
Wednesday, 28 August 2024

quiet, and depth

unlikely finfable in this shallow Aisle


The real life behind an image, in here.... to get here.... would, will, pnly need one perfect para of 'active',  poetry ( i woz totally rong for decades about needing quiet and stillness for new poetical notionating....its the opposite - you need to be on the edge... not seaside no useful art ever came from water...

nope, the edge of your usual  difficulty

even dangerous  " you cant say THAT"  energy..... they dont put that on their instagram of emtiness -  the only energy i have encountered in all the SW... except, interestingly, with the ...cancelled ( otherwiseclnown as sacked into early retirement), for her so neutral words ( such that  she had a real mindbody THEMIX breakdown) woman bishop...

And i was always the one who had bridged into most of the kitchens in my matter who the inhabitants pretend to be, or  arseygobbed, they were' against'.

when i am gone ot at least have one ally.

Now, unless...only backwards here, to the many bits missed out.

some copyright
one with her [ sparkly] tune as i get even more ultra simple

And fowards quick march mimdswaying in the other new one ... 

which will also jave the best " tell me your simple stories" stuff...