
Friday, 30 August 2024


 ....shivers down my spine

But how do i do 'it'.... ??

All that European blood, on MY tracks ( i think its in the other one i deny IT its ( "Liverpool pathway" label....  i refuse to even call it a Path

or "The Path"  its just a track.... full of lovely tasty European blood, and saltlicks....

where you never meet a vampire.... merely equal brighteyed, back up straight... equal communicants.

And a few vanbabes...

Whilst it may well be against all of science to focus on where bits if blood comes from.... Pastyland great example of loadsa Euroblood from just after WW2 working in the mines.... some by sort of  just the tinniest bit of coerciontoo. " fuck off yo9u were a bit too chummy with those Nazis  for use standard Poles....  we wont quite call it 'exile' as you're 20... but you arent welcome back here"...

Fact, from one of the kids gobs........ and as for 'Wales'...please .... 

probably as tarred with the same brush as Liverpool  in respect of amcientish foregn blood in the mix...

( i even got confident enough to duel with a cowboyhatted  countyite, ' nationalist' only cos he gave me

 '  bought bohemianism' )

but moreso cos his new mate...

" my teacher mates....  i head of eco awareness.... but i give up, theres no hope!! ...theyre so ferral they dont even mentor the children  even after large payrise....into turning the taps off in the pupils bathroom..."

If one were to share, with one of the many Euroteachers, of mine acquaint,  they wouldnt know what you are talking about - their body labguage would endleszly say so, as it daily does....stood stark and open armed in front of mr.... as they  thought the good literature, of the Aisle of gayLord's Flies, buzzin around your just a fantasy.

Rather than allegory

come true

..... so, as i/we plot

how to keep alive a geezer not as old as thisun....

My my will it be all  on Today: " I lost my virginity to Bowies fancy blouse ... on TOTP.... " when in fact hardly anyone ever owned an album... ( i told the prof of dancin' my La La Human Steps story.... me and that philandrous liar's, dancin' 'dird'... ... suspwnded mid North Sea....

one gusty midnight

" but...i feel so guilty.... and so lonely.... .. being paid to be part of his


and otherthings too....."

if i werent so o mute: " Lou....  the moment you came up to sit next to

just you and me

the loneliest peeps on the planet...

barrelin' off into the 



500 quid an hour....

Saint Ex a fake ... 

but the snell of combined true people


not hiding our  true smiles at the solitude that we dance above


1+1 =  three... real life gorgeous crazy fucked up three

real energy

now...if you'd been his flown-in bird.... behind the poor brown babe's back

why the fuck didnt, as we parted on the docks.....

i give you my number....."

not a rhetorical q

as you only know decades on

no two people could possibly have shared a more pognant few hours

Nor play out every song

at 300km/h ( i still only talk in civil language.. ref units of distance, to nowhere, ever .... in tribute to one not British blood... even if she can only hiss)

ten times better as 'art' than old hookeys 

greatest art ever

Unless the Odd Essay can.... be orchestrated..... into the actual real version of no moanin' ever and.....

I may have the Pirates on side ( real ones, this will make no sense til i have their every word in a lezzie lovesong,  long poem, i will...soon....  cos rhey want it so.... she, the Parrot on 'Jane 

Tar's' shoulder.. gave me ...that ...look....


. look.....

That needs a whole real painting.... not one for rich tourists....  axtual humanart abput fucked up fingeelickin warped humanity


And as i sent them to the real artman  ( you are "Picasso, on viagra you old hoat"... his son laughed " you got my old man" as lesson one.....

we shall sea....

All art should definately be Ai Wei Wei 

as a finger stuck up at 


or peaceful and real Sublime ( the Polish etymology version; the English so so lacking and moanin' and frightened witless of just a big 'awe'some mountain...

cos their parents never...

( to be cont... maybe even faster and faster, no nowhere, [  not copyright the queen of everything  especially not moaning, even if the Queen of that too, cos i never stop to think and that just subliminally came out ]...if a laughing coweaver gets her act together) 

makes me so smile.... what genius taste i had as a very confused unparented young man....shopliftin her whole genius album, from Woolies.... 

But back to the future.

if i can weave.... and had i not been a slave to the cant and vanity and  ot stopped to think ...

"well I am playing the ultimate wise man in the school play.... but if he were a REAL man who would have stuck his fingers down is neck and shouted... fuck off... ive changed my mind.... none of you are worth martyrin' meself for...evem if imaginary dialogue sales may benefit..... and my real writing is yet to come.....  cos as badmanBabb, Oxford Don, would say  attemting to write the great tract onnit....  to me.... year before oldage death from a bad memory....." that tricky Sublime...well...i only know one thing, it recreates itself...every day..."

But we have to get to the direlogs first...

to get " you cant say that!!! im offended" 

from a Northerm Wall  built like a brick shithouse, as they

"  old vanbags  like you, in her i know you tellin it like it is, all the way.... road trip away from Golding's sinkin' aisle of homorapin' Lords... and please dont forget the one line you really really should gave known or researched before footstompin with me...  when your publisher says you 'cannot say that'.... Empress Hannah D'Arent.... said when there are things we cannot say in s society

we already have a tyranny..."

Socmrates even if he had been in love with his chief boy,  abd offering all of Midas gold just for one touch. .couldnt  have got a brickie to..".change.."... just like that,  by the  purest rhetoric of all..( at the suicide cliff)

reming her to be consistent.


self ..

not a pastiche,  of every fuckin  byline sent out from Totty Central....  even she has guzzled for decades

sorry... they didnt have real " change" culture,  in those forner Soviet states


and it seems many have mainlined straight into the wost of California....

without remembering why they came to wipe the baby's botties here in the first place.... 

mesat on a plane 27 years ago next to a Califirnian babe.... " ohhh really so there is a whole propper big university   giving degrees based on weaving trancendentalism into it all...well bless you....good luck ( prayer emojii) i predict  with second sight from reading proppa grown up books about how utopias dont usually work....26 years on you will win . and rather than writing letters to MPs ...or organising a community one... REALLY hard work that... some bird at Shitcreekside June 2023 year of... god only knows what... will tell me  via quite angrily that via  her trancendental 'manifest'ations she will manifest a bit of urgent dental work just by 'waking up' with a toothache.... and now of course trans dentistry will i am certain be the next big copycat thing..... so to diversify...  listen to some good songs rather than Maharishi con stuff.... y'all just want to not be a cleaning lady....fair finkum i not judging but....dont claimany truth ...unless.... . cos thats called, fundamentalism....  " 

the Israelite was gobsmacked when i quoted from

its not about ragged is uni


likely banned in London-on-see nothing but bad art all around