
Friday, 6 September 2024

A bleedin alien...., as i live 'only' for the actual life affirming activity of waiting forever for the 'goddesses' to send me, one who has an electrical wall socket, that is not used much, as she actually does know how to remain alive longer, and walk rather a lot so as to affirm, life in YUK is pointless, so lets run away to even Estonia has more life in it.

Seemingly soon British lifers.

But if one had a (two per) wall socket ...  there is much to de typo and sort out as i have had  a splendid Odysseying, to nowhere as none of them seem to be worth  even advising ... eg The Giraffe on her sleep - yet another splendid woman - extremely fit and walkery as i walked 25 km with her a month ago  - teacher, VERY clean living, three children, , who " i haven't even had four hours good sleep for decades"

 And i knew, as on walks one discusses things fully - due to the sweatbeads under armpit and even in the bum crack, one iis mutually aware silly coyness, No silly coy secrets.

Why, she could never sleep, and what the actual remedies are... basically being me.

Which is very hard because you have to have had ( randomly, just a weird turn in life, not in mine, but a man turning around to ask a woman out for a date in soon as his presence was in her bedroom - TOTALLY approved of - she needed to start annew... her texts regarding our previously most successful coparenting.. stopped... or became icy..)

 Only true pain such as having a plugged in microphone stuck up your back passage and the sonic vibrations cause years of infirmity, too...

Leaves one truest zen, always... no matter what... and then in time able to have absolutely nothing, ever, and awake always forever feeling the richest person for ever...


I dont agrandise or bipolarise...i am 100% always for many years,....constant

good for me, but if i could bottle it i wouldnt ever have to be zenny about running out of shoe leather or my 20 litres a month .....50 in winter...of battery charging fluid - known as diesel...

... Anyway all i know is one has to somewhat believe in 'fables'...  not made up myths for culture 'tourists'... but real fables, and since around 2010 my my i have lived out many, and always kept my video diarised thoughts and smiles as each one bit me in the bum because i didnt believe in  almost all of them ' cliché'... I wrote in a notepad about 20 years ago something along the lines of so much is

'c'word...  most are in fact untrue - made up - some define us

But it is the ones that folk resist - or at least pay lip service to when someone is watching their lips, or Fakebook posts, like "less is more" ... which imn fact no one can remmeber to even FAkebook meme any more as they want MORE...complext clever dick sounding shamanic pricks to their sad little brains that need an arms race of more and more clever sounding ... ways to be

when ii have the ultimate odyssey to less is more...

And i sleep perfectly, always..

...........  and dont use a computer much in the summer... or even on nice winter days... so hadnt noticed this post was  half written and still in 'draft' format... what appears below.

One of many things to catch up on... only for here.. even if i have leapfrogged over here - to another... which one day i shall share, but the rule is only face-to-face peeps see it...



sleepless zombie

( reason # 1... English is the hardest language,  even if ' lingua franca'  

Doppelt mit Erquickung füllest;

Ach, ich bin des Treibens müde!