
Thursday, 5 September 2024

Actual "culture" - certainly in England....


It is a pretentious sounding statement.

Especially if you had no need whatsoever to understand the 'culture' tourists (all they were), whom invaded The Marches

The second wave arrived around 2000 ish...

(i had no idea, in fact it is slightly interesting in a poetical way that Osborne died in Clun! - I still have  a video to put here from Clun, MAy 1st 20203... of a local 'good burgher' - popular everyone's mate... dressed in 'costume' for a village fayre, many far Birminghammers attended too - all total Myth.. the 'Green Man' a recently invented bit of 'folklore' for  fat tourists to buy into...and bored once culture creators from the cities who came up in the second wave.

The video if i can ever find it has a fat man in a costume - dressed as Falstaff or some other nonsense BAD "ROLE MODEL" (her lovely words yesteraft) not even noticing children in the river 50m away, the sewerage was bubbling down towards as it flowed out of the manhole cover in the car [park... him waddlimg around on his phone for half an hour... tons...probably about  four or five or maybe ten or twenty... gurgling out....neither speaking with the childrens' parents OR even thinking if we could use spades from local fat incomers gardens nearby to quickly build a temporary dam... to stop the environmental damage... (nor listen to a local actual man  - occasional light builder, me... not in fancy dress,  explaining to him that the FACT would be 'local' drain companies likely closed on a bank hol except for Mayglothing, 30 km away...  quickest way to bring in help... nope fat man in FAlstaff costume just KNOWS his phone has his answer... so totemic of dont blame the water companies...  and when he listened...MAyglothing made it a little quicker than the obvious minimum  - an hour...of  horrific unnecessary major pollution on their big 'COMMUNITY' day....when no one helped me try and damn of the shit going into 'their' actually very easy job..)

'culture' merely became yet another 'bought bohemian' badge in UK

(she understood...i think)

The problem is, quite quite simple. 

They are too fathead to even THINK of.

And, even if a hilarious error - or rather premonition.. as I had NO IDEA the sultry one was actually called 'Mary'... 

And anyway my  five or six weeks ago interaction is all i cared they saw eye to eye... just us - playing on the cliff edge.

Attempting to explain saudade.

Rather good stage centre speech i thought.. No manners to reply of course...

Anyway i have ZERO interest in the South West... except that the key to life is understanding - if one ever can.

And  nearly thirty years of at first  'dropping out' - to be entirely aside, with NO inherited money, no saved money from down South/...nothing... but a few shelves of good books - the definition being  CUSK (the only good Brit even if she is a mong i believe ) .. Almost all 'the Russians'... many of the classics such as Madam Elliot and all your DH LAwrences .. though over the years realising how much more sane human Herb was,,, Mister Bates, HE....

Take a few shelves of good books... and over the years ponder... Sadly i guess it kindof started with Thoreau

Because Stendhal CERTAINLY understood one thing, no one ...not one single 'culture' tourists from 30 years ago ever did...

Ivo the first of course...

These great books of the past.. the 'classics';   

Marie-Henri Beyle... worth his full name. 

Herr Mann ...from Lu[two dots] beck... 

Paul Thomas Mann was a German novelist, short story writer, social critic, philanthropist, essayist, and the 1929 Nobel Prize in Literature laureate

Dickens for fucks sake in his Two Cities....

Almost all the 'GREAT' culture... from when the Enlightenment was just a dream in someone's loony tune filled head ... and it is lucky you don't lose it to the bloodthirsty 'god' Land of The Blind, of late...

The "culture" tourists, settling in (so often running away to, with a bag of stolen loot - Cusk to be SO admired for her memoir openly stating her absolute mad harridan nastiness upon divorcing, and grabbing a bag of loot she didn't deserve, doubt)) Hay-on-Wye ..  doubtless Totness... half of Devon... even the worst art 'university' town i have ever encountered.... 

(even if within the true gem of paterjachapman dotcom

who is HONEST about art...

and all the overpriced safe artless rubbish that cloggs up the stream of no culture...


BAck in HAy .. the forerunner as bought boho bullshit...

All of which i know as fact. From Many years of observation and occasional, but rare, HONEST expert chat..mainly with women as it happens - the small percent who know ALL, or 99.7% at a guesstimate from so much rubbish seen... even made by 'friends'... of the art of the provinces is fake rubbish... 

Especially their pity-piece cinema..

However, long ago one knew that - it was  obvious. Artless performers ...

 of course centuries ago we had the phrase 'big fish in a small pond'... 

That really is not a nice thing to say about someone...(if any Germans do come here)

Basically it means, as even the 'bad book'  managed to establish, when it was put together by massive collaboration 1500 years ago, maybe...

 being king, or Queen of a small castle, means you will become conceited and arrogant... and small minded.

As every businessman, artist... 'space' owner.. one ever met in Hay did prove with such perfect historical accuracy time after time...

And then all the other small copycat towns in that whole region - from Clun or even Bishops Castle to brecon or even (wonderful recent encounter from Abergavenny she stated)  ...all joined in trying to grab at HAy's "400,000 c2 and above annual visitors" day trippers with 500 quid in their back pocket to SHOW OFF spending... HAy was by 25 years ago crystal clear as the muddy, prozacpiss, filled ... waters (even the Christian admits - he bought in hook line and sinker to that [ to quote her yesterday " utiopia"  - refering to her PAstyland incomer village... on Stepford [Wives - superb culture] piss..that river soon became...  

Thing is.. the great majority would indeed have a few classics on their bookshelves displaying their virtue and culture...

Some even read a few   'standards' - though as always in England it is tragic  shallow, sheeptrough stuff.. the easy ... ' five classics you should read before you die' of yourself... - eg  anna Karenin... or even Wuthering Heights...

Neither particularly useful fables...  just ye olde versions of East Enders...

The English seem tragically addicted to even if they never saw an episode...

When Georgies Silas is a book of true insight and greatest fable: YOU TOO ARE SILAS! unless...

Mary's Frankenstein: even big strong Monsters need love and fellowship ...a warm bed and a roof... and a job.... and everyone just wanted to judge me as a baddie...  and in my lonely desperation i became what they imagined  i was, before i was.. ... proof of goddesses, as how on earth could she write that most astonishing ever anti-prejudice book,,,as a ferkin teenager!

ALL of BATES.. ' the beautiful people'.. especially of the provinces...  blessem..become conceited twats and die young... or get wrinkled younger than they should be probably due squintin' in the mirror all day some neighbour they miss judged as able to take a friendly flirt...  broke it in his desperate need for a shag ... all the local lassies run of to  be down the road, from HArvey's Nicks...

And the great LAnd of The Blind : all tortured flayed beaten up goodies ... when they have power become badies as bad as their torturers... (unless they WORK HARD EVERY read, and reflect upon,  the best of our greatest culture which reminds us JUST THAT..)

the bit above. bracketed, deliberately so as a work pof modernist performance art... beacuse it is a fantasy - no one ever ever can... i know as the behaviour seen all over these supposed cultured places displays only silly conceit.. small minded  .. 



Not one modern intelligent word have i ever heard in the theme parks all so called cultured places  became..

Except from the old man Peter JA.. but then he drifted in on his banana boat from elsewhere but long enough ago to see through the traicom... well for something to be a com, there has to be enough anti-conceit to be able to laugh at


Impossible here...back there...any 'cultured' place in UK likely for several decades...

which means they are of course antithetical to 'culture' as thats what it was invented....for!

.... and yestereve... bless err... 5 views only... their chief superstar... sums it up....  i listened... 

Nothing actually, to say...

Because you really DO have to do real culture for decades...  AND  - to the young, be truthful of our conceit - ALL of it...

Thing is even if many of them have had such an atrocious 'dumbed down' education for decades... and dumbed down culture, too... 

And EVERY middle aged thespian writer ex London fat college tutor ...  I have heard for years semi retired in HAy - you got the REAl creme de la clotted creme there..  they all stand staring into your eyes theirs so so brigjhtly lit up =- at the  DAZZLE of their own reflection all they can see in their cracked mirrors..

2"I... so so so so my soo...soohhhh beautiful yung people students at ST MArtins..  SOAS..... they are so so so so beautiful starlets of the greatest new culture ever i teach them..."  whatever awful university one may care to mention...

But if you do not teach them ALL our culture has protect environments, inculcate the NEED to walk away from aggressive trouble...and ALL drugs ...and lie the fine Germans be a bit circumspect about sending arms to they always end up stolen by the baddies as per Libya..

 Then you do NOT...actually... 'BELIEVE' them.   (every middle aged or older educator i have ever met retired to dumbed down lands demands she - it always is.. and the he's never day say a word..  she does 100%)..... to understand, as they DO.. as they speak to me..our whole generation has been one long polluted sewer.. YOU lot need to do far far better....

In fact if you study a fairly benign definition (coming up soon my many references i is learned)  of 'fascism'.. that behaviour   - using myth - the national myth - the 'nation'  of THEM - meaning not geographical merely located in their failed so called educated heads....... or even religion  - the religion of them... plus their new age fanaticism about nothing real they patinate on top so you cannot tell em to shut up til they've read some real good books retain power. even when you dont believe in it - yourself i mean, why most of these frauds are boozers or prozacates......does actually fall within... is the cackling i heard yestereve.. the so smug cackling... that 'in crowd' cackling... shame only 6 of us have heard it...

It is truly fascinating... a perfect explanation of such an unhappy place...

I have no interest in except it - there being so many more 'pioneers' here.. i would see dribble in last region from 20ish years ago and never understood how on earth they could even exist...until i saw where theyre far more colonial...

and colonised even her "warrior" brain with their utter down-the-drain 

crap, everything

especially supposed cultural 'leaders'...

 All from London even if they fake a local  bent...

As Bait...

( HE - my bodyguard... of course never would, even help me with my sofa, gentrified out of my last plaice thank god! so mine is far far lither than his.... him brownman.. long time resident... sneered and knew, too...second he saw it.. i am merely reporting the critique of the man you arent allowed to criticise...  a 'protected species'...of sewer rat, too...  my opinions are irrelevant in that 5 ...10.. even 215 years ago i knew all culture from YUK lost at sea... great to find a few fine minds who just occasionally are also.. in agreement
