
Friday, 23 August 2024

"thank you"...

 Now those whom, as one saw on Fakebook 6 or 7 years ago...even my pefrected 'human' of no race or peep but a mere mong...friend a real one the Yazzeration.. who advised me before her own mum and dadthis springergone.... of bein' at last up the duff, dufferated.....  at least she admitted she was forced to prostitute herself to " chose  from three themes for your MFA dissertation.. immos, rumpy pumpy, or naycherrrr..." 

Yaz a REAL woman...a real pukka semiPak ....Heidi...actually from the same postcode...and no ferkin nonsense upstuck finger....

"they fucked nayccherrr...all of it...and will never do owt... i gave up..."

" if you ever let go enough to get dufferated...well, thats the key... they get to about five and then you start to think ...ferk...its UP TO more half bred measures...i gotta REALLY go all the way...driven by love.... and make it my way... or i have let my beloved spawn down..and as one of the 97.% whom didnt report in the census 2021 liking same sex or other iterations of not hetropumpy...well.. we will always be the only ones whom really do have the real reason inside us for... after all they may blame us when theyre burrying us.......  "

Now... one doesn't encounter LES actual PUkka Fantastiques....

" hey wow.. we have shared CULTURE that isnt confected anodyne crap.... we understand each other's....spirit.... ohh fuck she... 

Rosalie... i just wanna kidnap her and.... " 

There is only....good art... all the rest is ..

.(to be cont as i have a sidekick in training.... a REAL one...of truly hotblooded real blood that flows rather than get stuck behind a ...'damn you cannot say that.'.. groomed, upon the 'path'.... )

Good art grabs your heart and chops it into little bits or at least has a real 'human' like most Portuguese use words like  coração.....a lot.....

Anyway to meet Les Fantastiques...and Madame Annik F... linger and deliberately meander as i am  manly processing her rubbish... 

But forget that... because it was her...

It's a good job...unlike almost everyone, even nowadays sadly some EUs too... i meet they have sleep issues...  which does in fact mean their society - their mode... their whole Eckheartian fucked up prissiness and performative sensitivity olympics....does not


cos the definitian of blowing hot and cold  yoga  into mindful retreat while the underclass clean the bogs... is if nothing else it should alow you to have inner peace such that you sleep... 

worldwide class action: Chopra (i have a superb book by a woman seducterated into one of the earlier faux spiritual business operations, some call a cult....  in the 1970s... all those maharishis then latterday far more dangerous whitey  Tom Pauls...(Rebel Wisdom an extremely good example of just how superbly fake so they dont even know the hogwash they spout... they get..) ... and it goes on and multiplies, into Brand et Al... and every single bored housewife  who moved to Devon from about 10 years ago - as i monitored looking for REAL 'green' allies to hook into my old too busy building the pr image for the by-donations retreats .... that OF COURSE mean with some income they can offset the vat on building their exclusive jacuzzi or whatver else the latest fad is for chuckin a bucket of warm water over yourself as all the other ex Londoners bought all the old cottages so many a rural scroffulate earning local wages cant afford to rent...myself i would not have my life one second different .. regularly i say to self...and others but theu can never listen...

Even the van woman of late.... (so many quote the Bennet pity piece thats not a freedom lovin nomad piece thats weird and full of syndromes)

Cannot listen " i gave up ALL causes  near two years ago... this sceptic aisle is lost..i have a superb chronicle of how it evolved from the Hay region... how the so so so smug it is achingly sweet .. ex HR types...all the bossiocracy class coming out to live simple lives close to nature... they must wear Hunters even in June to walk a dewey field ....  because that is all they know...from a Guardian Colour suplement...

or other catalogue...

But then they ...(first best example, 2009, the Plastic Bag Free town celebrations... Estianddad next to the TV cameras lapping up our latest heroine... 

who had forgotten to have a word with CO-OP..who as it happens were 90% of the plastic bag purveyors in town...

still are... despite 10 or even 20 p a new bag....

Total liars... but its the quick fix of it thats the worst of all examples....  because any real significant, say environmental change takes years of hard dull work to gradually ebb and flow push through against the tide and the tide will return and thus you need to actyually be ten years at it...with TRUE solidarity...

Totally impossible in any South easterner based society where they cannot even remember a conversation they had yesterday... dsepite quoting from Tolle or some other latterday Gurdjieff wannabe...  or ideally Princess Di... as they all hate themselves really... thats why most cannot sleep...

pity them

BUt tell even a van woman "  i only came down here for one reason... all past causes gave up no point UK went absolutely bonkers years ago and i have REAL evidence ..lots..."  nope they accuse you of ... 

problem is if you have lived a life of never caring much..largely selfish decadence... then you are so bored and small minded you make things up even TO someones face... 

Europeans would never dream of doing..i know as 90% of my most significant people in all my life have been...them

One day that theme will be written out properly ... as i know ONE person.. a woman of some soft'  power...who actually agrees... and wants to hear my tales from the meanderloping  back into an unknowable saudade...

But that's almost private...  because it is a REAL pleasure.... however i don't believe in secrets even if i may have to keep one forever lest yet another control nuts bloke 

...oh yes, above photo.... 

Even if i only wax and wane on one matter, often shared face-to-face... but is there any point? Absolutely everyone gorging themselves on soma... no one reads propper books any more (definition: literature - she so beautifully prided herself in letting the word surf  off her tongue, as if it was a participant about to take on the Matterhorn sized superyacht wreckin' tsunami  already hit us years ago...and know he would hit liminal velocity and simply bounce along the crests of all aftershock wavelets... with some actually good music on his or her earphones.... .  that perfect day...of The Swiss Lady... r real books that have life affirming twists .. that should make any real 'human' cry .. and if they dont i wouldnt want to know in The 6.27.. a piece of genius - wolf in sheeps clothing, pretending to be a  dull 'pity piece' ... until the veryu last chapter when... your balls are taken in the jaws and twisted so you cannot stop crying... the 'good' tears... one actually gets much...(until i met them just Monderlast.. 45 of the most dangerous likely false alligators extant.. 4 young women graduates....  but with backup.. they told the truth in fact WANTED to keep talking... and " yes i am sick of crap English literature i had to do last year and have switched now to postgrad in European Literature...and i watched it just a few days ago... it simply is magnifique... the way the drop knew he wanted NO pity.. the whole thing... black lives that are genius actors matter...shame about the whitey ones who dont because compared to him Monsieur Sy.. they are of another unevolved species..." 

" Ladies... good to see you didnt notice at the beginning it was a Harvey...anyway all that matters is great art....  i knew a not very good one - artist that is.... .. 14 1/2 years ago and it seems her mission in life was to further expose the maker of the Truly great fairly  European film  The Pianist.... as even more of a baddie ..  I no longer understand this people...anyway.... 

"all these pity causes you are being bombarded with... look up New Culture Forum ... utter self reverential crap... they just did one about how now in Stalinist times only truly clever  counterevoltion or even art can fight back....subtle nuance....  blahh blahhh...

" these kiddults are who have actually ruined yyour incidentally half the world is now posting...America thinks we have gone Korean...North.... 

" take this gender thing...

"when i was a kid there was a truly genius top of the pops song....

or a bit earlier....i think their album was my first ever...

" and guess what... just like when i went to live... dropped out from ultra cosmo life 32 years ago to hay-on-Wye sweet little town of real old dinosaur thug bully boys... local sports, sport wife beatin and the like....  Uks first ever swap assumes...lived there April Ashley... and guess what i never once heard the local drunks say 'lets go for a bit of poofter bashin..." ever... i never heard ANYone care..ever....  just as no one ever cared or even noticed the aforementioned superb art was about  boys or girls having a go at being something other...likely like Tom a phase...  or part time or... no one really cared ever.... and that dreadful so called author JK who ruined more kids heads than Tolkein...  with fantasy as real life is so so much more interesting and thrilling even when it can for years be as if in a fantasy chaisaw massacre dystopia....  is a TRULY AWFUL COMMUNICATOR... should be deplatformed from her wat for being a one dimensional zomboid who cannot think...WHAT WORKS.... .i thought of these 'get a bit of balance' rhetoric lines 7 or 8 years ago and i am dead thick and 20 years ago learned having no money ever.. makes you grow up...and be happy.... 

" your gen... please... dont trust ONE WORD...from any so called educator, or even cause operator..from mine.... youve got a LOT of work to do....and ONLY propper art methinks can do it for you....

" but propper art has that almost indefinable maybe factor... as in there would be a few Lous...

maybe his lyrics are just saying something else... listen to not only propper bongos... but the end.... he leaves you hanging and maybe his 'perfect day' is ... when he lingers at 'reap what you sow..' .. i have no idea if he hints at some subtle reversal of the theme up to there.... thats GREAT art it does not even help us make up the rest of it....

" like a real geniuses....  the only good water edge art ever once Hemmingway drowned his Old Man and Turner went on to big boys subjects like mountains and other landstuff...  

.. ... "

"Anyway none of my business,  every moment of my last year is throw away ... except...  fuck... there IS hope... the way you lot are....  but i know you wouldnt dare tell your ferkin thesis administrators as thats all they are...what you really think...i can see on her face.....  "

Ohh yes...perfect day...i have many.. today... when i collect on my tray my memory items...

her plaster i am proud to have rubbish picked up..and memoir give Annik a bell.... 

(but even her " well yes we know...but if i show film of our perfect kids everyone else would want i would be exploiting them..."  a strange thing for someone who already has the movie..of their extraordinary Fantastiqueing through half of Europe on Youtube...  i need to watch first...)

hook - far more to riff on there

ehh... i havent even got to the simply astonishing Down and Out in Paris...  I had no idea Orwell was such a pure chronicler, warts and all... ...  pure... nearly.... 

And all that matters to me... 

oh yes...

how to sum up the playground theme park... of all the SW...