Tuesday, 13 August 2024


 ...i am about 3 months behind, in a deliberately cryptic and absurdist load of nonsense, odyssey, where only a few ' real' people prove ... just occasionally...

That there is one good mind left.

At only about 30... unlike ANY ' green' who blame domebody else for everything, rather than look for actual silutions, pragmatic.. real...  " hey... two per chimney in lands where there is fallen wood left [ mine old]  may in fact cut overall emissions quickly by 30 or 40% ... 75% of past fties mouldering alone hissing at everyone  ( a mere symptom.of fear, notsurprising when every bluehair wants everyone to arrest anyone else fir hissing truth .. or anything except 'this week's colour tint is sublime' ...) 'aware' of every reason NOT to ever coupleup again, committedly...out of an Eckhart book orsome latterday online variant of '17 ways to spot a narcissist...' ...any actial travelled person goi g to nutjob yankland 37 years ago  knew immexiately one of tbeir lost loon symptims was everything having very very specific numbers signs in lift about exact poundage allowed under statute to the nearest ounce.... 

not the land of" maybe" ...evenUK caught up every statistic is to the nearest percent ...rather than (see Eckhart howhe never uses the correct scientifically acurate word... hedgehog/ fox metastudy showed....  those who say  " the

 Higgs Boson just itzy  witzy bit possibly MAY be the main constituent of whats in my underpants"  rather than " the "trauma' IS.. "  Eckhart IS... just as most newspeak mindfull of bullshit always ARE... sure that manifesting positive energy rather than hard workIS the answer...or far more dangerous this ' energy' healing 100% is what you need... or that mindful hermitude is the ONLY way you can survive.... 

so the waffly MAYbe ists. ( foxy Gould vs spikey very charming Dawkins best example) ..  turn out to be by decade later slightly better science,more likely to have been RIGHT...

Anyway if i die of some unknowable maybe reason...  which wil be merely of boredom..

i knew some years ago tbere is NO hope ... in UK... for the 'snowflakes' a really inadequate word for sadly some years ago twas obvious, i say as confirmed walkawayist pacifist.. 

" change" sadly will take decades... never believe anyone offering cheap fix, or expensive ...  and i accepted that only actial real bloody war will reset the souls of the younger British generation .... 

default to  so many ' issues', false allegation and weird  distrust of all... behind their lainted on instagram smiles ..

But i trust her...  immediately

why on earth has landscape turned into not landscape!!!

there we were in the bleakest fabulous landscape...  single older bloke wanders by... 

annd immegiately she tells me a simple real thing...

No Brit i am afraid can ever even tnink of any more....

I found sanity  and splendid simplest  conversation simple again,  in the last place expected...

for decades in my last region