Wednesday 25 September 2024

 i draw a line at the ultimate bimbo (not a sexist word as origiinally used for male dandies by QE1)  creting site instagram .. i dont know how to use

so have to photo his photo via my old laptop screen

she still grabs me by the catgut twisted around my internal balls and makes me cry

The 'real' art is in what follows.

I own that photo...well sort of...and i never spend cash  anything except cheap food, clothing, and cash on my snail shell

But for £20 one could but the print up on the wall of Ludlow Assembly rooms when the exhibition closed - around December 2022

And after much deliberation ( once a week going there by bus to use the just-as-inhumanly noisy library), no spare cash in pocket, i booked it as mine...

At the time, at the end of three months working on spreading out Lucy Hurds' rather good  designated river bathing area  ideas around The Arrow, Teme, Lugg, and several spots on the Wye  ( waste of time jotting up here for those here  )   what was crystal clear as the tears flowing from her beuatiful eyes, not even any salt to lick so as to salinate ..

YET ANOTHER three months of my life TOTALLY wasted to the acedia of the usual 'worthy' class - 30 spoken with ... all artists or incomer luvvies of one form or the other " wow..  what a GREAT idea yes we will run a little node at our Bend of The River [s].."
And not one even remembered the conversation (in small 1000 people 'communities') if one saw them in the street a week later...
And then... the coup de grace, 'volunteering' a few months (when i had FAR more important Serbian matters to attend to) to .. save a drowning woman the Queen of their 'wellness/shamanic/healing    ' whole dreadful megga corp world of bullshit... 

The 'art' - if one could, make a PERFORMANCE piece, not moaning Podgerish.. but REAl.. (and a VERY nice VERY funny sting in the tail) .. is how their psychodramas - this is stale writing as they really do kill ALL 'humanity' these people just remembering them... they are all addicted to, too behind their fake mindfulness (basically as they dont go for very long walks or get mucky digging vegetable plots, or sweaty from DAYS AND DAYS attempting to salvage old wood left out to rot 5 ish km from Hellstoned in a fake 'beautiful people' large camp... of about  100 of they all do - see film from around july or august 2023 - an artist at work sorting over a week ten tons of rotting wood left by a 'camp' of [pretend earth mothers them just bitchin around and never DOing anything to protect the large piles of reusable wood.. ] .. except bitch and crosstich rubbish art in dreamweaver nonsense for sale.... and none ever helped...  i have loads more photos of that job...still to put up)

Anyway over 3 or 4 months.. from Sept 2022, so much totally best ever example of fake smiles and nothing ever ever behind them.. even if its wrong to blame others...  by xmastime 2022 not an ounce of energy left or busfayre penny left to go and collect it..
And thus i had to whitemanlie by text " sorry .. terrible longest ever corvid... so sorry to let you down... i cannot make it to pick it up.." 
And i can remember still EVERY one of the few occasions in 15 years i did not say what i mean and mean what i said...
cos call me an old fool but it IS 'community' 

and in fact in rural community where 'the environment' is - now the SW thats all one big suburb...  mucking in loosely collaborating  - be it just on salvaging some reusable materials left to rot...IS keeping to ones word, before anything else  cos you just cannot get through such, solo..

ALL Greens seem to have forgotten in their sanity polluting precious PR
(oh yes yesteraft THE most beautiful example of yet another example of the 'problem' they displayed their  ubiquitous XR symbol on their virtue signalling phone case... one day..soon)

Anyway no interest in this 100% suburb of the South East.. but how to turn that  - this, story into REAl art ..i know is good art - what art SHOULD be but may be impossible... surrealistic European arthouse film was ploughing that furrow for a while but trying to get an EU passport so time consuming a failed project i havent had time to meander around and see what the current zeitgeist is...
even if i know there is a BAFTA in it for a short..

If the art world hadnt gone acid precious .. too/especially

THE problem in this REMARKABLY good analysis...
And sort of 'history'
Of one part of the problem.. academe and the like...

BUT yet more clever terms for what is all just inner angst, always... too much time watchin' Eastenders or whatever the Fakebook equivalent is..of yes Fakebook... (and then everything in Affluenza came true) 

All of these so called punditariat fail to humanise all - poor lambs are just confused..if a young student is sat there not able to figure what she can say or not in class or in an essay

Then as always she takes it out bitterly via her device..(or false alegatoriness)  either hissing, or blockin'..  all false 'control' by the lost and lamby ones who think they know anything, when they are just lost as to what they can SAY to anyone...

(and have been conned by fat middle aged professorclass they are special  - to make prof seem special, when any sane person knows we have little special to share with the world until we are middle aged..  only mid 40s can we actually relax and feel we have SOME idea of what modern life is and how to really 'respond'..most of us too wordwrapped and shy  - faking 'confidence' until that stage of life... as it is and always was... and UK almost uniquely in Europe, fetishised youth as to make money selling to it and ripping it off dotcom)

And i now have the most beautiful ever example ... i keep records of all.
This must be published it is so absurdly comedic bitter..sweet..
I give all lost lambs a 'like' button.. as i know its not their fault.
IS the fault of those like him and Furedi who WERE meant to guide US forward...and just want to show off. Professionalising everything into professorial book topics... that end up in (the world ended when ) waterstones created their 'smart thinking' department
 when all was always simple... 
to be cont