
Monday, 12 August 2024

So, i understand...


(though had one known then - "Jacko...your year-dead pinnup...Ian... had we wandered by The Rinbow a mere two years prior we would have heard the greatest ever example of how to play the Tom Toms....beserkly... pure sublime.. LET GO... [past tense, in the fuckin 'NOW'  . in fact they had second sight of what next -  45 years later have never been bettered ...with REAL soul.. only one has equalled in my not so humble humile oppinionate .... no " ceremonial" public schoolboy.... ahayywhoaskedherrr... ] .. even if they pretend they are playing whitey propper  drumkits... no zulu 'warriors'  could have got to that next  level of true ...actual...'spirit'...  but why did he really put the rope around his neck..?  well... 44 years later i shall prove, why... 

Then-now - if we assume all is timeless, which it isn't, not in thios simulation at least ...he met  Annik Honoré

And the poor thing back home with her pinny and eau de chip fat...  and the nipper... 


... Blessim.. Ian meets Annik and.. well....  once you have munched at the rather apple tasting apple in The Garden of Eden of a fine European woman happy in her appelate skin... well.. there's no hope for NAt...  nor Ian...

And a year meandering THE Path of Saudade..... meeting so many fabulous (except forgetful kraut)  back-in-time....  actually STILL "human" ones... 


Proves poor Ian was basically right... 

Even if, fast forward 45 years 

(my actual books-one-day even if they wont be translatable to English, as all these words have become untranslatable, to the English: THERE WAS .. the fringe rural regions,  because in regions 1/8 of the population density  compared with places like all the SW even if they pretend for Fakebook they live in 'nature'...  when 'nature' daily plays tricks on you like fells a tree over your pathway you have to be able to count on the neighbour a km yonder to ASSIST.. to be 'community' .. even if he hates you as you gave his Missus alusty look at the Ceilidh the night before... ALWAYS...   no matter what your 'feelings' gotta sometimes be a bit communal... 

And then there WAS 'honour' of the van people...and hillwalking folk.... 

 true real honour... and above all to pass on THE INFORMATION!!!! the accurate information... never ever 'personal' in fact one didnt have to filter for 'personal' as ...

And i am only sort of free due the information of one superb oldschool vancrone...

who passed on to me THE INFORMATION...whom - which mechanical man,  could i trust to be reasonable... 

[ the funniest of all new school - in fact they are simp[ly unschooled, younger van generation, February 2023.. " ohh yeaman want a place to park up around the Helford...well there is the coollest little place there Gweek...  theyll leave you alone there... 

the only place ever that on about day 2 on Avenue ^ Juion... a man comes by in cowboy hat - all " i am arugged oldschool goodhippy vanman... and universal peacelove look at my leather jerkin and rugged doggie.. " and uncalled for as i dont often talk to English men so many being on drugs or a bit ranty the dangerous type.. makes a peronal insulting comment... in fact i have never heard such a fake performative bohemian be so 'bullying' and i dont believe in that word... 

BUt then Septerlast.. to meander through, having July 2023 left a nicely written out notice on the village green notice board: " odd jobs, previous life on humble farms fixing ANY old rotten wood, properly... work in exchange for maybe abit of house sitting, cash not necessary" ... 


THE number 1 rule of all " community"  - in fact at times over the last 10 years one discovers even in Presteigne (basically Gweek-on-criminally-polluted-bysecondhomes--Lugg)  ... even there, one does get a fair amount of humble yeoman work from a sign on the noticeboard - it is how folk 'connect'.... most adults having grown out of ANY 'social' media a decade ago, even there... 

But Gwerk...  nope... 6 weeks later you are in the region, and notice that someone  - some hot yoga divine 'feminine' guru goddess offering [by huge 'donation' ] some wonky snake oil 'healing' no doubt ...has broken the NUMBER ONE "human" honourable law anywhere even in Wolverhampton: you do not cover someone elses notice with yours... period.

..of course the most beautiful metaphor of all figurative no-point-speaking-to-these -nonhumans.

As they have "manifested" some new mode of humanity  where simple propriety no longer thats too big a word for them...

they rather their fake " Bee kind.." 

ayway but (nothing new.. these total frauds invaded Hay-on-Wye 18 years ago.. Presteigne 10 or 15 (if they couldnt afford Hay houyseprices) then even Clun (to my shock i saw 3iswh ago) ..and Kington 8 years ago ish -  which is hilarious as Kington is so alcoholic green-hater wifebeaterish...   motorised...  they could in fat sue the estate agents for miss prob being theyre all masons too.. the

Anyway, but...i didnt know one thing: having meandered for 16 months, and sometimes smiled and photod endless puerile crap such as the 'hygge' shop...  all the endless Southern (it is, )  'lifestyle' nonsense..and NO good art . thats not a quote from me..its from a man who is a paid arts  mentor at Foulmouth polly .. the only truthtalker i have met

Still: what could REALLY sum up Primrose-Hill-on_sea...?

In one image? 

Even if i have many rather more artfully taken...

BUt as the great artman says too you need a few lines with any image ..

i shall come up with the poetical ones one day: saterlast, in the advertised 'farmers market' ... this one they perform not at all 'beautiful people' but i know the signs... 

I DO at last 'get' it.. as of course for some years they all go on about 'raw cackaoooo' like they are goddesses of something that isnt SWEETIES for children...

But i had no idea it was FOUR FUCKIN QUID FIFTY for a small bit

Any actual farmer would say " pull the other one its got a human being attached"

And then
"its a collectable book" is not something one should say to me

same shelf:
ATUAL therapy
Siddartha style

BUt just a bit later

And just abit later

" you are the ONLY [pAID] book woman in the whole country left whom....  .. really.. UNDERSTANDS WHAT BOOKS WERE FOR."


i had to tear out of my laptop the ultra FIX a year ago made at Gwerk drug/bling  addict park.. [ they come and sit near you and pollute the air with their smelly prove.. they arent not lost lonely young men..]   on film-a-hedgehog day... there

As in fact at last i figure its interfering... 

That i-can-fix anything may have made it worse..
just thistermorn ripped out it seems better...stable

and hence unable to type on stable keyboard for months until now ..i am a mess
which i DID try to explain to Womens 'letting go'... but of course she has a different approved form of...bad art