and fake mindfulness as all the men colonised all the real jobs in the fringeland hinterland... pity poor us.."  well, i dont state any factual opinion unless near 20 years of living a reality: Even the arch fake Hilary living in his 'philosophers' nest.. manages to hook the most absurd ex London younger meat ever...strutting around in the middle of nowhere - our closest neighbour by a safe 2km.... in her hotpants and wellies...  extremely modern nouveau generation... not only couldnt handle ANY worker like the only one who could just about tolerate them as he loved the 'space'...  even 18 years ago, no one else would dig out the hard stoney ground all around the 'philosopher's shed....  left damp for years and years or fix the old rotting new tractor... in the other shed.... or all the rest of it... ANY 'bird' could quite quite be capable of doing i never overwork, not one are worth one bead of real sweat unless it suits me and my body needs a bit of honing....  and the real laugh the one person most afraid of his fellow man... with a top acid coliver... whotoo exactly the same little issue.... wouldnt even dream of thinking of trying to find some woman he could boss around to do basic rather simple digging and groundwork anyone with 90% bodily strength could potentially do.. that particularly extreme versuion of fraud - writing books about actual MYTHS created to draw in the visitors a mere 10 years prior estianddad there that day...and i am quite sure that if one could be bothered to read her .. whats the word for your rich sugar daddy getting you published.. i lose track.. vanity piece there will be scholarly paragraphs about how the 'Green Man' festival was to celebrate  a year of fine rural woman and man toiling away on the land to feed and clothe all around... ... one of those things was fact, the other..any Green Man..pure fiction...)


As i have too many stories to rewrite a bit day...  

When autumn begins

at 1.40 something... except sane people never use a computer on the day of rest.. 

Unless of course its a 'good book' that is fun to flick through the pages of and have some real laughs..
