
Saturday, 21 September 2024

For the Sugar..mummy

 Today audio in discussion with wonderful older Cornish "Birders"..

i have 1000s of specimens like this in my collection:

Most far more on the edge interesting

As they say, very few insects.

And a lovely comment by them about the Nazi trust

But here is the thing:

we are old farts... 

My real joy - i know how the world works, and THREE... even better long long discussions with three supermodel real environmentalists - one works for The Exe river unit, another environmental agency, another all day in the water... in the last month. 

Some of which i need to write up.Soon. I was shocked at last the 35-45 age group talking turkey. When they are usually even more speechless dozey zombie than the average pretend bohemian our age group.

All... (i have my ways of bringing their children into the chat ' for the sake of them you love we need to get real') 100% agree... as we know, NOT just the farmers...

They are scientists, trained to understand molecules. And ecosystems, even if their training on that will be inadequate as there is much we do not understand.

But at last i have a range of women - it must be women as men cannot have a voice in UK ... especially as we are to have likely More Donald...

All passionately agreeing that ALL of it.. the 'stuff' but (their rhetoric is useless, mine isnt..i have experimented on 1000 communicants just like today for ten years to hone my .. unintended techniques and good even the supermodels, very very superyummy mummy ones couldnt help oggle me as i speared their waffle with pointed barbs that made them even laugh...even them...and my first line is always "false laughter, endemic in Pastylandshire, is banned in my kingdom and i have VERY good radar" ) 

in short likely about 5 times more bathroom and kitchen and carwashing and dog washing...product ...goes down the drains...

before we get to the gardeners - an astonishing amount still love their potions...

then farmers...

And the testing systems (#3 a data babe) are deliberately or maybe just due ignorance, inadequate such that they may genuinely pick up changes in patterns that may have the many effects we are yet to understand, such as frying the ovaries in effect of your prepubescent grands.. and NO environmentalist talks about that as it means THEMtoo...

Have to stop..

hairdying, deodrorising, i never even used an asprin in my life... etc etc etc 

it is time to get VERY personal...


I have MANY joke sketches already in my can about all this over the last few wonderful months


The thing is their rhetoric even their rhetoric so bimbofied and precious-narcissified...they cannot even manage the basics such as "the rivers and river life- certainly water table so badly damaged everywhere,  are all  essentially at the root of much of the food chain... " REAL women need to take it all back over...

But i only write and waffle now as no one ever ever ever ever follows anything..through...  ever... ever... they perform interest only to be seen performing by their cutsey little cliques... 

Especially if they say they are 'spiritual' and 'mindful'... (such people colonising like  a bad itch inside of it you have to shit out...almost all environmentalism..

i know.. they were my people for years  so i got none left being every one  a fraud...100% no exceptions...i have the superhero(s)Green mayor(s) - a couple who own ALL eco initiatives around The Arrow,  discarded and wasted bikes ..still   one day THEY will be REAL installation art.. 

audio on that in a minute