
Tuesday, 27 August 2024

So, a mini-Kush....

 Even if megga, really....

Except as i found, in words, earlier this year which turned out to be quite quite extraordinary in a great great way...

Then, espesh... Hertoo: But just a few days ago.. 

" they all hatecrime me cos....  but 'no regrets coyote..'....  especially the THisterMaydayish one.....  gee whizz they really really do feel intimidated if you get-the-fuck-up at dawn... bane of my life... 

" and if you want to know why all your 'excluded' kids are in such a mess, [The Guardian today reports 3 or 4 thousand a week crawling into the NHS bad sleep and 'anxiety'...], the 'story' of Joni i think is perraps most wonderful  fable....all 'narratives' are just fables....  in that despite her rather good start to life... 

" and mine birthday present the year before the YEAR of Our Lord this is paradise....

[ thats interesting,  despite  afew years age 16 to 18 being with the REAL actual pukka wonderful  Jesus hippies, the real ones who always respected their neighbours no matter what and would never dream of having a generator on after 8pm, and knew also that all 'ceremony' and worship is a dubious construct by fatcats... kindof everyone and i mean the REAl ones.. knew astrology was a load of cant and vanity and  mining each other for plastic sovereignty in pouches that even the Gypsies  - listen to interview from this April soon to put up actually decry as a dodgy paradigm they never talk about the 'second seers' back in their camps as they know, blessem, theyre just on the take...  anyway ..i heard something a few days ago suggesting the 'zodiac' was a very sexist pigtrough for the vudu snakeys to feed at that most signs are very malemanly iconographised... ... ] knowing  that even Joni, sadly whom started well with 'they paved over paradise' was such a chameleon individualist  butterfly 'change' ing herself every few weeks, that in fact she really really did become a rather sour old thing.... clearly not happy in fat said so herself... age should-have-grown-up-by-now... 

And not been the actual babe in her tune...

As it keeps your skin nice and unfurrowed  if the dawn  unploughs it over very day anew DAY...  

shame... a real shame... she should have read Affluenza, or figured her own version 30 years before copyright...rather than bonkers Bud lite tracts they all show off with and.... and ....

Anyway...  yes...  ehhh... i did not need to hear last week's grand finale as i already knew...  (Northern Van Woman local authority funded) 

" gee whiizz... theyre 'coming through' now into the excluded kids zone...mine.."

Because summer 2020... that simply glorious 100 Days of the exact opposite of Solitude  starting mid MArch 2020, when the sun shone unclouded for 100 days, as it actually did....

And i made so many (relatively speaking, for someone living very aside in a region 10% of population density of the suburb of Oasis Town... hahh hahh thats the perfect symmetry as in fact they all look like theyre in an Oasis video not that i would ever watch one being such a scam band of nothing but rehashed bad-man stuff... Lennon, the number one own-child ignorer of all time.... i know the data points as there were only about two in ten years of the poor lad's early years...  theyre in the same private jet or house...) new friends.... the right sort... starting with the first Farmer Helen... and then the first Deb... " im armed dont come any nearer" the look in her eyes as we riff over her hedge... and implication of her words, as she talk about number one Harmony Hairspray pretend real country babe...  but our little 'love affair' as we would lope up the little high st that summer... her superb ex supermodel and deb childborne hips ...swaying... she knew... i knew she knew.. we knew...

" we alone got more fences, we shall be truly equal alive 'humans' and she could swish around with her London cocktail dresses paif for by his hedge fund all she wished...she knew i knew she was the ONLY one whom had transitioned... properly...and loved to roll around in the muck, too...without a pair of Hunters on to protect her real dancing to apture..or false word about liking naycherr.... she was naycherr.. fully, all the way...on;ly one i ever met... quite afew times that summer...   but that was fun.. real fabulous Black Swan amazing opportunist fun cos i myself was kairos oven-cooked, ready ... having done my duty 2017-31 JAn 20...

" but when i encountered my one true goddess example to my lass, many years...  the prima facie evidence that vanning [ even if the other new  memoir reflections  makes it clear i hate all machinery] ... really did create the perfect woman, too... total 'honour' - among covanners...always...pure equality.. pure mutual respect always....  and a 'human' core above ALL cant and vanity...  she hasd been braiding my daughter's hair in hay Sq that 'festival' year  in 2006 when the news came into my old brick of a phone, as we were slagging off all the neurotic towny lahh di dahhs who had began to invade by then.... ... of her unseen grandafther's  demise...  

"... 'hmmm.. i am so glad  that news came in when we are with alone will know how to also speak to my lass, you know so well.... as i make you, for her, the very very best example of how to be....  even if your dreadlocked bloke one of the smart new wave of not very Jesus pretenders cannot stand another man speaking with the mother of his kids even if ours...mine rather likes your lad...  first 'love' hahh hahh....  so will work it through with me...we will lighten the air around how we speak of him, she never met, quite deliberately as alcoholics never really recover or at least dont until years of abstinence...  dying... '

".... so when i rencountered her in August 2020...with her two kids Poglets like mine... even if her Pog she had officially categorised psychopath...i am not quite sure i met him a few times and tried to rebuild their bomb cratered bridge between them...  but seeing how her new lads 6 and 8.. were so absurdly pale and cowering... she my ONLY 'great white hope' if thats not racist it used to be a two-meaning nuanced phrase we understood...seeing how she had transmitted her  neurosis onto her kids...if there was ONE parent..i had known 15 years... well...who i had KNOWN for a fact would zen ride out the thing and keep her kids bright eyed...healthy sunny skintone..twas her....  when i saw the exact opposite - and she had total respect as she had survived a terrible car crash in her early 30s that literally turned her stomach into the shaman's  bubbling mixed up cauldron of incompatible parts....   and you would have never known, she was always so so constant and solid....  seeing S* [ silly men, always men even now second guess and assume]  in such a mess she had 100%  vibrationally [she too intelligent to use that spaz word even if she hung out with that lot a me  - we had to as the only non consumerist chavs left were the new healer conartists from the suburbs who invaded....we would giggle at their newage  faux 'bliss' spirituality claptrap... only occasionally as we needed them as friends in a community for our kids....  kids needing community...  even if you know they are THE problem... you cork it...except with your true friend... ]... all... SCHISM!!!!!.. UK utterly lost...  and will 'reap what it sows'..." 

Anyway a mini-Kush....  

Sounds cryptic, soon.. the fable - far better than Ted Hughes one dimensional Iron Man thing...shall be told...

Of how, only due to the first sight, known, all the way... latest iteration, of the same claptrap though in her case very very dangerous conartist....

MAy this one....

" i WILL be given £150,000 by some man out there for my divine new paradigm community to buy some land..."  

never mind being a bit sexist for someone also boating how she may be going babe-babe...

And never mind how S* and i over the years saw every conartist from (usually via Glastonbury)  attempt to outshine the last with (always, sadly) her,  glazed over eyes recreating humanity via their special knowing knowledge.. this latest one, here.. dangerous as 15 years serious corporate PR operator...  who loves her Powerpoint... i still have the file.... offering even if known as number 1 ruiner of UK society - as a type... 'generalisation'... they all ban you saying, well funny that as generally 100% of these new ... whatever they are.. (read Houellebecq) ..  ALWAYS rip people off and run away crying../ (except psychopaths or in fat thats too harsh, just nutjob not-read-enough-good-literature affluenzates,  even if nowadays they all call themselves 'empath' the new trend, always even deny their tears and cry out they are tears of rapturous victory .. as they run away rent unpaid,and 'i will hire you to fix my van a bit' pledges unfulfilled...[ the last 4 years 'you can fix my daddy's house' aregular chirping of these sad tragic 'birds'... so fat i know i am the extinct species...all blowins [not born breds!]... in Pastylandshire of that exact type...]  .... .. i can plot every single one whom arrived in the Wye valley from about 2007 and have various fully recorded and cross refereed, saved,  female evidence - once their 'soul sisters'...  - the best - about 'Shakti'  (can be named as after ripping everyone off for years Herefordshire, especially the father of her poor boy " we so so so so love him...he is love... we are love.....his beautiful brown soul...but if C* ever saw him...well he may be fed asausage and i am pure we are pure only vegan and the love that vibrates up from dad between us all ... even if we will never see him ... is real and all trascenderating.."...after running away crying having been caught pants down on public money...runs another large public money place...  same ole... THEY WON i know that ! )

. you should hear what her once friend said.... 

Nothing to do with me, except talk about this spring's one...  nasty and vicious -  genuinely dangerous...others also felt in time...

How....ever..... there is anew level in 'poetic' justice yet unmined...

Which when i roll it out... no need to fictionalise or even change her name... a sits in the police files and i know not for what she alleges but i never google anyone.. cos i heard just how dangerous...for aweek....   with my own ears....  the act is pure pure genius .. 

Anyway nothing to do with me, except imagine the most conartist smooth operator new age woman saving the world even if that one didnt use FAkebook.... 

basically almost anyone around Totness 

It's tragic funny and one this morning the queen of them all with PR image and ... 


Not sucking me in as i always (except rue 6 jun, 2023) keep my distance as these people are very dangerous - i know some of their kids - how truly dangerous it is... you see it in the damage done to their kids... 

BUt..if it was not for her...i would not have found a true lovely place ... where also i have enjoyed afew sort of semi functional friendships...a bit of real humanity..

Never mind, base to many a day meanderloop around and meet so many simply such life affirming... eurobabes... whom brought me back to full better than EVER life....

And the salt lick... 


I just cannot wait to, one day... 'relate'.. to the MAydayish one (so irrelevant i cannot recall exact date but my diaries do - they were designed to protect against her type.. they will false allege ANYthing.. how her vicious mad nastiness, and bad manners.. was the quay..... to a wonderful quiet summer, and some people at last i needed to encounter.... ... )