
Tuesday, 3 September 2024

hashtag Bees at their Last Supper, because of the Nazi trust


To ad to DOZENS of much nicer more dynamic videos taken from 2017 of the madness of illegal hedge cutting, and deliberate Surreyfication via vergeocuasts in Horrorfordhire... the chronicle (which includes local 'environmental' organisations taking public money denying they were 'environmental' organisations, into my chroncling machine,  upon reporting in August the 1st,  illegal hedge cutting...miles of it... all with unpious unearnest video  commentary...)

And a few days ago...

This is so so so hotch potch ungraceful....but when i show why, one day - the true dance to get here - it is.... and what new gizmo at last, emotionally blackmailed from the Cret.... 18 months ive last
I can breathe.
Full disclosure in a bit...