
Sunday, 15 September 2024

But...chief beauty

 Their gatheration...

At my facilities...

( i left early the only one above their absurd little creek  - Buddhists soon... our one back in last region.. the way he paraded his meat ..trafficked in on your 'donation' the ultra Bud guru... ... young 'Eastern' boys to educate at..our river... HAy beach, The good as any Mediterranean spot.... .. until perhaps 2005ish...... the dribbles of KY "runnin' down their legs.."...pollutin.. as everyone knew but not one " bird" said a he did king fu, too.. the day The Buddhist came back to town....with his little fucking [sic] entourage... .)

Being as at last we were on THE SAME SIDE...of the horrid county at least

" in ten years at your Gwerkian Barbies.. maybe they will hold you to account, too..." 

And some...truth...

Even :LA Grandest bel... her eyes opened up with consternation...

At an old git being himself no more coy performing being you..

Dancin the dialogs; arms flailin'

100% body

added to soul..

Never for sale...

I think maybe 



cos some old fuckers dance as she saw to a real lifelong rhythm...and never for just  show

" righty ho...all your dads .. their loot in Panama, still..the Panama PApers may as well be papering the walls of my organic recyclin' even your shit,  operation... the good that did...

.shell companies all those houseboats and even pretend businesses..... maybe one day you will get it... thats the SYSTEM.... nothing new... until maybe just possibly you

say ...something

[grown up] its US..too"