Ohh, over a year, indeed from about June lasteryear... so often seen as reminder
None of them can read
And all so called 'seminal' ground breaking tarmac footed books should be read
Long ago, living briefly by The Road..
of death near aforementioned Hollybush..
' resting pace' for the tired and weary
first wave of pretend rustics
Hay way.... only because the (usual full hand of the Tarot deck)
Greatest thief of them all,
( a literal actual real 'genius' the way with her 'wise woman' - today it would be ' mindfulness' coach, and wellbeing counsellor guru .. "DM me for change"as she sat up all might ACTUALLY counting her preciousses..pennies, just like Gollum but Gollum at least had a heart.. and may have winked to the camera when offering " let me care for you and give you sanctuary" a truly magnificent way to get free staff at her bar, being a few weeks of work... cleaning the vomit... general spud peeling... in "COMMUNITY"..😁😅😍 etc..
Always, roughly 4 or 5 weeks on became " ehh up what do we have here then we have a report from the landlady of theft... " or miscellaneous other made up allegations - the usual kind, behind closed doors of her mouldy caravan, that can never be proven - knife wielding, actually selling the pills, or some other offensive behaviour ....so as they would be carted off, to make room for the next free worker...
The 'investors' - eight they said though we never saw them... who had put in 50 grand a piece.. having been 'cared' for at the old peoples home by nurse Ratchett - the chubby wise woman... so so midfull of supersmileyness always, didnt dare come back and ask how their (lifesavings) 'investment' was doing...
Which was then turned into so cleverly very overpriced pitch fees, for those who could get onto the housing benefit...
Anyway pone chubby one, does never a herd of zombies make, but i learned from the Queen of all such geniuses just how deviant they are.. and how figuratively, his book had already come true...
Fifteen years ago..
But fast forward here the flesh eaters of course ate all soul ...here the whole SW i had no idea how clever they all were over the years...and to not even appear in a real book - leaving it to Houellebecq in his rather glamourised version of the guru cult leader going all Eastenders...is not very Orwellian actual true rather beautifully neutral, reportage...
(Down and out Paris London)

day after day after day...and the gorgeous pianic signatures seams of gold... too many, litterin' these tracks... i gotta be careful i dont trip over them... but also as reminder - i couldnt give a shit about here... especially SHitcreek here..i already knew, over five years ago... as i would dig and 'trench' [ the very hardest rural job - digging extremely deep trenches and filling them with much and turning the next sod upon the bemucked]... the fancy vegetable garden of the top Mindfulness Goddess of the whole place..... knowing just how unhappy the poor thing was up in her fancy bedroom almost Rapunzel.... but at least an oldschool princess wouldnt have left all her expensive tools and hobbies all over the place to rot, in her merely PAgan Place.. so wonderful to have found the right tune to have on in the lost earpbuddy things.. that february to keep me in the rhythm...to be cont...because that is a REAL fabulous opera about REAL ... NOW life not some made up myth for fat tourists theyre all addicted to, still... " so is there any art in your repertoire about NOW.. the reality of now...such as the junkies may come and steal your kit or certainly would if over her side of the county..?" )
Anyway... that - them... ancient history, even if the way all the latest pagan vudu and hocus pocus became so trendy - evolving into a range of new words such as everyone would have giggled at 'shaman' two decades ago,
on pot or not
i am the fool not to have minded it for easier money than being a cleaning lady, too...
But then, a real literal definition of 'pity'
(the amount of times... its kairos soon,
" uggh....all British culture literature great arthouse film, drama, and poetry became confected pity pieces, for profit"
she The Blush agrees.. even if she cannot quite dare to speak loudly - making her the true Goddess of The Book..as re... talk about a reminder a few days ago.... we even had top of sotto vocce what they served on the plane to her holiday)
Actually on The Road... translation: words may be used in two or three senses at once, literal and figurative... even if Cormac's awful nihilistic, dull, grey, canibal zombie strewn one came true though not quite 'literally'.
So there i am on The Track (technically a road) watching yet again the NAzi Trust showing off with machinery - its absolutely hilarious the puniness
next to 'nature' how they
try to do something to it
(another day, and installation film, one day)
Now i have a rule, try to ONLY speak with the many saudades
paradise people from
still far far far better a place - i have the interviews, many
And speeding up to take over a couple i thought they may be EU
But herd clues
and you get " wow an actual wandering sage guru man ..look he is a Byronic wild poet coming up on our rear.."
So, as personal comment - unlike the default in all (just ex city people) who ALL one and all are bitchy (or actually dangerous as tuime and again i would see as they can never 'listen: if i tell you where that farmer or Nazi Trust is using illegal chemical you must NEVER say a word as they know its me who will have told you or the rest of your pub once removed and they will HURT me or get me evicted etc"
nope may as well be talking to them in Japanese Stewardessese even if they smile 'you are hero'....
Because they had nothing "REAL" to Bee..
In their fantasy places called city.
...all one and all are bitchy in personal assumptive comment
But when you meet one who is rather interesting so it seems even if wrong
Ok stop and natter
And despite ;looking to be a grown up
Around fifty
A brace of them... (and fairly new unused expensivish walking attire - performative one and all)
Nope, line three " we are actually on drugs now... do you want to see a picture here on the phone of the kind of special superstrength South American mushroom we gobbled earlier..."
But i do not judge, i even drew them a map as to how they may waddle to the nearest superwarm South facing cove to enjoy their
to nowhere...
But do have a 'protective' superb last ever interview about who your mad land really became