
Tuesday, 3 September 2024


 Well i knew a few

year'n ago

But pandemically, in their "now"

. i had no idea how bad mannered they all are.... one and all...


 just maybe the one sat in her gym kit and yogic flashy Lycra, fabulous decent-boob, tube...yestermorn, outside her front door....

 having a ......smoke....

( " when your doctor blames as they do even a stubbed toe on our sad little habit - that only the truly good warriors take up... child law was entirely reformed 2005 ...a PEACE PLAN template created... by just me...and him helpin' do MY biddin'....  when at last after years of Nazis.. i used to call 'lizards', that is all lawyers.... a i met a 'human'... opposing me in the High Court... ' ahh Mister Kirk QC my opponent on yet more absurd government gravy [train] aid to her.... ... i see you have stained about we ...PAUSE.... a bit, in this absurdity.... and go outside and have a sneaky to man....REAL man to real man.' and that day we - the enemies.. worked together in perfect harmony for real justice for many.... real peace for hundreds of thousands due our manifesto treaty created that day - printed out in full in the lore books as THE way forward for fuckedup families........  ..i too been' tryin' to give up from the day i started just tell her, when she blames everything on us....   ' a thousand a day and thats just before breakfst' that shuts them up..")