
Tuesday, 20 August 2024


 Moral of the story, is..

Nothing "changed" despite their "DM me" for it...

To the Cheltenham Lady;  " a decade ago or more.... you could literally draw a line on a map, just a few miles the England side of the borderline  that runs up the map between england -  i think not of any place worth naming, as it was Americaland complex and Industrial in that it pretends not to be... and Wales - as irrelevant a word, being like Pastylandshire its astonishing how many DNAS arent quite the 'effnix' they pretend... we saw all that start in N Wales FIFTY ferkin years ago... incomer chubbies, sat in offices in towns dreaming up ways to get more government grant money, and fake tourist bullshit to 'protect' ways of life that in fact never were..never mind languages no one was ever interested in...  respecting the minority who it actually still was their mother tongue and as some were my classmates, and in fact first mate-mate  I knew first hand, down her knickers, just how fabulously esteemed she were all her her countrywomen.

" anyway... these mixed DNA multi mongrelised  places -   where in fact the mongs are often the best of human... its nothing to do with that fake word 'heritage' or place it merely was the simple fact of where the land became abit more rugged and far less populated, if you drew a line North South, just East of the few small MArches Towns  - Bishops Castle in the North to HAy in the South...  'generalising' hahh hahh.. West of that line where i always lived, very low population density, real hills, and real nature meaning it is in charge, and real countryside which means one is NOBODY... you lean being nothing...especially compared to the gales or downpours that may blow down trees atop your car if youre not careful...

" thirty years ago, to the West of that line....  everyone accepted they were nobody...  and curiously it seemed that had an effect on their gob...  in that what came out of it generally they had pondered the words prior to exit... 

" East, however...  frankly all only suburbs....  well apart from the fact that one never met any ATUAL nature babes, being as my filming here a few weeks ago just some flying ants harass and botherate the film people filming a man at the cliff painting nature.... it was so funny... my arthouse film of them - a study in they way, the suburbites - ane and ALL here... prostitute 'nature' they havent had anything to do with in real life for decades or longer.... is worthy of a  holiday in Cannes and party on a superyacht...

" but if i can sum it up in just a few sentences.. ...and you can try all you wish to trip me up all you like, which despite me fixin yer vanlex.... seems to be all you Chelterites   even you with your 'shewee' [tm, no doubt]... seem to want to be... in control... of nothing... 

" i hope... we can speak even longer.... even if this one little segment here is a slight mongrelising a few chats....  as a decades schoolteacher whom at least appreciates some facts without wanting to control.... ' over there - Eurolands... they dont even have words for false allegations, self harm, eating disorders and the one i saw so often the last decade... hoarding... i have seen and been in the houses of seemingly sane men mainly but babestoo... who .. there was that great book i read about 25 years ago set in London a bloke so sick with hoardingitis his floor fell in at the end and even if i never lose  a book, as country types never ever panic..are stoical and resilient and know that all property loss is as a result of human bubbly to ACTUALLY protect our footprint from having to be on top of askip full of some ex's stuff stompin' it down...we Always have to work communally together to put aside our ferkin feelings... i lost that one... 

" anyway being as YOU.. there is a you...all those not of CONSTANT rural setting....  training oneself to always be constant...  only inconsistency

in me


"is ...some 0530os ... or whatever constitutes getting up with them 'birds' all your ultra consumerism has ensured they dont have a hope...  i am in a wonderful hippy music mode... almost always female vocal; and i know the truest geniuses of the lot....  even if that one should be cancelled for being a mere fledgling as you gotta be a grown up to not drink nor drug yourself to an early dose of rottin' in yer' nest...  self pissed-on... 

" and some new dawns its something a tad more energised...  the only way of tolerating the first wave of 'energy healers' all one and all neurotic townies, who arrived as of about 18 years ago to set up their snake oil ventures ion formerly fairly sane Marcher lands... whom in fact did immigrate all over the previously fairly sane and staid places  and i know full well with their Southern loot, based on daddy's shares in Monsanto  the only way they pay for their twitter subscription to preach being close to 'nature'...  i would see them post at 3am... that alone a fact of just how disconnected from nature they are never mind have zero mindfulness or bodily health as they cannot even do a basic rural thing, like sleep at night... which is good for the body...and nature in fact

" though i an never     quite decide which is the best version the ultimate tom tom version where tom toms did something REAL.... 

" anyway.. here..'now' ...or rather a decade ago ...i began to realise, slowly... item 1... no manners..i simply never meet any drifter-over from the Non Western highlands who has any manners whatsoever...none can answer an email or  message 'hey thanks for taking the time to share that opportunity, but not for me at the moment' ... .. but really what this is is despite most of them in one service industry or other, from snake oil sales in 'lifecoaching' kinds of nonwork...  which gradually became parasitising false 'spirituality' or manic shamanity or whatever trendy bullshit words for there is something...else but no one can know

" ... despite ALL the nonWesternlands being service... what a joke word for rippin' everyone else off.... aqnd many trained in 'communication' PR or is extraordinary that not one can.. never mind remember what they said just yesterday..never mind mean it...

" but i think above all... i never really knew until i left the Western highlands... the only-English sector even if ...'twas all fake, the ex Birmingham alcies simply owned all or most...  and my my how they would fret over battling the elements to merely mow a little patch of the verge, middle of nowhere.... that is the real art, saying ' i am in control' pf this patch of land....  despite i cannot even control my drinking nor...  smile from faking some fake version of myself all the time... they got to about Knighton years ago.... 

" but the more Southern setting - precise geolocated definition, anywhere SE of that otherwords anyone not real rural Westerlands.. and anyone Midlands, around Stoke,  down... .. i never knew....  it is hot and cold... ..

" really... one moment you, [she]  smiley and high five,... the next spittin' and ... well thats what happens if you live only by IMMAGE.....

" new best friend one morning, next its as if you never existed... i understand now... the simply nothing of the South.. merely Thatcher...  nothing... in fat they of course so hate atual life - real life as it was, they invented new bullshit like its all a'matrix' or hollogram to desribe their actual lack of any real exemplified in this blowing hot and cold... and the real infantalisation is in the fat that as usual all they are doing is following America..i was in America often enough later 80s to see how about 10 years or so later the REAL 'America'...  so many ditch their old allies or friends roughly every decade... and they Cannot EVER UNDERSTAND 'LESS IS MORE' ...but above all first visit '85ish.. the land only of false smiles...

" i birdwatch on the cliffs.. for free.....  astonishing, how... the great majority...  of them by accident fluttered over LA Manche...  like ' I am GABRIELLA, i have only one name' ... ' ohh right... ..  like Prince.... or Caesar...well that doesnt usually end well...but then you two envan...and you didnt hiss when i started to slagyeroff...sat on this best cliff in the land watchin footie on yer silly screen...   '  they have real smiles that are consistent and reliable... 

"the homegrown....  my ohh my....  well its all very simple... they have homegrown in the USA now... fentanyl.... seems theres a delightful little epidemic of the number one cause of youngerperson death being too much of it ... but society pretends it is 'accidental'... when any sane reading of it its obvious its the ultimate in 'self harm' as they know full well that its Russian Roulette... 

" just like bagging 500 sq miles of Putolands and thinking he will let them... USA UK..get away with it...

" anyway all i know.... before the lasses seemingly all jumped on various bandwagons of faux 'spirituality', too.... which any REAL historiography of these Sceptic Aisles would 'relate' began in London with the guruconartist service industries based on fake Buddhist nutjobbery... try telling the  - doubtless in need of a live updaytte as yet again they run for their human lives... that Buddhism makes your smile real.... in the fine Yugolands i wandered late 80s early 90s.... 

" fair dinkum they worshipped at the true rightful shrine of musac maybe 10 years out date - in that we had begun to move on  into  [see below]....  but still it did 'change' things 


" i mean you just knew... when there you are in the middle of slightly  'ethnically tense' lands ...  a tad Rambo... nevertheless  they are worshipping at the shrine in Zagreb or Pula..of  the one greatest mong of them all...  and real gentleman being the only one i ever met and liked straight away at his ordinary bloke down the pub ness ...down the pub.... a few weeks before he died of the booze and other things.... 

"that their music was 'changing' things.....before the so called end of 'communism'.... even if they may find it hard to get a visa, due travel blocks or other silly preenlightement behaviours...  in fact thats all communism really was.. travel blockage...  so what is the fact that next month we need to be fingerprinted to go the supermarkets of even Calais....  and earn 30 grand just to bring your girlfreind in... 

" but back to reality...

" ehhh... hot and cold....   one cannot possibly have functional  and viable rural community, or environmentalism, the REAL version which means larger organic veg patches than one little Tom Paul's honeytrap sexybabe honeytrap...of a bit of land he 'communitised'... ohh hahh hahhh.. thats so funny [ 'Gwerk..ive roamed it all for 20 years in my publicservant good pension....  thats THE most middle class place in the whole county'!] ..  which is based above all on consistency when behind the smiles its a bubbling  bipolar geyser of boiling and frigid.... i never knew it was THIS conformist to a type...  none able to change as none could ever listen...which is all Southern arrogance .. will be... 

" anyway... towny neurosis, cannot stand the bugs... i watch them going  nuts at just a few ants....  total inability to say what you mean.... and like a work of REAL art... one could photograph their endless expensive new one in real rural lands wears all this always showoff clothing...every manchild despite being 100 has to have some slogan on his new t-shirt... ountry peeps dont do any of that... they have better things to do than check their look in the mirror for compliance to some inner city trendy fake boho image and cowboy hat..and mirrored lenses... 

" and almost no one an FIX anything.... which is what their hero Indiana Jones i am quite sure had to to hero worship himself out of some snake pit or other.... 

"anyway blessem.. them former sovs.... i do hope they skipped forward a decade...  there is no doubt, and i would never have rubbed it in wanderin Zagreb... " a decade ago i was at the front....  headbangin to Rosalie live at THE Hammy... Scot Gorham despite bein' a yank...  totally accepted at crossing over into the best of all music and solidarity.... 

" but we moved ona  tad... and i still think of how that one night, maybe this very night at The PAradiso......Annik..sat and seducterated Ian's soul....  'that way, North.. chip fat and... rough Northern Rumpy Pumpy.... whereas....  South...  '

" interesting how in fact the 'zeitgeist'... all these snake oil types.... their first line of attack about 18 years ago they would auto- diagnose every ex they had ever had as 'bipolar'... you dont here that one any more...  asthen it became ' Has-burgers..'  ...

" nowadays 'narcissism'... just because you developed a thick 'bulletproof' skin... cos o' them....  at least YOU get it... ' false allegations, all those other sad things our kids have... i been all summer nattering to Euromums....  whom all speak great English, but when you quiz them on these other  newwords like self harm, eating disorder,  never mind new fangled nonbinary... in the main they arent even aware of what these words mean so i have to explain.. and explain they are REAL..not made up...'...

" but then... just a few days ago... there... i met Annik the non seductress ...well... ok maybe just a bit....when i was stompin' just for her.... but it was her Rosalie....  if there is one image of all my majority times meandering Eurolands.... it was that moment...of purest saudade.. when Rosalie... aged 7 .. smiled as she looked over her shoulder... her knee still bleeding... but she knew already that there were more important things to do than moan about her body.....