
Sunday, 1 September 2024

 So, her on the track yestereve...

thoughtbubble: "no more now... Jenny Foreigners only.....[turns into speaking in our fabulous bubble .. the splendid Gail in her fairly new small van perched at my winter perch ... above there we  see it all - nothing much of humanity, for a very middle class gets 'f'n and buggerin''  before you know it..." my great discovery about morality a few years ago .. in fact really it crystallised 18 months ago bit then the last 18 months its even more crystal clear if you wish to help humanity YUK is lost.. truly over the cliff... and the only good writers, and genuine fine minds - open... long as they dont buy into the mindfog that is here...started in Devon i watched it spread from a  decade ago of the 'feminine' self obsessed healer obsessed zoom compliant vudu, hiding behind zoom saying things you wouldnt dare say in a  cafe they are so narcissistically mad, and clearly some con...... ... i will show you LOADS of examples if you wish...ohhh you know about them as you live there... great we can save time and be HUMAN....friends you should star in my aunty Nomadland film you personify my FACTery not theory as i have known a little MANY vanbabes just like you....utterly at ease no moaning no sense of suffering or pity.... .. anyway only sane ones left   are non first languagers writing sometimes in the world lingua frog... as you... thank you...agree after the usual hesitation.. the hardest language in the world at the ADULT level, you can politely call the child level International English but it has none of the nuance and context that is EVERYthing in grown up language... as we know context and nuance may be quickly changing and so much based on culture depending on what class you are....  so anyone supporting as you call them highest level users of international English into real English... i mean i am sure you could start with Shakespeare and his 'cod piece' saucy jokes.. of course have double edged swords and may be loaded with massive current cultural baggage... he (or she if it was one of our equals) used to make shortcut points in performative nuance.. so as to HELP communicate things more deeply...  twisting the words to mean the opposite without saying the opposite... not surprising some of the highest rates of loonytunes in the world...

TEFL teacher  rather wonderful, poised at that perfect place of [as our thoughts and words merge into pure odyssey truth telling ] : " i have had enough of our society... ' go East....either declare at their border love for a Norwegian, and they will say to you 'well good luck... it may be a rocky road but no we dont need to see your bank statements to give you a longstay, based on LOVE..' ... or Croatia... best place i have long researched Nomad visa and they only say they want to see a grand a month incoming and you can fake half of it churning money between friends, ...and dont listen to anyone interrupting me as they ALL do... i was nomad forever above all mere borders but i know the ruses... to live no borders... and if they say dont be thick its not even in the EU yet tell them to fuck off to some other land of the blind... because the way it works is a year or so more in the queue  for their bank statements to be rechecked by daddy EU.. they acceded...and whomever is in as they do...will be left in...thats the best way in...and i THINK Yugoslavia hasn't fallen to the wuwu wank and very dangerous wellness of the minds full of one dimensional Teletubbyitis i started to call it that a decade ago... they won.. SIT on all good debate... probably there as much of the rest of Europe you can still have good REAL world conversation and find some people you can ACTUALLY trust.  "

" BUT yes...ahh you agree... its gone... almost all of it... 

ironic nuance a bit self deprecatin'


" so beautifully exemplified in a wonderful writer of those 80s...  clearly she is ASKING A QUESTION via her nuance .. 

' good people read good books' or maybe  the good books no longer work to educate them, so lost to self obsession and narco terrorism even then... i have so many longform audio essays on that the last month or so in my audio and i think i have it in a  format even some thick Tommy Robinson fan, like Jordan... wont be able to argue with.... even if the bluehairs are tyranically in charge of it all and so so many studies of them... i really DO 'get' it all now.. they - millions of them...shut down all debate ... well, in two hours i will tell one to shut up i have had enough...but with MUCH clever art of relating to people i have no wish to relate to as theyre lost to Teletubby Totnessereration...  so yes..nuance.. real English uttered by a real goddess of what it WAS i guess... The English cannot any longer even use their mother tongue...

" just this morning a WONDERFUL German... i had explained MOST efficiently the distance, in KM to all the best sunspots and beaches and walks... but they wanted some warmth so i explained wind direction and best suntraps.. Priests Cove very best reliable sheltered place i showed him the direction clouds going...... . in front of the bluehairs... then no not worth going for even an hour to ' The Art Mecca'  30 km up the road.. never mind no humans there merely hordes literally glued to the sunglasses through which they are glued to their cameras.. i took art of them doing so but...whats the point.... a real artist, kid 70s.. vi nice sweet man... and his wife... sotto vocce ... employed by the Art Polly other side of the county...  told me a year ago not one bit of good art for 100 miles... 

 " he then at the end of his - all family gathered round including their teen son...  but with true 'human' love and friendship said ' But being German we will stick to the plan' ... in front of the bluehairs but they may as well ahve plugs in the ears..

" www... as a thinker i can hear you are... thats what happened... England cannot do that any more that beautiful nuance and self stabbing in the back... and you laughed as you said thats a pure saudade .... errata hiraeth like dead Wales...gone forever... . though i dont think its possible we get it back..."

" but ehh... what about MONTY PYTHON!!...your mother tongue..." 

" aww you poor people... ust as the people here have an utterly false version of Europe ...especially every man i have met for 7 or 8 years gets their Europe off the internet rabbit holes...  due poor writing but i dont blame them why WOULD any great Euro mind or journalist try and find out why UK went up itself...  and the simplest facts.. nope that Monty Python lovely genius self effacing humour that WORKED.. that is a foreign country now, here...  especially down here in the SW.. where the  deathcults took over all emanating from the Poliakoff.. his 'Tribe' very good on it.... watch ehhh... well we arent allowed culture that ACTUALLY asks any grown up questions any more.. like Kushner is still doing in YAnkland or... some Europeans are still doing...nope...utter smoke and mirror rabbit hole here and we know what happened to most of the bunnies in Douglas Adams great allegory for  watch out.. theres baddies get solidarity no matter what .. there are only two sides...  anyway poor you... reading the tourist guides and travel blogs and your newspapers i met a wonderful Irish woman yestereve just there with her mum they live here.. and so intelligently lamented with fire in her eyes how so so little is known of Ireland by those living 20 miles or whatever it is across the water...  i know for a fat from a year of real Orwellian Down and Outism...   that sadly you Eus havent the first idea what came over here...  yet.."

" as a grown up, here... you cannot even say a grown up thing to someone you stood beside 5 years ago... who even has an aunty who was randomly your lost loon of a neighbour and had several times visited a magical secret garden we lived at .. 1000s of actres of it... overgrown lost to only in fact found.. its place once more... ...  ' you know we were speaking deep stuff about so called politics between people like wimmin and men...  and you a poet...well as i was chatting with you i had a really wonderful gradual realisation that i could smell as we spoke your magnificent womanliness... you know we an smell the 'time of the month' ... well i had this wonderful appreciation of you... but more universally REALITY ..  real life like i hadnt smelled it some years and it did me so much to be brought back to the real earth stood aside you us chatting .... me not in any way avoiding your aromatic emanations fact quite the brought me back to life again after a few years far too head in the clouds... '... nope.. as soon as you email something real appended to some contacts in a list...  you are blocked forever here...  they are ALL lost...ohh that one she found god..or rather the Crets found her and stuck their hooks in.....shame...i even bored myself to death speaking with some hasbeen old goat musicians on her behalf... where i used to live they would reset themselves as eternal menchilds... god it made me sick...anyway i made a couple sit down and LISTEN... unreconstructed old things who had once had their own Peel Session.. that is creme du la creme... and they said 'Glastonbury Anthem' when i asked them to tell the truth...  biut passing that over.. having taken huge amount of time to add in some expertise for free nothing wanted i dont ever fancy younger wimmin.... unmannered tragic little lamb stumblin' around doesnt even have the manners to say thanks... . "

Which doesn't of course ever take from great real nuance and artistry... lost to 'god''... 

( I REALLY beat that old humourless bugger this week..)