
Saturday, 21 September 2024

But you have to meet and riff with... Austrian...

My fourth or fifth pair of the summer

" Ahahhh the greatest minds....stop feeling sorry for yourselves and your beat The Krauts, Mann even Hesse... Cecile gave me with her booklist of 2005 THE Greatest writer of the last 60 or 70 years...your man....cmon... who?! dont know cmon guess....  clue all the rest of The Europeans teach him as a set book.. clue to why this sceptic aisle is not what it seems even AC Grayling professor of modern though hadnt heard of him... my chronicles describe if i get to them proper  clue.. died 86... biggest clue, known as a nestbeschMUTTzer i learned to pronounce it from the most glorious early 20s year old mind i ever met this summer...but all other young Europeans also talk to me as my equal about his and other books...and ALL get it, and him..... ahh you get it too, even if your pronounciation like my original pronounciation fuck communication in babel is a lifetimes work... incompletable........ pissing into your own nest ..Thomas Berhands now you know who i mean as you know nestpissin IS ESSENTIAL for a healthy society.... and you do honour his love FOR his wonky set.. academe included... he was king of and   i see by your oldies body language  you do love him rightly for his rightly essential ranty gorgeous seditious Extinction.."