
Saturday, 7 September 2024

But even the Kings...

 Eric of the " love...cheesy love songs.... actually are great real reality of ...  all my many lgbqt mates indeed more than a  normal dose...  well... humanity needs actually good relationship counsellors to guide and philosophise.." 

to paraphrase 

such a refreshing bit of reality

on the future of "human"ity...

His absurd bigworded little lapdog, Mister only to impress

Even Eric needs to simply pause

Whilst explaining all of even string theory

just a maybe

And how the "is"men... 

(i so needed that three weeks ago the "we"men - there are no enemies, just things to listen to as MAYbe useful...) 

so timewarped all science and perceptions of Bee


Being as Lewontin...Gould.. decades ago

Never mind the (not a fable) hedgehog and the fox scientific metastudy

proved beyond all doubt

Those whom pontificate "this MAY be the key to reality"

Are so much more often right, longer term

than those whom grant-funded cashgrab for their research or FAkebook posts 

 mainly blokes but the babes caught up " this IS what is.."

And being 

rubbish ruins everything its  almost impossible to find now but decades ago it was even Kings like Eric fail in - their rhetoric...

(may be the Speigel)

" shut up stringtheorey superhero gods... as we have known several decades for sure... one thing IS a fact.... even your founder god Smolin... he said in 2020 'it, my baby,  MAY be all wrong..'... those who are fundamentalist like Dawkins... science nearly always proves are in fact wrong, when the lost less charmy wafflers of the maybe world are more often, right" 

oops... as so so so often said to all in socratic dialogues 


(foxes far better at 'predicting things.. than hedgehogs - the metastudy STATED)

But he entirely misses the point in this usual Teletubbie dumbed down talk -  hedgehog does NOT have 'one big idea'  - that only muddies the waters...

In ANY 'idea' - eg a potential scientific development, Hedgehog is charmy and clear in his (eg DAwkins) presentation. Quite ascertive and smart Alec nasty cunt... Fox waffles and "maybe's"    .. regarding the SAME chunk of knowledge under discussion...

And the waffly fox usually is seen in the rear view mirror  of longer term history, as not squashed like all the Hedgehogs of the South west, but more likely to be still alive to be proved right,  as s/he was right.

 Simplifying the real useful lesson in what the data said - at the time of the metastudy being released,  i read propper... unlike everyone nowadays rewriting actual history.

but i am not stupid...and know my foxiness... " before sticking a homoerotic many grand mic in front of your smarmy hedgehoggy gob... get some REAl education 

you absurd cretin.... as one thing i will be very hedgehoggy about, is i have lost... you won...sadly a whole generation have been spiked in their eyes - by the seduction in your whole showman  act...  spiked to death by cretins like you... who now will never ever ever share real wisdom and thats  not even a maybe foxy fact in time...

.its already happened.. some years ago... it started with the Tom-Pauls... as my chronicle  rather well describes if its ever finished"

I wonder if she listened...1st May...i told her, and the stories... "dont go! " he the original Paul will only fleece you for a few hundred... 

... by his healing gongs.. and rather shabby oldman PR, compared to yours even more dangerously Hedge........ when theres only one thing he really wants... clever Dick... "

The problem with sheep, they preach the world has changed...   just because they saw it on someones


chucked in the sheep trough merely to fatten up the next generation

of lambs

and slaughter