
Saturday, 31 August 2024

The Gwerk song


Her words seen in action:  8 or 9 Juin on la route du six juin

One of the 'bought bohemians'...  'beautiful people'.. or in his case in both respects more his exs can tell...

doing 3 child handover on the Gweekpark bench about 10am...

Filmed for 'protection'.... 

 The way a so called father swaggers out of his banger ... drunk...smokin drugs... in front of all his brood.... 

And for an hour leers around.. 

stumblin' and being Mister Bohemiian for show....

And she - sobert and expensive NAtural Store bag.. and all the other accessories too ... poor lamb to the slaughter... doesnt DO anything...  just to put the hand of her 3 yhear old into a safer hand, hers.. that aint leerylookin dangerman... drugdancin and getting the 3 year old to use his hand to gop get dad another tin of beer.... 

all... whats their latest word 'superpowers'''. i call it dangermouse...

who would have thought even if seen many times before at Hay..Presteigne.. (my Stow and Totness insider mum of 2...  2020 she told me theretoo..)

 a little less in your face... 

 .. " his face so perfectly artistic expressionate..of reality...  simply changed our a better one... . but not as pretty as the feyboy, so far fewer clicks... "

And this load of at times fantasy overrode all....

( 2020 year of our wonderful Garce...ful internet conversation... me and the Yankee babe...  but you can never keepo a yank theyre all butterflyitis lite... weighed down by nothing, historical sad but true they couldnt even listen to their own bloke Mister Paine and his rather good pamphlate their ... mad English ancestry... 

 keyed: "have you heard it...... whomever this Jinal is i reckon 'ees izz secret homo lover... only someone special - a special friend...musoland as tight arsed as the tightest ....  would have been allowed to out Woolhall Woolhall...  and put his bootlegger mic actually next to the  public one.... its like everything.. in one emotion and truly fuckin ... lets just say i say there in this glorious spring and got bluetongue unable to even gag....   the whole of Joyce Rimbaud en a bit o' Byron if he ever got over his mummy issues... 

... [etc] over a few months...  giving her marriage guidance counselling across the waters.. via our shared mutual interest, actual poetry..)

But who would have thought just a week or so ago...

the last paragraph, came true... sat above the most fabulous REAL sublime angry 'awe'... some frothy spaz fey artist could ever imagine if he had every monkey in the universe and the next typin with keyboards that work...


.... thoughtbubble: lets just leave it at.....that.... 


Never mind you gotta EARN wearin' your expensive cowboy hat by....

writin' more....
