
Wednesday, 18 September 2024



"now" i understand...

so some months ago pondering how to lure, for their own good - as i am expert at finding the actual zen places.. ... some 'single hiker' to wander a little and even maybe help out at a great 'space'... you find Fakebook groups which are almost as comedic as the pre-god JP...

In the narcissistic cult of bimbofication - and thats the boys, too... but among the endless sickening selfies with mirrored sunglasses, largelippy botox fans... and lycra... are in fact many quite  obvious scammers... i pity the whole next generation how on earth do they move beyond all that.. even a seemingly wholesome oldschool 'group' just a fakefest ... and no one ever has any manners (which was the purpose of 'hiking' to ground you in the oldschool rules of meeting anyone at a country style you speak openly and respectfully "human" to "human"...

So, some months ago we saw through that Wasteland... but sadly there will be many lured in to the people pleasing fantasy for years to come i guess...

But there was something i didn't know...  All those perfect postures, 

on the beaches.. sometimes

More likely at the cafes wifi or absurd nonblack fancy coffees... 

All with the same yogamatic glare in their eye...

I assumed they had real digital jobs.

And then we stumble across 

" digital nomads  colivings and retreats"

There is a wonderful archetypal 'backstory' here but i am olympian gold medalist of turning her fraud into my benefit.. in an unintended circuitous daily many km winding pathway to even better bright eyes...

Top of my story list (other new site - maybe it needs to be some kind of pay to view? ... but i dont believe in money ..) is finding 4 months of pure gold ..not justa  'seem'... due that dastardly 'digital nomad' fraudster... planning her big one.. get rich quicksterism..

All of them lust after whilst pretending to breathe ...for money.

But i had no idea 'it' was this sophisticated...

 All the language of the spiv, merely  moved up into even higher titanium geared fancy lycration of "colivings" ...and ubiquitous "retreat" for even a weekend at a windy public campsite... 

None of them EVER quote the price, for "coliving" at their newbuild air bNb or yuppie office space in the alps... all in the worst ever spivvy speak of the showy snake oiler ..

But the funniest thing of all, is basically all these 'digital nomads' are all entrenched in  some endless battlefield to sell (at no stated cost) their little Elysian Fields... con, to someone else also selling their own little con...

All 'nomading' around -  the modern day lexicon for on the run, from the debt collectors (nothing wrong with that i am world champuion at spending banks money on 3 years of reforming family lore for the benefit of many...and another 3 years  of bank money to fund nomading around The MArches attempting to harvest ever single pro EU cup of coffee in a REAL 'community' to put up signage etc if there were ever a return match with (not even Farrage ..BREXIT was the evil unloved child of Goldsmith and Tinier prick Rowlands - classic unloved British ex public school boys... even Adam Curtis managed to show you that in  

who, not quite comme il faut,  were marginalised from the real powers of the true inner circle and simply wished to chuck their toys out of the pram to SPITE the rest of the establishment... 

why BREXIT) - me happily evading all debt collectors for years (they never actually collect theyy just spend years autotexting one day i shall make a performance  art installation out of them...and the recorded calls in 2020 i got so good at ' you know we have a change in are you single, do you live in a city and want to run away to some fabulous parkland...i have not a penny left all spent on 5000km wandering The MArches .. and those terrible near fatal colds i have had this spring..[lying]... but if you need to run away from your debts too i know no one ever comes to collect so you will be safe with me..' actual many times chats... the other one that works is ' due the worldwide hypersensitisation i have such bad mental health issues i am permanently now on the sick do you wanna see my bank account with nothing ever in it..'   "

crystal clear as actual day unlike the concrystal brigade selling only mud...

Anyway ancient history, the uneducated who dont read good books or walk or travel abroad much voted for  these extremely dubious, possibly even true perv warp driven  - ( like the St Aubyn  family described in his superb honest books their child rape and buggeration..of him... by dad...)

though even Sam Harris despite thinking the future is psychos..

 managed to get the very good but STILL too fancy pants Greg on, and if they could simplify it to:

" rule 1.. never say anything over the line into where folk are  LIKELY to be beaten to death by a moron from their local 'community' such as suggesting they are a paedo unless 100% well evidenced double corroborated real evidence, and digital proof. 2.. there are adequate laws about incitement to violence - or other forms of property 'crime'  even scrawling your name on a police cell wall is against well established criminal damage lore.. they sure like to remind you... signage everywhere, as all arrestees know..... and item 3, even if myself a total WALKAWAYist = pacifist with a brain, just wander out of harms way there is always a way... plus of course REAL change comes from leaving behind the locals who are  the only way the Assads may one day be tortured in return... and the campsites for 'refugees' must be as close to homelands as possible... no one else ever causes successful rebalance in any nation except the locals.. or UN  wonderful bluehelmets in the interim until the warring locals realise their blood is the same colour or more likely they fix the money problems always at root... ... the problem is of course every single white person, even, in fact probably even some bluebloods, a bit sick of the radicaler raggies owning all that lovely desert.. supported the 'Arab Spring' in theory.. which could only occur by the locals calling for unlawful acts of criminal damage via their twatters.. and, not even an afterthought as we knew decades ago... my GENUINELY enjoyed Dianna Abbot - who SO SO rose to the occasion of being  on Question Time ..and many other platforms.. probably got used to it on the platform of her kids private school  hall speech day.... but  other  than that, was a superb role model....    has a budget for a secretary  to write funny poems back at her 'haters' did all politicians even 100 years ago who got actual  real alive smelly possibly even  harmful  dog dirt in their letter boxes...and there isnt a kid alive who doesnt know of a school nerd smarty pants who can ALWAYS find a way around parental locks on a phone..maybe set up some dual identity etc... so parents will have to put their bimbophies down for a LONG time and TALK a lot...with their children, educating them what the cess pit of fraudsters called the  oops forgot in the YUK they voted for free nursery places for all from 9 months Labour's first and most parroted 'policy'.. - the scientifically proven best way to make your children mentally ill for life.. [Affluenza covered in detail] so you dont have to parent and can go shopping instead..."

I have no interest in as no one - not even regularly encountered  once fair minds,  can even manage to remember that SIMPLEST paragraph we knew decades ago..

Anyway NOW i get it... theyre  all on these supposed 'nomad' or cospaceship' sites  all trying to ..

the real laugh is this all started in mid to late 80s i know i had  one too, the brochurisation of everything..

Mine was a genuine actual blatant criminal conspiracy... a nice picture of a plane and some sexy friend and a beach... 

And a slightly weasel worded " you can hire this 10ish seat plane through your business to explore the financial aspects of corporate travel" 

which is a just about allowed version of what was known as the 'bent charter' - not unsafe as same pilot, same plane... but extremely gaolable if you get caught.. we all were at as it was the only way we paid our bills... though no one evver openly admitted this..

(audio on this soon)

vid yest referred to

not a dodgy aircraft a dodgy BENT CHARTER.. meaning no (dozens of thosands of pounds, a company must pay) ... license, to be paid to  take passengers..

half of aviation was at  bent charters 30 years  ago and i am sure still is... and none of us ever even got a slap on the wrist... 

even when i heroically rescued an actual bent charter passenger i had nearly drowned in the English Channel in 1992  - thats what the Sun said!  on a bent charter back from The lovely Continent when the engine went kaput with 20 km to go to dry land... no one inspected the bendiness or otherwise, of who was paying for that little joy ride for an obvious big businessman..... and you really do get inspected a lot when you write off a hundred grands worth of something insured...

of no interest except  the brochuritis... weasel worded spivviness for money

became all thes eFAkebook sites .. and as theyre 'interactive' the poor things theyre not just sending out spivvy fraud hooks theyre being endlessly hooked back by even better fake profiles and fake mindfulness goddesses  (with some more likely to nb male gong bowl sound healing fraudster in her i have seen time and again)

But i had no idea it was a whole huge industry.. now i know what theyre  almost all up to in this whole county.. 

I actually feel pity..its hard enough battling through the fraudsters on solo hikers .. hiking on to nothing, no walkers ever actually walked 

But  to digitally nomad all day and NIGHT this digital mad swamp .. it really must be horrid..

which is why every single one i meet after the smiley ("hmm can i get advantage from him.. yuck look at his footwear no thanks") phase...  is why they are all so absurdly horrid...