
Sunday, 25 August 2024

Opinions expressed, are....

 in FACT  oops acc cap...

Even if fact.... just occasionally on a fifteen year hears wisdom... woven in a bit...

The first time, indeed out of the gob of  Griselda THE boss of live performances of classical musac at OUP 2012... [too early]... the one whom proved to me, dont judge abook by her coverstory on get-a-new helpmeet  dotcom... where she painted herself as bimbo (" you Griselda know that its ok to use that word as anyway it was first used about men at Elizabeth One's court of prancin' dandies, probably by her at least she was a REAL woman who  had some original thoughts, and lived by them, ALL the way...")

" sorry...i drew the line at JK... REAL life... is so so much more magical than this fantasy poison they pimp into our kids heads mine the same age as your'n ghost of aone... "   

Not surprising she has NO original things to say about the nonevents of the day...

All i know though is having met the simply perfect leading role  - the one i would wish a once traveller, lost lass.... to see on cellulose..  as what it REALLY means... (them, ALL being fake cowboy adventurer one dimensional ...cartoon characters in straw or cowboy hats depending on closeness to Camilla's daddy's arms-trade shares dosh... here..) .. in this is ALL bullshit be free... of all of them, especially here.... 

Its time to go ALL the way....

(nope...dont go and say hi to that one... ribbed anoracks really do cover all that one needs to judge against, as being a waste of time... thisterMAy...1experience sadly said...)