
Monday, 12 August 2024

Tear out that Gweek-fix...and

 Oh i must get out my photograph of the little noticeboard, there...

Taken, about Septerlast...

I have never in my whole life seen that

( there is slight hope in humanity.... the 30 summit couple in the extremely very rusty old big rusty van  lasterve..." I just got back from the fancy sybarite Isle in Thailand and... every other corner there's ten ex public school junkies from Gwerk or evicted from Totness for not being a tyranite of mindful nastyfarianism...  begging, by tom tom..")

Though if i die today,  apart from actually

Living for one day, a perfect near-day, chasing the dear...


                                                                                                                                                                           The freest day ever existed ....  no agenda, on my side, merely keeping up with ...


Ok, no one is perfect...

The first encounter more than proved so perfectly

But more than proved so perfectly: can NO one read any more, or think... what the words mean.

I mean if someone returns your missive with " ehhh.. i loved you straight away....well, with a few minutes of discovering my sunglasses and spastic stix, prejudice ... was just a silly first impression, as a 'filter' and...."

They may mean what they say.

So, the reflections (i told her, i understand now..if you live in London-on-sea..i don't,  i found the sparsely populated places..) ...

In fact there we go: as i said to the 'Women's Aid' one...who couldn't aid someone jumping off the nearby cliff, except give him reason... with her every other word is " you can't say that" 

But i could no longer be bothered to even bother..." luv... ever heard of Hannah..Arendt... ok they probably wont have taught you ANYthing at Woolly Polly... [ now uni]...  except how to pollute the rivers with blue hairdye.... 

(you gotta have on in your ears loud.. 

because, even if long snide 'debates' ... she couldnt listen: " funny old i have a real memory... i remember very very well, how in the early 80s in London....  me bein' far too sane to go to their universities...  the ones who went to Goldsmiths, including my very sweet girlfriend Jackie...  the truly decent balanced PURELY equal babes 



they, not me.... had as their sexgod the ultimate ranty man who whatdyerknow came up with some rather good real-art, like'go art... no fake diasporacrowdfund beg bowl   art... nope pure enlightenment+ ... .... loveislettin' go...  actual art that changes you...


Anyway, ehhh... so yes lastersept

There were...WERE.. until tyranites took over


rules: honour...

there was RURAL HONOUR..(gone as soon as the mindfullites bought all the garden sheds for mindful zoom sessions which started 17 ish years ago..)

0hh yes their hot yoghurt shakes and Natural Store bags are almost always paid for by him... who still works in "events" - down like  like supplying the it equipment to his buddy from a 'lesser' private school who bagged the arms brokerage contract to Assad... or some other lost loon... 

Or (i havent started yet, in TRUE reflections..) the ones who bought the simply perfect quiet place in the hills - my hills... old unconverted place... i have no interest in, but next to the only decent undisturbed nature for some km.... 

Immediately 'brand' themselves nature lovers supreme.. (its always the 'feminine' one of the two as if she's been rehearsing just the right lines all her Worcester or Surrey or wherever... 

And then spend all 2022 disturbing it... forever

The big manly (their brand - he another Tom-Paul... one day i shall reveal all)  .. their 'brand' manly machinery  - nowadays even their mini diggers seem to have bumfluff and be supping at a craft beer as they pollute and destroy, wearing a £75 cowboy hat and ... uggh... the infection of mirror lenses seems permanent) machinery paid for, by in their case...  having a 'care' home conglomerate...

inherited ... 

only age about 25, ten years ago....

Now it would appear spikey to critique....  except there simply is no way this Sceptic Aisle can AFFORD to outsource that which Europeans in the main still insource.... 

Lookin' after each other through eaud'amonia times.... come what may... 

(return to later one day)

 Anyway, back to.... i know he really hasn't a mind. even if he in fact gave "schism" his name which is just a real word, for....

Long before LA Mong... s/he acted like a .. no not a'girl' as rural women i knew long ago would always help... lift AN ARM TO ASSIST... 

A human moving his furniture alone, The Rachman landlordess - as EVERYone knew... more tyrant than any man could be... (but i alone was her equal in tyranting back never ever did she even know..  because unlike her i don't believe in bothering to name anyone on her awful FAkebook, or put up the recordings into my protective audio stream..of  the actual subconscious reality of this prison camp.... where camp is the new ...nothing.... of her saying time and again... it is TRUELY likje afabulous Homeric myth-meets-liminal-majesterial foreveration ....  my furniture is just fine for awhile... and then burning it... which i have lovely TRUE ENGLAND performance art  film of...indeed a lot of... a criminal offence of the highest calibre infact arguably almost 'arson' hahh hahhh... loadsa porridge for that one....  but any sane person knew 40 years ago, as WE did then... "yankland went all legalistic... we  must find a saner way.." which is exactly what every unnecessary telling-tales is about.. becoming as thick as America .  )