
Friday, 20 September 2024

But winning the 'war' after

 ..her wasting my precious time '20.. even a bit of '21..

thinking she may have been real with her deep words of whatever...

The English fiddler....

fiddlin' online looking for.. helpmeet

help her get through her psychodramatic dull days

Queen fiddle

of your South west... never mine.

I was almost tempted to meander 'up country' four years on and have a listen

having seen

But only one person could cure me of ever again even bein' tempted

And to think.. 78 i was sat just in front 

And knowin' a little more of the fiddle thesen days

Now know that a lifetime searchin for her better

Even yestereve on their cliffedge dullest performance

I wasn't even going to see

There never could be...

One of her again... ever ... 

And as for art, 

putting on no substitute

For the inability to ever again 'let go' and trust in

what next

So, backwards... even back, to sat next to him and his rig, then...  stealing the notes of 

Actual creativity

to be continued after filling in a lot


ALL HAPPY CONTENT ONLY.... not that one needs to qualify being i for sure know all this snowflakism 

is exactly what it says on the tin

as cold as ice... 

and they have no feelings to feed

even   the poor parched crocodiles 

who will have to go tearless as well as salt-less...

those ducts as unused, unusable

unrecyclable,  as their so called hearts

So... bee 

Only a fool thinks there is hope for ANY "change" 

and i NEVER look up anything until ive thought of it first.... 

and smiled

always inspired in a perverse weird sick way by the only adult that's actually made me larrffff...

(no one can do, looking in the face of the one person they need to, as the fabulous German did to my interviewing equipment just a month ago.... it is all summed up in only one line... his, then the rejoinder .."  we laughed a bit at you laughing at yourself...  sorry you are mistaken if you think Monty Python  is still the mothertongue of this aspic Aisle of nothing...stuck in .. nothing.. you need updating.... no hope when for some years no one here  can any more...take the piss out of em selves.... what of course The Enlightenment was about, too... "