Sunday 29 September 2024

"human" pollution


The real version...

As i told im' - the Mormon, yesteraft sat at the pillar of wasting good ash....

You could not create a more poignant moment

(after the Mrs "subversive sub" too....


but if  - i remember hername despite Ludvico inc( never ever trust an Italian the way ALL their porn about halfway turns it all into deviant and into a bumfest.... one should research all reality all reality is just what it is... ).  ferkin dodgy one and all and the great artiste..i think.. lives there, half iti Tobleronic blood... she said 'they just copied all theirs from the Greeks..'  not even crediting her until lasteryear in the whole  site and credits and write p connected to the thing that only IS..Alessia

So, as if Alessia were actually having a cacao ceremony serenading the wild is the winds, on my lap


you could not make up the poignancy....

Of the only moral quandary - sorry it IS a 'thing' fool me.. i should have stood my "daddy" knows best, ground.

there is:

are we merely America in that all should just end up as a claim for money in the courts. Or were we better than that, and that example should be handed down to the next generation by the 'elders'...

Of course the senior Mister Religion - responsible for Trump's swing 5 ish percent...

Merely my moronic narrator..

one day the tapes will record for posterity while the Itis as well as trying to kill every private charter pilot flying into Linate by not bothering to 'control' anyone around big muvvafucker mountains... are merely bumfuckin their way to posteriority...

When the godsquad no longer get that 'justice' based on false witness and dubious testament and falsely sought 'justice'  is no real justice and in fact right ferkin immoral in my book..

Only a perfect example of the 100% selfish waste dumpin ... 

 of a bbq'd human... 

just by my perfect luchspot... 

will be made into even better art than the great one herself...


So much on my todolist..

especially create a better SITES map..

'my links' above goes to

and down the page

BOLIVIA part 1

can you imagine... on a quest to find and link up with a somewhat Stockholmed and headfucked one..

a country crammed with beauties ALL AROUND likethis one..

 thats what you call a headfuck.

happies place ive ever been to.

BUt the COLOURS they wear.. not (as The Guardian would essay) an ethnic pity costume pity us for what we list

the EXACT reverse..a costume of solidarity and artistic response.. not worn for the tourists as there arent any or werent 2017 .. except a few (to be described soon).. worn moreso after 2003 when hundreds of women laid down their lives fighting against the fascist Yankees who ...(not covered enough in innately sexist but still ok in Even The Rain) stood up against fascist Yankee capitalism making them pay money to collect rainwater off their own roofs in a lovely arid region...    

.And by laying down their lives - killed brutally by the corporations' goons.. sparked a revolution from 2003-6 thattime-bomb ticked over and succeeded in TOTALLY overthrowing capitalism, put in south America's FIRST  fully 'indigenous' president - ebverybody kindog loved...and he even made the economy MORE successful as  his party's policies were what was on their label " movement towards socialism" ..and they survived a CIA  coup in 2019 putting in the caretaker bimbo - one of only five (not exaggeration) hairdyed bimbos in the whole country... 

I never went to any place where the women are only universally 100% valued for bein' just as footstampy as the blokes..and it shows: laughter and food, the national sports.. and you camn keep a;ll your dinosaur hocus pocus shamanistic vudu...

A country of REAL "birds" ..some of whom one can spot way way before dawn tramping in to market.... with a pack ACTUALLY the size of a Mini on their back.. still laughing.

SOMEONE should go and paint and film their REAL spirit.. not the wuwu vudu version ... i tried to capture some in bits of film

but my one and only dream - as soon as i saw them..i followed and stalked all the way.. the bin lorry comes around midaft and rings its bell..

And an endless happy joyful dancin' stream of market women and some men play the ritual of running out when he passes by them gaily presenting their (not much0 waste for the proud happy binman ringin' his bell...for so many belles its daft.. thats the job i want.

And the film made, too.... the happiest scene i have seen anywhere in the world, ever...



but i need a camerawoman as  one never quite knows who is loitering (from the last regime) maybe cannot afford to eat they didnt kill them, or even gaol them for long... they just put them in the stocks a little while and basically said pity you..we were right all along, truth and justice floats to the top.. if you fuck with our water.. and our REAL "bird" Boliviennes...

 and may grab ones machinery

Or in fact to be me, when i am in a place of REAL people... i think it is almost a vudu spell to bring out a camera... the rules of saudae say that imagery is FAR more longlasting if you live iit and feel it etched onto your minds' eye for life..

SO i dont want to pollute my  "human" self having a camera out ever again...Anfd it would be naughty, i got a backlog of 20 years to start to roll out...and i do know what makes a goodish photo.. even if i never have time to fiddle with any butons - focus, light, and all those artless distractions... see, understand, point, press,,,  but as   earlier chimed .. " my paintings kindof need a 3 line poem at least to set the scene..." 

All this 'make of it what you will' i do find rather dilettante post modern..and in fact unkind to the viewer - they miss out if one's point is not explained...of the image

especially when every one of my 10000 are to describe a story underway... that in itself is a work of art rather surreal